
vancl.com - vancl 凡客诚品
Here you can find informations & traffic statistics on vancl.com and a review of its homepage, below you may also discuss this website !
VANCL 凡客诚品: 互联网快时尚品牌
Review : This website has a daily ads revenue estimated to $3245, its web technology is ASP.NET, it has the following keywords in its meta-tags: "vancl(4x), 凡客诚品(5x), 快时尚(1x), 男装(12x), 女装(11x), 童装(40x), 鞋(87x), 家居(23x), 配饰(9x), 衬衫(49x), 牛津纺(2x), 牛津纺衬衫(1x), 衬衣, 长袖衬衫(1x), 短袖衬衫(1x), 全棉(51x), 纯棉(1x), 百分百棉, 100%棉, 全棉衬衫, 纯棉衬衫, 全棉衬衣, 纯棉衬衣, 免烫, 免熨, 免烫衬衫, 免熨衬衫, 免烫衬衣, 免熨衬衣, 牛津纺衬衣, 领尖扣, 直领, 小方领, polo(14x), 短袖polo(2x), 长袖polo, 条纹polo, 素色polo, t恤(25x), 圆领t恤, vt(10x), 圆领t, 印花t(3x), 文化衫, 卫衣(14x), 打底衫(8x), 高领衫, 低领, 鞋(87x), 凉鞋(2x), 皮鞋(6x), 板鞋, 商务皮鞋, 正装皮鞋(1x), 滑板鞋, 潮鞋, 休闲皮鞋(2x), 帆布鞋(18x), 运动鞋, 运动休闲鞋(2x), 家居鞋(9x), 雪地靴(6x), 靴子(2x), 平底鞋, 沙滩鞋, 夹脚鞋, 圆头, 尖头(1x), 女鞋(10x), 休闲鞋(19x), 男鞋(2x), 童鞋(2x), 花园鞋, 丝袜(2x), 长筒袜, 连裤袜(2x), 网袜, 天鹅绒(3x), 瘦腿袜, 中筒袜, 筒袜, 棉袜(5x), 靴袜, 打底裤(2x), 羽绒服, 项链(3x), 手镯, 围巾(15x), 棉线衫, 开衫(12x), 针织衫(13x), 外套(5x), 西服(5x), 休闲西服, 夹克(8x), 毛衣, 背心(11x), 毛背心, 裤子(3x), 长裤(10x), 休闲裤(18x), 牛仔裤(7x), 牛仔(24x), 卡其裤, 直筒休闲裤(3x), 直筒卡其裤, 免烫休闲裤, 免烫卡其裤, 斜纹休闲裤, 斜纹卡其裤, 短裤(1x), 沙滩裤, 内衣(5x), 内裤, 秋衣, 秋裤, 三角裤, 平角裤, 领带(3x), 袜子(2x), 家居(23x), 浴巾(4x), 面巾, 毛巾, 收纳(9x), 户外(3x), 床品(8x), 伞, 餐垫, 拖鞋(1x), 盖毯, 断码(8x), 打折, " for a total of 134 keywords (probably too many keywords), it has 0 incoming links according to Technorati, its number of indexed pages in Google is 43,500, it has 808,000 incoming links according to Yahoo, it has a pageview of about 925147 per day, it has an Alexa traffic rank of 1189 (this is a very successful site!), it has a number of related of 0 according to Bing, its worth is roughly estimated to $2 Million, its server platform is Microsoft-IIS/6.0, it has 0 incoming links according to Google, it has 0 subdomains, it has a Google PageRank of 6, finally its content-type is set to TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=UTF-8.
The title of the homepage contains 3 words for a total length of 44 characters. This title is well optimized to appear in Google search results.
Here are a few alternate spellings of the domain name vancl.com that you may stumble on :
vancl.co , ancl.com , avncl.com , vncl.com , vacl.com , vnacl.com , vvancl.com , vancl.comm , vanc.com
Here is the Alexa traffic (daily reach) statistics for vancl.com on the last year :
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You can also consult this page on vancl.com in french.
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