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Boutique de sport, Magasin en ligne Football, Maillot Basket NBA, Chaussures handball, Promo

Review : This website's robots meta-tag is set to INDEX,FOLLOW, it is copyrighted by aspora, its author is MILLESENS, it has 0 incoming links according to Google, it has 0 incoming links according to Yahoo, it belongs to the category: "Boutique de sport, Magasin Football, Maillot NBA, Chaussures handball, Articles rugby - Aspora", its main language is set to 'fr' (french), it has the following description: "Magasin de sport spécialiste des équipements pour le football, volley, basket, rugby ou handball. Equipementier sportif des marques Nike, Panzeri, Uhlsport, Spalding, Kempa, Umbro, Erima ou Hummel." (for a total of 27 words and 2 sentences), it has 0 subdomains, its number of indexed pages in Google is 0, it has 0 incoming links according to Technorati, its content-type is set to TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1, it has a number of related of 0 according to Bing, finally it has the following keywords in its meta-tags: "panzeri, hummel, kempa, boutique nike, cadeau sport, magasin panzeri, commander cadeau sport, erima, magasin sport, maillot de football, maillot rugby, achat maillots foot, vetements de football, boutique sport, coupe du monde de rugby, maillot coupe du monde, boutique officielle rugby, boutique officielle football, magasin vetements de sport, boutique vetements de sport, articles de sport, produits football, produits rugby, boutique handball, produits handball, site handball, site volleyball, boutique nba, maillots officiel nba aspora, acheter chaussures de sport, boutique officielle, boutique sport, maillot football, maillot officiel, chaussures foot, equipement football, boutique football, equipement sportif, articles sport, maillots football, nike france, boutique foot, chaussures de sport, articles de sport, maillots officiels, magasin sport, made in sport, maillot rugby, magasins de sport, chaussure foot, vetement sport, uhlsport, spalding, boutique nba" for a total of 54 keywords (probably too many keywords).

The title of the homepage contains 13 words for a total length of 94 characters. Too many words in title is not so good for search engines optimisation (SEO).

Here are a few alternate spellings of the domain name that you may stumble on : , , , , , , , aspora.nett ,

Here is the Alexa traffic (daily reach) statistics for on the last year : traffic rank

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