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Here you can find informations & traffic statistics on and a review of its homepage, below you may also discuss this website ! - l’Assurance Maladie en ligne

Review : This website's server is located in VILLEURBANNE, RHONE-ALPES, FRANCE, latitude: 45.7667007446 , longitude: 4.88329982758, it has a daily ads revenue estimated to $428, its worth is roughly estimated to $302470, it has 0 subdomains, it has 64,600 incoming links according to Yahoo, its hosting ISP is Accelance MSP SAS, it has a pageview of about 121092 per day, its content-type is set to TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1, it has a Google PageRank of 7, it has the following keywords in its meta-tags: "assurance maladie, amelie, amélie, sécurité sociale, sécu, salariés, réforme de l’assurance maladie, réforme de la sécu, médecin traitant, parcours de soins, participation forfaitaire, médicament générique, génériques, antibiotiques(3x), soins(16x), santé, social(2x), prévention, arrêt de travail, arrêt maladie, indemnités journalières, grossesse, naissance, maternité, paternité, congé, congé parental, attestation de droits, attestation de salaire(2x), attestation employeur, attestation de sécurité sociale, embauche(2x), carte vitale, imprimé, formulaire(6x), déclaration, e 111, e111, cmu, couverture maladie universelle, complémentaire, carte européenne d’assurance maladie, ceam, tarifs(2x), honoraires(1x), consultation, allocation de longue durée, invalidité, vaccination, dépistage, cancer, bilan de santé, examen de santé, remboursement(15x), remboursements(15x), taux, relevé, dépenses de santé, feuille de soins, " for a total of 60 keywords (probably too many keywords), it has an Alexa traffic rank of 9084 (this is a very successful site!), it has 0 incoming links according to Technorati, its number of indexed pages in Google is 68,800, its IP address (server) is, it has 1,360 incoming links according to Google, its author is Assurance Maladie, finally it has a number of related of 108,000 according to Bing.

The title of the homepage contains 7 words for a total length of 55 characters. This title is well optimized to appear in Google search results.

Here are a few alternate spellings of the domain name that you may stumble on :

ameli.f , , , , , , , ameli.frr ,

Here is the Alexa traffic (daily reach) statistics for on the last year : traffic rank

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