Sengupta, Arnab (IND)  [FICGS member # 3557]
Informations , History , Norms , Tournaments , Games (only for connected players)
Arnab Sengupta
hi! i'm 24 years old from Calcutta in India, i am an attorney and now doing my master degree in Corporate Law . i use opening book ref, so other players are free to use any software or opening book..i like to make new friends, and so i would really appreciate messages from players...
Arnab Sengupta has currently 0 running correspondence chess game(s), won 68, lost 88 and drawn 14 other games against an average elo of 1540, played advanced chess at fast time controls, now 0 running, 9 won, 1 lost, 3 drawn, does not play big chess, does not play Go (wei-ch'i, baduk), and played poker texas holdem, now 0 running, 0 won, 12 lost, finally Arnab finished a total of 195 games and is not playing any game right now.
Correspondence chess statistics :
vs. Jyoti Sadhukhan (1014) : 100% (7 games, 7 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Alexis Bromo (1013) : 50% (6 games, 3 wins, 3 losses)
vs. Marc-Antoine Leurette (1700) : 40% (5 games, 2 wins, 3 losses)
vs. Anderson Barradas (1137) : 50% (4 games, 2 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Zdravko Stoyanov (0896) : 50% (4 games, 2 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Victor Hugo Martinez Camacho (1321) : 50% (4 games, 2 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Japie Janse (1314) : 87% (4 games, 3 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Janusz Kepinski (1831) : 16% (3 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Carlos Oliveira (1447) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses)
vs. Vincenzo Trigiani (0662) : 0% (3 games, 0 wins, 3 losses)
Advanced chess statistics :
vs. Jyoti Sadhukhan (1566) : 75% (10 games, 6 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Paul Brand Lyard (1849) : 100% (2 games, 2 wins, 0 losses)
Poker holdem :
vs. Don Groves (2079) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Francisco Gramajo (1873) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Benjamin Collette (1692) : 0% (2 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
Search posts and games by Sengupta in FICGS games server (only for connected players)
Last messages by Arnab Sengupta in the forum :
Chess Server Team Tournament (2013-01-10 04:37:11)
I am Interested (...)
Great player (2009-03-15 14:54:44)
Hello Guys
Do you think that Anand is as great a player like Tal, Fisher, Kasparov...and i would really like to see Anand taking on deep bule or some (...)
Walking Tall (2009-03-06 18:00:44)
Hey guys remember me??? well i was busy lately but am back now....sorry that my rating has gone sooooo down.....which makes me laugh by the way....bu (...)
team chess (2008-06-03 19:44:12)
Hey Thibault why dont we try a team chess tournament? (...)
good (2008-06-03 19:43:09)
cool....i like the idea.....we can try it.....E-points can be awarded... (...)
Help (2008-05-27 17:08:39)
Well two moves comes in mind for BLACK
29....Re6 or 29....Rc7
I think both moves holds fort for Black.
What say? (...)
help (2008-05-27 16:53:56)
ok! so we came up with this variation- 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 c6 5.Bg5 h6 6.Bh4 dxc4 7.e4 g5 8.Bg3 b5 9.Be2 Bb7 10.O-O Nbd7 11.Ne5 Bg7 12.Nx (...)
ruling (2008-05-22 18:23:25)
Thanks Thibault! (...)
ruling? (2008-05-22 17:50:45)
Chill guys!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not playing this game in FICGS or any server.....i'm playing it with my brother and we wanted to find some good defense fo (...)
dxc5 (2008-05-21 22:39:50)
but what after 16.dxc5 Rxc5 17.b4 Rc8 18.Bb3 Bc3
actually i'm playing this game, and i'm white here, well i put up a fight here, but is it a draw (...)