Trade of blue fin tuna

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*47dcbc    (2010-03-18)

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Trade of blue fin tuna

Hello, during a conference which proceeded this week in Doha, certain countries wanted to prohibit the trade of blue fin tuna very consumed in Japan and which will end up disappearing if nothing is done. Apparently this prohibition suggested by Monaco was rejected by Japan helped per much country in the process of development, I would like to know which are these countries which do not include/understand that the extinctions of the species on their premises will involve of the economic problems even more serious than those which already exist.

You know how much it remains blue fin tunas in the seas?  I do not include/understand why these countries insist to destroy their resources, they will make what when blue fin tunas will have completely disappeared?

Thank you to support the countries which try to make prohibit the fishing of blue fin tuna, at least partially.

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