Innovation in the Google requests

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*fc06c4    (2009-03-18)

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Innovation in the Google requests

At the time D 'a request on Google I come m 'to see that the search engine could now identify (on certain sites in any case) the number of posts in a given discussion, the number D 'authors different in this same discussion and the date from the last added message!!

I this prowess technical really impressive but perhaps a little hazardous, would this be there finds a demonstration of their algorithm of Freshrank and L 'announces D 'a new method (one moreover) or D 'a new criterion to classify the pages in the results of research?

There is no doubt that that quickly will give ideas to some [: ^]

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>>> There may be more answers to this post, see the original discussion.

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Innovation in the Google requests    (en)
Novedad en las peticiones Google    (es)
Innovazione nelle richieste Google    (it)
Googleの要求の革新    (ja)
Google 요구에 있는 혁신    (ko)
Nieuwigheid in de verzoeken Google    (nl)
Novidade nos pedidos Google    (pt)
Рационализаторство в запросах Goo    (ru)
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