How to know if someone says lies?

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*bb3d83    (2010-02-12)
How to know if someone says lies?

Hello, I just started to watch the series "Lie to me" with Tim Roth, I would like to know if the ways to detect a lie that are explained by his character are true or if it is completely fictional. It seems quite rough sometimes but in some cases the signs look real.

Also I would like to know if there is a kind of guide to detect if someone lies or not only by looking his face and reactions. Is there something like that explained with pictures on the internet?

By following the same idea, is it possible to know if someone bluffs at poker?  I am quite sure that the very best poker players know in many cases when their opponents have good cards or not.

Thanks for your answers.

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solarium    (2010-11-12 10:28:30)
13 years ago

Хуже всего, когда люди врут.
особенно близкие

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