This member has 1 fan.
Contacts in the network :
Birthdate : 1988 04 01
Myspace (no) , Facebook (yes)
* Mission :
my words travel the globe
* Occupation :
* Interests :
i\\\\\\\'m curious about everything
* Favourite quote :
it does my head in
* Books, movies, music :
horror and thriller. music involves evey kind
* Description :
friends describe me as out going, fun, wicked and cool.My family would say stubborn, caring and funny.
I'm jsut like everyone else except i talk ALOT with my eyes.(makes dad laugh) learning to the play the guitar, whilst planning another trip to paris to bungee jump.Bring it! I love to write and read, shop and be the best person i can be.PEACE
* Curriculum vitae :
passed college with a distinsion merit.!
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