
azet.sk - portál
Here you can find informations & traffic statistics on azet.sk and a review of its homepage, below you may also discuss this website !
Azet.sk - portál, kde je vždy najviac ľudí
Review : This website has a pageview of about 854700 per day, it has a Google PageRank of 6, it has an Alexa traffic rank of 1287 (this is a very successful site!), its worth is roughly estimated to $2 Million, its number of indexed pages in Google is 6,240,000, it has 252 incoming links according to Google (meaning azet.sk is a serious website), it is copyrighted by Azet.sk, a.s., its content-type is set to TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=UTF-8, its hosting ISP is GTS Slovakia, a.s., its author is Azet.sk, a.s., it has a daily ads revenue estimated to $3208, its main language is set to 'sk', its server is located in ZILINA, ZILINA, SLOVAKIA, latitude: 49.2167015076 , longitude: 18.7332000732, it has the following keywords in its meta-tags: "azet(184x), pokec(2x), chat(3x), ludia, katalog(132x), fotoalbumy(1x), zoznamka(1x), slovnik(6x), tahaky(1x), aktuality(37x), email(1x), " for a total of 12 keywords (probably too many keywords), its IP address (server) is, it has a number of related of 48,600 according to Bing, it has 49,800 incoming links according to Yahoo, it has 0 subdomains, finally it has 0 incoming links according to Technorati.
The title of the homepage contains 8 words for a total length of 46 characters. This title is well optimized to appear in Google search results.
Here are a few alternate spellings of the domain name azet.sk that you may stumble on :
azet.s , zet.sk , zaet.sk , aet.sk , azt.sk , aezt.sk , aazet.sk , azet.skk , aze.sk
Here is the Alexa traffic (daily reach) statistics for azet.sk on the last year :
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