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Planete Achat : Guide d'Achat en ligne, shopping et vente en ligne

Review : This website's author is planete achat, it has an Alexa traffic rank of 130107, it has 151,000 incoming links according to Yahoo, its hosting ISP is AMEN, it has a pageview of about 8454 per day, its robots meta-tag is set to INDEX,FOLLOW, it has 0 subdomains, it has 619 incoming links according to Google (meaning is a serious website), it has a number of related of 769 according to Bing, it has a daily ads revenue estimated to $32, its content-type is set to TEXT/HTML;CHARSET=ISO-8859-1, it has the following description: "Planete Achat : Annuaire guide d'achat en ligne, shopping et comparateur de prix des meilleures boutiques vpc sur internet et vente en ligne !! : Auto Moto, vetements, Informatique, jeux Video, DVD, Voyages, Alimentation, Sport, Adulte X, Maison Jardin, encheres, Occasion, Entreprise, Promotions, comparateur de prix..." (for a total of 46 words and 1 sentences), its server is located in AMEN, PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D'AZUR, FRANCE, latitude: 44.0499992371 , longitude: 6.86670017242, its worth is roughly estimated to $25342, its number of indexed pages in Google is 595, its IP address (server) is, it has 0 incoming links according to Technorati, it has the following keywords in its meta-tags: "accessoire, accessoire mode, accessoires, accessoires auto, accessoires autos, accessoires mode, accessoires moto, accessoires motos, achat, achat en ligne, achat ligne, achats, actualite, adulte, adultes, annonce moto, annonces moto, comparateur de prix, annuaire marchand, assurances, audio, auto, autos, banques, bd, beaute, bijou, bijoux, billet, billets, bourse finance, boutique, boutiques, cartes, cd, cd discount, chaussure, chaussures, colocation, commerce, commerce electronique, commerces, credits, decoration, discount, dvd, dvd discount, e-business, enchere, encheres, entreprise, erotique, fleur, fleurs, football, fournitures de bureau, france, gadget, gadgets, guide, guide achat, guide d'achat, guide shopping, immobilier, informatique, instruments, jeu video, jeux, jeux video, jouet, jouets, ligne, lingerie, livre, livres, location, mac, mode, modelisme, montre, montres, moto, moto occasion, motos, motos occasions, neuf, neufs, occasion, occasions, parfum, parfums, pc, petite annonce, petites annonces, produit, produit de beaute, produits, produits de beaute, promotion, promotions, reproductions, sante, sejours, sex, sex shop, sexe shop, shop, shopping, sport, telephonie, vente, vente en ligne, ventes, vetement, vetements, video, voyage, voyages, vpc, vtt, web, senior, pas cher, promo, trial-zone, pl@net velo" for a total of 126 keywords (probably too many keywords), finally it has a Google PageRank of 5.

The title of the homepage contains 12 words for a total length of 66 characters. Too many words in title is not so good for search engines optimisation (SEO).

Here are a few alternate spellings of the domain name that you may stumble on : , , , , , , , planeteachat.comm ,

Here is the Alexa traffic (daily reach) statistics for on the last year : traffic rank

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