- série télé
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Série Télé - Guide des Séries TV et sitcoms de la planète.[]
Review : This website's content-type is set to TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1, its main language is set to 'fr' (french), it has a pageview of about 9097 per day, it has an Alexa traffic rank of 120918, it has the following description: "Série Télé : Plus de 6000 Séries TV et Sitcoms, 100 000 Résumés d'épisodes, Programmes TV, News, 50 000 Photos, 1500 Vidéos, Fiches séries & stars" (for a total of 26 words and 1 sentences), its worth is roughly estimated to $24807, it has the following keywords in its meta-tags: "séries, séries tv, sitcom, télévision, 24 heures chrono, prison break, desperate housewives, grey's anatomy, lost, les disparus, les frères scott, les experts, nip/tuck, plus belle la vie, alias, sex & the city, 4400, 7 à la maison, fbi : portés disparus, friends, summerland" for a total of 21 keywords (probably too many keywords), its robots meta-tag is set to INDEX, FOLLOW, ALL, finally it has a daily ads revenue estimated to $34.
The title of the homepage contains 12 words for a total length of 78 characters. Too many words in title is not so good for search engines optimisation (SEO).
Here are a few alternate spellings of the domain name that you may stumble on : , , , , , , , serietele.comm ,
Here is the Alexa traffic (daily reach) statistics for on the last year :
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