Internet va ucide relatiile umane?
This post is a rough translation from another language, see the original. Internet va ucide relatiile umane? Buna ziua. Crezi ca Internetul va ucide in relatiile umane? cheltuim mai multi si mai mult timp in urma Computerul nostru ecran, ne este impartita intre facebook, fara, myspace si alte blogs, in cele din urma vom cheltui mai putin si mai putin timp cu adevaratele noastre prieteni. Ce fel de consecintele acestui fenomen mai au in citiva ani conform la tine? Sintem capabili sa spuna stop sau Internet este o adevarata droguri ca noi nu putem controla nimeni? Felicitari! See also ficgs More websites You must register to see these links, as this is a collaborative page, then you may change the order of the links by clicking the icons before the titles. admin Other websites The following links might be less relevant, please change their ranks if you find them useful. ![]() ![]() dindragoste.unica > 0/relatii/cei 7 inamici de moarte ai iubirii%2B إنترنت سيقتل علاقات إنسانيّة? (ar) Интернет ще убие човешките взаим (bg) Bude internet zabíjení lidských vztahů? (cs) Vil Internet Dræbe menneskelige forhold? (da) Tötet Internet menschliche Verhältnisse? (de) Διαδίκτυο θα σκοτώσει τις ανθρώπ (el) ¿El Internet matará a relaciones humanas? (es) آيا اينترنت كشتن روابط انسانی اس (fa) Ihmisten on Internet- yhteydet tappaa? (fi) L'Internet tuera-t-il des rapports humains ? (fr) Za intanetin kashe mutum nufin? (ha) האם האינטרנט להרוג אדם קשרים? (he) इससे इंटरनेट मारने मान (hi) Internetes fogja ölni emberi kapcsolatok? (hu) Il Internet ucciderà i rapporti umani? (it) インターネットは人間関係を殺すか。 (ja) 인터넷은 인간 관계를 죽일 것인가? (ko) Zal Internet menselijke verhoudingen doden? (nl) Vil internett drepe mänskliga relationer? (no) Internet będzie zabić człowieka stosunków? (pl) O Internet matará relacionamentos humanos? (pt) Internet va ucide relatiile umane? (ro) Интернет убьет людские отношени (ru) će internet ubili ljudskih odnosa? (sr) Ska förhållanden för internetbytemänniska? (sv) จะฆ่ามนุษย์อินเตอร์เ (th) Internet Olacak ortadan insan ilişkileri? (tr) انٹرنیٹ پر انسانی تعلقات ہوں گے? (ur) 互联网是否将杀害人间亲情? (zh) There's no trackback at the moment.
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