
FICGS - Search results for greco

There are 2 results for greco in the forum.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-15 18:32:37)
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

so it seems! in the 1920s or so in MCO-4 Reuben Fine dismissed the greco countergambit in 4 lines as a blunder! (this was AFTER the latvian work due to which it became later known as the latvian gambit)! So the battle rages on, even with fraser? But it does seem that the fraser exchange-sac line is dead - leaving the R-sac line.

Normajean Yates    (2008-08-21 05:25:54)
it is! llmars is on the vive-greco team

So the greco countergambit [latvian gambit] is alive, and as long as llmars is there it will stay alive:) I am not so courageous - I play it only in no-engines chess :) [although engines cannot help much in the opening - this being a *real* gambit - can they?] No, actually I *am* courageous! In the ongoing chess tournament I am playing here I did play the greco [latvian] against Taoufik - it is a pity that Taufik decided to forfeit all his games on time [incl. mine on move 5 :(] ...

There are 5 results for greco in wikichess.

Thibault de Vassal    (2407)
e4 e5 Nf3

King's knight opening is prefered at 90% cases.

The knight simply attacks black's e5 pawn, that is not protected yet and controls d4 and e5 squares.

By far the most played continuation is the King's Pawn Game 2...Nc6, and it is sub-divided into many familiar opening names like Ruy Lopez. Petrov's Defense, 2...Nf6, and the Philidor Defense, 2...d6, are also familiar opening names.

Some less familiar continuations of the King's Knight Opening include:

- Gunderam Defense 2...Qe7
- Greco Defense 2...Qf6
- Damiano Defense 2...f6 ?
- Elephant Gambit 2...d5
- Latvian Gambit 2...f5

According to Chessbase, white chances are about 58%


Contributors : Thibault de Vassal

Thibault de Vassal    (2407)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4

The Italian Game is a chess opening, or more accurately a family of chess openings, characterized by this move.

The openings arising from the Italian Game are among the oldest recorded openings and the sequence of moves is known as the Épine Dorsale. The Giuoco Piano (Italian: "quiet game") was played by the Portuguese Damiano at the beginning of the 15th century, and the Italian Greco at the beginning of the 16th century. The Italian Game received its name because of Greco's work, while Damiano has the misfortune to have his name attached to the Damiano Defense, 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6?, a line he rightly condemned. The Two Knights Defense was analyzed by Giulio Cesare Polerio (c.1550–c.1610) in 1580.

According to Chessbase, white chances are about 52%


Contributors : Thibault de Vassal

Thibault de Vassal    (2407)
e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5

The Giuoco Piano (Italian: "quiet game"), is the oldest recorded opening. The Portuguese Damiano played it at the beginning of the 15th century and the Italian Greco played it at the beginning of the 16th century. Because of Greco's work on the opening, it is sometimes called the Italian Game, although that term is also used more generally to describe the position after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4. The Giuoco Piano was popular through the 19th century, but modern refinements in defensive play have led most chess masters towards openings like the Ruy Lopez that offer White greater chances for long term initiative.

White's "Italian bishop" at c4 prevents Black from advancing in the center with ...d5 and attacks the vulnerable f7 square. White plans to dominate the center with d2-d4 and to attack the Black king. Black aims to free his game by exchanging pieces and playing the pawn break ...d5, or to hold his center pawn at e5.

According to Chessbase, white chances are about 46%


Contributors : Thibault de Vassal

Thibault de Vassal    (2407)
e4 e5 Nf3 f5

The Latvian Gambit is an aggressive but dubious chess opening, which often leads to wild complications. This opening is almost never seen at the top levels, but some correspondence chess players are devoted to it.

It was formerly known as the Greco Counter Gambit. The name is a tribute to the Latvian players, notably Karlis Betins, who analyzed it in the early part of the 20th century.

It looks like a King's Gambit with the colours reversed.


Contributors : Benjamin Aldag, Thibault de Vassal

Terry Godat    (2036)
e4 e5 f4 Nf6

Wade defence

While looking tactically sharp, this move offers black few chances, and blocks off the queen's path to h4. If white transposes this with Nc3 into the vienna gambit, or Bc4 into the greco gambit, black should be ok. But if white plays fxe5 then Nf3, black's knight looks very out of position.

Chessbase considers this a 42% win for black.


Contributors : Kieran Child, Terry Godat

I have played this move often in blitz games and rarely had much trouble equalizing. Fischer got little if any advantage against Wade.

FICGS : greco ,   Wikipedia : greco ,   Dmoz : greco ,   Google : greco ,   Yahoo : greco

Of all my Russian books, the defense contains and diffuses the greatest 'warmth' which may seem odd seeing how supremely abstract Chess is supposed to be. (Vladimir Nabokov)

I give 98 percent of my mental energy to Chess. Others give only 2 percent. (Bobby Fischer)

Bobby is the most misunderstood, misquoted celebrity walking the face of this earth. (Yasser Seirawan)

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