The North Korea would test missiles

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*freedom    (2009-04-04)

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The North Korea would test missiles

The dictatorial régime of Pyongyang in North Korea still makes speak about him with launching D 'a satellite that the other countries see like tests of long-range missiles.

How can one still let insane like Kim Jong it direct a country like the North Korea and to starve or rather decimate its population during years like it L 'made?  It is necessary to believe qu 'they N 'have right step have the chance D 'to have oil to be made fly in this area. C 'is just scandalous, which should be made to push the countries known as civilized to reverse this kind of dictatorship?

What do you think of L 'opposition to progress of the whole world vis-a-vis this situation?  One could also speak about China and Tibet, but the situation is perhaps a little fuzzier, or of the duet Iran and Iraq. The United States N 'would not have to undoubtedly remain in Iraq but their intervention, even badly justified, was perhaps a good thing.

Which kind of foreign politics would you carry out if you were in the place D 'Obama at the white house or of Nicolas Sarkozy in France?

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>>> There may be more answers to this post, see the original discussion.

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 US officials: North Korea may launch new missiles - Yahoo! News > s/ap/20090529/ap on re as/as koreas nuclear

 Barack Obama threatens action against North Korea over missile test - Times Online
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Nordkorea würde Raketen testen    (de)
Η Βόρεια Κορέα θα εξέταζε βλήματ    (el)
The North Korea would test missiles    (en)
Corea del Norte probaría misiles    (es)
La Corea del Nord proverebbe missili    (it)
북한은 미사일을 시험할 것입니다    (ko)
A Coreia do Norte testaria mísseis    (pt)
Северная Корея испытала бы реакт    (ru)
Den skulle Nordkorea testar missiler    (sv)

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