Ward, David (USA)  [FICGS member # 7284]
Informations , History , Norms , Tournaments , Games (only for connected players)
David Ward
David Ward has currently 2 running correspondence chess game(s), won 143, lost 70 and drawn 64 other games against an average elo of 1817, played advanced chess at fast time controls, now 0 running, 0 won, 1 lost, 0 drawn, does not play big chess, does not play Go (wei-ch'i, baduk), and does not play poker, finally David finished a total of 278 games and is still playing a total of 2 games.
Correspondence chess statistics :
vs. Dieter Faust (2075) : 33% (6 games, 1 wins, 3 losses)
vs. Patrick DeBonis (2265) : 40% (5 games, 0 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Jordi Domingo (2221) : 40% (5 games, 1 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Steve Vollmer (1843) : 90% (5 games, 4 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Timofey Denisov (2271) : 50% (4 games, 0 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Aniruddha Duttagupta (2265) : 25% (4 games, 0 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Nick Voudouris (1965) : 0% (4 games, 0 wins, 4 losses)
vs. Jobadi Kachibacha (2181) : 87% (4 games, 3 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Jose Moreira (2288) : 50% (3 games, 0 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Janusz Swiatek (2255) : 50% (3 games, 0 wins, 0 losses)
David's favorite game is : Chess
Why David likes Chess : Every game has its own character.
Is David addicted : yes
Uses engines : Normally, I do not use them during a game. As recommended, I am using them during the FICGS__CHESS__WCH.
Favorite chess opening : Ruy Lopez
Favorite chess player : Fischer
Languages spoken : English, un poquito Espanol
City : in Texas
Interests : chess, math, science, sports
Occupation : teacher
Facebook profile : David Ward
Favorite quote : "Hard work defeats talent when talent fails to work hard." - Kevin Durant's childhood coach
Search posts and games by Ward in FICGS games server (only for connected players)
Last messages by David Ward in the forum :
FICS is down (2013-07-25 00:18:17)
Oops -- was down. (...)
FICS is down (2013-07-25 00:15:35)
The Free Internet Chess Server is down. Someone hacked an admin account and the admins shut it down. (...)
Faster Refresh Time (2012-09-13 01:28:06)
OK. Thank you. (...)
Faster Refresh Time (2012-09-12 17:33:33)
I get the following report after clicking "No refresh" on the "My games" page, but I continue to get messages that Internet Ex (...)
Faster Refresh Time (2012-09-10 19:32:47)
Thank you for putting in the refresh options; however, the "no refresh" option is not working for me. (...)
Faster Refresh Time (2012-08-21 18:19:46)
I would like to turn automatic refresh off so that my popup blocker is not triggered. I do not play fast games here; I play blitz on a live server. (...)