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Contacts in the network :

None, invite friends.

Birthdate : 1986 09 13

Myspace (no) , Facebook (no)

* Mission :

to learn more about electronics

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* Interests :


* Favourite quote :

life is what you make

* Books, movies, music :

country music,choral music

* Description :

born on the 10th of september to mr albert essel and madam mary ackon in accra ghana. am five feet nine inches and fair in in bubiashie,27 kotopon street in accra ghana.

* Curriculum vitae :

educational background
kwame nkrumah university of science and technology            BSC physics

ebenezer secondary school    sssce certificate           

working experience[/B]
taught mathematics and physics for presidential special initistive(PSI)programme at Ghana national association of teachers hall(GNAT)in cape coast(2009-2010).

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