
FICGS.com - social network
v 3.0
Copyright © Thibault de Vassal, 2006-2025
Feel free to send an email to
to advertise on this site or for any other suggestion or request...
Your ad (picture or text link) displayed 6 months on every page (right column)
or replacing Google ads at the rate of 1 display out of 20 for $50 or 35 Euros
on FICGS forums (buzz blog, meet people, seo forums and web directory - you may ask for your
ad on the games server for the same price), whatever the number of clicks, please
for more info.
Accepted sizes : 468 x 60, 160 x 160, all sizes < 30,000 pixels.
Statistics for the forums since 2006 december 17 :
Members | 19300 | Forums posts | 21263 | | Statistics for FICGS games server :
| |
Players | 14532 | Forum posts | 13774 | | Games | 148078 | |
Photo blog selected : lol
A new picture tomorrow morning, around 10 a.m.

Write upside down to your contacts! In your blog, anywhere... (works with Facebook, Twitter, MSN, Yahoo, MySpace, Hi5, Bebo, Youtube...)