19474 | Tippey - Block | 0-1 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |
19479 | Baha - Tippey | 1-0 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |
19484 | Tippey - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |
19485 | Podogov - Tippey | 1-0 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |
19486 | Tippey - Barradas | 0-1 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |
19487 | Brieler - Tippey | 1-0 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |