How to change my name on Facebook

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*minnie    (2019-03-19)

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How to change my name on Facebook

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to change my name on Facebook. I have been married for a few weeks and I do not manage to replace my name by that of my husband. Its name long and is complicated, and Facebook refuses it. However my husband was accepted with the same name. Did the conditions change recently?  One can read some share the regulation on the surnames?

Finally, the only means is that I contact Facebook in your opinion?  I do not believe to have answer, they probably receive thousands of requests. You know how they filter the names?  Certain words are banished or are needed sufficiently short names?  Thank you for your answers.


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كيف أن يغيّر اسمي على [فسبووك]    (ar)
Как да се промени името ми за Facebook    (bg)
Jak změnit jméno na Facebooku    (cs)
Hvordan man ændrer mit navn Facebook    (da)
Wie meinen Namen auf Facebook zu ändern    (de)
Πώς να αλλάξτε το όνομά μου σε Facebook    (el)
How to change my name on Facebook    (en)
Cómo cambiar mi nombre sobre Facebook    (es)
من به تغيير نام facebook    (fa)
Miten voimme muuttaa nimeäni facebook    (fi)
Ga yadda za a sake sunana a facebook    (ha)
איך לשנות את השם שלי על פינת המנויים    (he)
मेरा नाम परिवर्तन करने के लिए किस प्रकार facebook पर    (hi)
Hogyan változik én név facebook    (hu)
Come cambiare il mio nome su Facebook    (it)
Facebookの私の名前を変える方法    (ja)
Facebook에 나의 이름을 바꾸는 방법    (ko)
Hoe mijn naam op Facebook veranderen    (nl)
Hvordan å endre mitt navn på Bad    (no)
Jak się zmienić imię moje na Facebook    (pl)
Como alterar o meu nome sobre Facebook    (pt)
Cum sa-si schimbe numele meu pe facebook    (ro)
Как изменить мое имя на Facebook    (ru)
Kako da se promene moje ime na Facebooku!    (sr)
Hur man ändrar mitt känt på Facebook    (sv)
ว่าจะเปลี่ยนชื่อของข้าพเจ้า facebook    (th)
Nasıl değişmesi ismi Yazılmış Facebook    (tr)
کس طرح تبدیل facebook میرے نام پر    (ur)
如何更改我的名字在Facebook    (zh)

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