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This member has 1 fan.

Contacts in the network :

  florence morgan

Birthdate : 1983 11 03

Myspace (no) , Facebook (yes)

* Occupation :


* Interests :

Zum & Music & My Work

* Books, movies, music :

A.R Rahaman & Elaya Raja

* Description :

I am Karthi General Manager for Sri Garments in India,

* Curriculum vitae :

You Like Any Beautifuls but dont' plug that Beautiful.

No entries yet.


Latest thoughts & news :

 karthi karthik   (2010-10-22)
… is now fan of matica konte

florence morgan   (2010-12-14)
i will like to have a word with you

connactme from my e-mail

florence morgan   (2010-12-14)
here is my email addres

florencemorgan29(at) please am waiting to hear from you is very important.

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