To locate a narcissistic perverse woman

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*ulzz    (2009-06-09)

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To locate a narcissistic perverse woman

The narcissistic perverse women are much more numerous than some think it and will be logically undoubtedly increasingly numerous with the changes which intervene in the company in Europe and some other countries of the world where the capacity in the couple passed in the hands of the women and where it are in spite of very difficult for them to build their personality.

Thus certain women try to destroy the personality of the men with whom they live and sometimes the others too. How to detect them, how to react?  Only one solution in the majority of the cases, to flee before the friends and the family are handled in their turn and are turned over against you!

Which is your opinion on this question still little tackled?

>>> There may be more answers to this post, see the original discussion.

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أن يحدّد [نرسسّيستيك] [برفرس] إمرأ    (ar)
Eine narzistische entartete Frau entdecken    (de)
To locate a narcissistic perverse woman    (en)
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Een narcistische perverse vrouw vinden    (nl)
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找出一名自恋的不合情理的妇女    (zh)

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