8146 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 16th of March 2007 17:09:54 | (chess) | rated |
8151 | Stoyanov - Zalme | 1-0 | 23rd of March 2007 01:54:05 | (chess) | rated |
8155 | Marin - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of March 2007 17:21:50 | (chess) | rated |
8158 | Stoyanov - Bos | 0-1 | 22nd of March 2007 18:32:16 | (chess) | rated |
8160 | Segovia - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of April 2007 06:20:08 | (chess) | rated |
8162 | Stoyanov - Willoughby | 0-1 | 27th of February 2007 17:26:29 | (chess) | rated |
8269 | Stoyanov - Oliva | 1-0 | 9th of April 2007 10:33:49 | (chess) | rated |
8274 | Shuck - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of April 2007 01:46:19 | (chess) | rated |
8279 | Stoyanov - Blouin | 0-1 | 27th of February 2007 21:13:09 | (chess) | rated |
8280 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of March 2007 14:59:44 | (chess) | rated |
8281 | Stoyanov - De Groof | 0-1 | 24th of March 2007 18:46:45 | (chess) | rated |
8282 | Sharland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of March 2007 19:01:18 | (chess) | rated |
8290 | Stoyanov - Behrmann | 0-1 | 14th of May 2007 18:56:02 | (chess) | rated |
8295 | Livenais - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 8th of May 2007 19:32:58 | (chess) | rated |
8300 | Stoyanov - Johnston | 0-1 | 1st of April 2007 11:12:29 | (chess) | rated |
8301 | Vranesh-Fallin - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of May 2007 02:03:08 | (chess) | rated |
8302 | Stoyanov - Sharland | 0-1 | 14th of March 2007 20:41:41 | (chess) | rated |
8303 | Milian - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of April 2007 16:51:35 | (chess) | rated |
8374 | Stoyanov - Behrmann | 0-1 | 21st of April 2007 17:22:04 | (chess) | rated |
8379 | Sharland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of March 2007 16:59:40 | (chess) | rated |
8384 | Stoyanov - Miranda | 0-1 | 25th of March 2007 15:54:26 | (chess) | rated |
8385 | Weidemann - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of June 2007 20:21:17 | (chess) | rated |
8386 | Stoyanov - Mach | 1-0 | 1st of June 2007 11:46:59 | (chess) | rated |
8387 | Sarihan - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 13th of June 2007 20:45:48 | (chess) | rated |
8499 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 11th of April 2007 18:11:16 | (chess) | rated |
8500 | Willoughby - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of March 2007 20:58:38 | (chess) | rated |
8501 | Stoyanov - De Groof | 0-1 | 30th of March 2007 22:07:03 | (chess) | rated |
8502 | Stoianov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of April 2007 19:20:30 | (chess) | rated |
8503 | Stoyanov - Bothe | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2007 19:43:05 | (chess) | rated |
8504 | Bos - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of May 2007 14:33:09 | (chess) | rated |
8520 | Prestwood - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of June 2007 18:16:34 | (chess) | rated |
8526 | Stoyanov - Kis-Kos | 0-1 | 9th of April 2007 18:59:26 | (chess) | rated |
8527 | Weidemann - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of May 2007 18:12:40 | (chess) | rated |
8528 | Stoyanov - Miranda | 0-1 | 27th of March 2007 19:59:16 | (chess) | rated |
8529 | Menzies - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of June 2007 19:27:27 | (chess) | rated |
8530 | Stoyanov - Burrows | 0-1 | 21st of March 2007 21:41:40 | (chess) | rated |
9929 | Stoyanov - Cook | 0-1 | 28th of December 2007 19:35:11 | (go) | rated |
9934 | Costa - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of May 2007 19:01:41 | (go) | rated |
9939 | Stoyanov - Groves | 0-1 | 15th of November 2007 00:06:02 | (go) | rated |
9940 | Konig - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of May 2007 19:00:39 | (go) | rated |
9941 | Stoyanov - Litzenburger | 1-0 | 3rd of August 2007 01:55:14 | (go) | rated |
9942 | Suarez-Moreno - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of November 2007 08:46:09 | (go) | rated |
9991 | O Brien - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of July 2007 16:08:53 | (chess) | rated |
9997 | Stoyanov - Lorena | 1-0 | 15th of June 2007 13:38:10 | (chess) | rated |
9998 | Queiroz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of April 2007 07:36:47 | (chess) | rated |
9999 | Stoyanov - Souquiere | 1-0 | 9th of July 2007 16:25:56 | (chess) | rated |
10000 | Schafer - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of June 2007 18:17:43 | (chess) | rated |
10001 | Stoyanov - Litzenburger | 1-0 | 1st of May 2007 09:34:49 | (chess) | rated |
10012 | Stoyanov - Pison | 1-0 | 27th of May 2007 05:13:18 | (chess) | rated |
10013 | Lorena - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of July 2007 18:37:24 | (chess) | rated |
10014 | Stoyanov - Schafer | 0-1 | 4th of June 2007 20:30:08 | (chess) | rated |
10015 | Cook - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of June 2007 08:46:18 | (chess) | rated |
10016 | Stoyanov - Holak | 0-1 | 20th of May 2007 19:06:04 | (chess) | rated |
10017 | Litzenburger - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2007 18:57:15 | (chess) | rated |
10352 | Gering - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of May 2007 15:45:48 | (chess) | rated |
10357 | Stoyanov - Giannoulis | 1-0 | 8th of June 2007 18:48:31 | (chess) | rated |
10361 | Woodcock - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 8th of October 2007 20:31:18 | (chess) | rated |
10364 | Stoyanov - Palmer | 0-1 | 18th of June 2007 21:29:49 | (chess) | rated |
10366 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of May 2007 15:46:19 | (chess) | rated |
10368 | Stoyanov - Kuhlmann | 0-1 | 23rd of May 2007 21:55:56 | (chess) | rated |
11351 | Litzenburger - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of July 2007 16:19:00 | (chess) | rated |
11356 | Stoyanov - Barthelme | 1-0 | 1st of September 2007 00:31:42 | (chess) | rated |
11360 | Hess - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 8th of July 2007 17:10:10 | (chess) | rated |
11363 | Stoyanov - Neatham | 1-0 | 25th of October 2007 08:04:49 | (chess) | rated |
11365 | Tuteleers - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of July 2007 04:45:38 | (chess) | rated |
11367 | Stoyanov - Schafer | 1-0 | 26th of September 2007 02:58:50 | (chess) | rated |
11536 | Stoyanov - Ak | 1-0 | 10th of July 2007 22:38:19 | (chess) | rated |
11537 | Usta - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of July 2007 00:34:22 | (chess) | rated |
11538 | Stoyanov - Vesely | 1/2-1/2 | 4th of September 2007 21:15:21 | (chess) | rated |
11539 | Durnez - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of August 2007 22:03:17 | (chess) | rated |
11540 | Stoyanov - Gilmartin | 1-0 | 18th of June 2007 23:24:53 | (chess) | rated |
11541 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 1st of October 2007 16:30:06 | (chess) | rated |
12561 | Stoyanov - Koslowski | 0-1 | 31st of August 2007 08:14:02 | (chess) | rated |
12568 | Kotlyanskiy - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of September 2007 20:57:44 | (chess) | rated |
12574 | Stoyanov - Skwarczylo | 0-1 | 12th of September 2007 19:39:20 | (chess) | rated |
12579 | Yuvarlak - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of September 2007 15:30:43 | (chess) | rated |
12583 | Stoyanov - Castillo | 0-1 | 1st of September 2007 15:28:03 | (chess) | rated |
12586 | Oliveira - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of December 2007 20:05:51 | (chess) | rated |
12588 | Stoyanov - Szabo | 0-1 | 4th of October 2007 21:00:25 | (chess) | rated |
12589 | Woodcock - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of October 2007 10:03:14 | (chess) | rated |
15714 | Stoyanov - Collet | 0-1 | 20th of November 2007 17:58:45 | (chess) | rated |
15715 | Cao - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of November 2007 18:39:51 | (chess) | rated |
15716 | Stoyanov - D Ottavio | 0-1 | 19th of December 2007 19:46:13 | (chess) | rated |
15717 | DuCharme - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of December 2007 19:52:08 | (chess) | rated |
15718 | Stoyanov - Prcin | 1-0 | 5th of December 2007 22:46:00 | (chess) | rated |
15719 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of November 2007 20:28:22 | (chess) | rated |
15846 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of November 2007 21:30:39 | (chess) | rated |
15851 | Stoyanov - Cao | 1-0 | 9th of December 2007 21:38:03 | (chess) | rated |
15855 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of December 2007 16:34:02 | (chess) | rated |
15858 | Stoyanov - Willis | 1-0 | 27th of November 2007 00:30:44 | (chess) | rated |
15860 | Stevens - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of February 2008 00:34:01 | (chess) | rated |
15862 | Stoyanov - Broughman | 0-1 | 21st of December 2007 19:44:40 | (chess) | rated |
15906 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 11th of January 2008 17:47:13 | (chess) | rated |
15911 | Oakley - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of November 2007 05:50:22 | (chess) | rated |
15916 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 24th of November 2007 22:22:41 | (chess) | rated |
15917 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of November 2007 18:56:58 | (chess) | rated |
15918 | Stoyanov - Lorena | 1-0 | 8th of February 2008 12:51:40 | (chess) | rated |
15919 | Richardson - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of November 2007 11:13:52 | (chess) | rated |
15948 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 24th of February 2008 10:38:37 | (chess) | rated |
15953 | Lorena - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of January 2008 11:01:28 | (chess) | rated |
15958 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 25th of December 2007 17:42:56 | (chess) | rated |
15959 | Stevens - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of December 2007 22:06:33 | (chess) | rated |
15960 | Stoyanov - Marques | 1-0 | 4th of December 2007 19:31:36 | (chess) | rated |
15961 | Perrotta - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of February 2008 00:53:03 | (chess) | rated |
16518 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 5th of January 2008 14:57:42 | (chess) | rated |
16519 | Perrotta - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of January 2008 21:00:06 | (chess) | rated |
16520 | Stoyanov - Schafer | 1-0 | 24th of January 2008 15:57:41 | (chess) | rated |
16521 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of December 2007 17:50:05 | (chess) | rated |
16522 | Stoyanov - Richardson | 0-1 | 16th of December 2007 21:29:25 | (chess) | rated |
16523 | Hess - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 24th of December 2007 20:13:34 | (chess) | rated |
16645 | Stoyanov - Schafer | 1-0 | 6th of February 2008 00:44:06 | (chess) | rated |
16646 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 31st of December 2007 14:50:35 | (chess) | rated |
16647 | Stoyanov - Hess | 0-1 | 29th of December 2007 19:44:00 | (chess) | rated |
16648 | Brieler - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of January 2008 21:21:19 | (chess) | rated |
16649 | Stoyanov - Parmet | 0-1 | 30th of January 2008 19:37:25 | (chess) | rated |
16650 | Richardson - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of December 2007 15:30:17 | (chess) | rated |
16879 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 14th of January 2008 19:39:20 | (chess) | rated |
16884 | Inving - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of January 2008 18:04:32 | (chess) | rated |
16889 | Stoyanov - Richardson | 0-1 | 29th of December 2007 20:40:57 | (chess) | rated |
16890 | Serd - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of January 2008 18:04:39 | (chess) | rated |
16891 | Stoyanov - Dotti Contra | 1-0 | 11th of February 2008 21:19:01 | (chess) | rated |
16892 | D Ottavio - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of December 2007 12:48:05 | (chess) | rated |
17062 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 23rd of January 2008 21:23:22 | (chess) | rated |
17063 | Richardson - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of January 2008 15:18:06 | (chess) | rated |
17064 | Stoyanov - Cook | 1-0 | 17th of March 2008 09:51:27 | (chess) | rated |
17065 | Dotti Contra - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of March 2008 20:58:13 | (chess) | rated |
17066 | Stoyanov - Mach | 1-0 | 20th of February 2008 13:52:33 | (chess) | rated |
17067 | Ancker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of May 2008 21:47:01 | (chess) | rated |
17238 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 15th of February 2008 14:39:39 | (chess) | rated |
17243 | Stoyanov - Sjolund | 1-0 | 21st of February 2008 13:56:11 | (chess) | rated |
17247 | Orden - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of January 2008 14:48:44 | (chess) | rated |
17250 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 26th of March 2008 11:33:17 | (chess) | rated |
17252 | Mach - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of March 2008 08:46:33 | (chess) | rated |
17254 | Stoyanov - Chacon | 1-0 | 3rd of March 2008 02:59:57 | (chess) | rated |
17407 | Stoyanov - Repa | 0-1 | 26th of January 2008 16:51:55 | (chess) | rated |
17414 | Riha - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of January 2008 22:03:13 | (chess) | rated |
17420 | Stoyanov - Sternik | 0-1 | 14th of January 2008 21:02:13 | (chess) | rated |
17425 | Ulises - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of February 2008 12:51:40 | (chess) | rated |
17429 | Stoyanov - Phillips | 0-1 | 16th of January 2008 20:07:48 | (chess) | rated |
17432 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of March 2008 16:45:00 | (chess) | rated |
17434 | Stoyanov - Parmet | 0-1 | 1st of February 2008 18:37:52 | (chess) | rated |
17435 | Block - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of January 2008 21:39:30 | (chess) | rated |
18243 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of April 2008 14:39:50 | (chess) | rated |
18249 | Stoyanov - Prcin | 0-1 | 25th of February 2008 20:27:52 | (chess) | rated |
18250 | Hess - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 12th of February 2008 21:23:29 | (chess) | rated |
18251 | Stoyanov - Perrotta | 1-0 | 2nd of March 2008 14:59:07 | (chess) | rated |
18252 | Ferreira - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of February 2008 20:13:41 | (chess) | rated |
18253 | Stoyanov - Popescu | 1-0 | 1st of February 2008 08:07:38 | (chess) | rated |
18752 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 14th of April 2008 14:39:33 | (chess) | rated |
18757 | Smith - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of August 2008 06:13:37 | (chess) | rated |
18762 | Stoyanov - Anguis | 1-0 | 27th of March 2008 05:09:15 | (chess) | rated |
18763 | Ancker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of March 2008 05:16:33 | (chess) | rated |
18764 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 19th of February 2008 18:26:50 | (chess) | rated |
18765 | Hess - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of February 2008 10:28:45 | (chess) | rated |
18837 | Stoyanov - Moody | 0-1 | 28th of February 2008 17:20:32 | (chess) | rated |
18838 | Ancker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of March 2008 04:49:19 | (chess) | rated |
18839 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 27th of February 2008 21:49:44 | (chess) | rated |
18840 | Lorena - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of March 2008 16:48:40 | (chess) | rated |
18841 | Stoyanov - Hess | 1-0 | 24th of February 2008 18:46:16 | (chess) | rated |
18842 | Orden - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of March 2008 18:13:53 | (chess) | rated |
18921 | Stoyanov - Geguchadze | 0-1 | 16th of August 2008 19:56:06 | (chess) | rated |
19118 | Stoyanov - Brieler | 1-0 | 19th of March 2008 22:01:07 | (chess) | rated |
19123 | Orden - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of May 2008 21:02:43 | (chess) | rated |
19127 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 11th of March 2008 14:14:14 | (chess) | rated |
19130 | Smith - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of May 2008 09:57:06 | (chess) | rated |
19133 | Stoyanov - Inving | 0-1 | 23rd of March 2008 21:01:56 | (chess) | rated |
19134 | Gheorghe - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of March 2008 17:22:16 | (chess) | rated |
19136 | Jankovic - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of July 2008 21:57:31 | (chess) | rated |
19142 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 26th of May 2008 22:48:00 | (chess) | rated |
19143 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of March 2008 18:54:08 | (chess) | rated |
19144 | Stoyanov - Smith | 1-0 | 10th of May 2008 23:46:00 | (chess) | rated |
19145 | Podogov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of May 2008 09:01:31 | (chess) | rated |
19146 | Stoyanov - Gheorghe | 0-1 | 2nd of March 2008 18:51:07 | (chess) | rated |
19475 | Block - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of March 2008 13:01:25 | (chess) | rated |
19480 | Stoyanov - Baha | 1-0 | 11th of May 2008 21:33:31 | (chess) | rated |
19484 | Tippey - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of April 2008 20:42:53 | (chess) | rated |
19488 | Stoyanov - Podogov | 1-0 | 6th of June 2008 11:49:27 | (chess) | rated |
19489 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 27th of March 2008 13:32:57 | (chess) | rated |
19490 | Stoyanov - Brieler | 0-1 | 20th of March 2008 19:12:00 | (chess) | rated |
19559 | Stoyanov - Block | 0-1 | 25th of March 2008 14:27:13 | (chess) | rated |
19564 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 21st of April 2008 17:04:07 | (chess) | rated |
19569 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 25th of March 2008 18:12:40 | (chess) | rated |
19570 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of March 2008 20:15:33 | (chess) | rated |
19571 | Stoyanov - Segura | 1-0 | 24th of March 2008 18:18:22 | (chess) | rated |
19572 | Zaichenko - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 25th of March 2008 20:11:38 | (chess) | rated |
19716 | Cook - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of May 2008 19:54:25 | (chess) | rated |
19721 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 28th of April 2008 14:13:31 | (chess) | rated |
19725 | Inving - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 13th of April 2008 16:19:30 | (chess) | rated |
19728 | Stoyanov - Hess | 1-0 | 6th of April 2008 09:02:25 | (chess) | rated |
19730 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of April 2008 00:05:59 | (chess) | rated |
19732 | Stoyanov - Gilmartin | 1-0 | 22nd of April 2008 01:31:38 | (chess) | rated |
19863 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of April 2008 17:38:46 | (chess) | rated |
19868 | Stoyanov - Segura | 1-0 | 12th of May 2008 09:41:01 | (chess) | rated |
19872 | Boucher - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of May 2008 21:29:19 | (chess) | rated |
19876 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 23rd of April 2008 22:01:33 | (chess) | rated |
19877 | McPhail - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of April 2008 19:50:24 | (chess) | rated |
19878 | Stoyanov - Glover | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2008 23:22:58 | (chess) | rated |
20116 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 7th of May 2008 06:04:56 | (chess) | rated |
20117 | Block - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of April 2008 15:13:50 | (chess) | rated |
20118 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 15th of May 2008 20:45:33 | (chess) | rated |
20119 | Percy - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of May 2008 16:46:57 | (chess) | rated |
20120 | Stoyanov - Agustin | 0-1 | 24th of May 2008 15:13:46 | (chess) | rated |
20121 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of May 2008 20:21:45 | (chess) | rated |
20316 | Stoyanov - Agustin | 0-1 | 17th of May 2008 15:11:34 | (chess) | rated |
20321 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of May 2008 19:58:50 | (chess) | rated |
20325 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 25th of May 2008 22:43:28 | (chess) | rated |
20328 | Zaichenko - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of June 2008 17:44:02 | (chess) | rated |
20330 | Stoyanov - Serd | 0-1 | 7th of May 2008 17:51:23 | (chess) | rated |
20331 | Zaleb - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of June 2008 18:54:47 | (chess) | rated |
20337 | Stoyanov - Inving | 0-1 | 16th of May 2008 16:56:37 | (chess) | rated |
20342 | Ancker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of June 2008 23:38:54 | (chess) | rated |
20346 | Stoyanov - Serd | 0-1 | 12th of May 2008 17:59:39 | (chess) | rated |
20349 | Goodwin - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 16th of June 2008 19:09:04 | (chess) | rated |
20351 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 24th of June 2008 21:04:24 | (chess) | rated |
20352 | Hernandez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of May 2008 21:40:17 | (chess) | rated |
20784 | Stoyanov - Benreguia | 1-0 | 11th of August 2008 23:40:48 | (chess) | rated |
20785 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of May 2008 19:58:23 | (chess) | rated |
20786 | Stoyanov - Brown | 1-0 | 25th of June 2008 01:20:38 | (chess) | rated |
20787 | King - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of July 2008 10:46:12 | (chess) | rated |
20788 | Stoyanov - Murittu | 0-1 | 30th of May 2008 17:53:50 | (chess) | rated |
20789 | Guralivu - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of May 2008 19:08:49 | (chess) | rated |
20852 | Zaichenko - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of June 2008 21:47:33 | (chess) | rated |
20857 | Stoyanov - Gramajo | 1-0 | 22nd of June 2008 19:34:01 | (chess) | rated |
20861 | Brown - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of June 2008 01:25:11 | (chess) | rated |
20864 | Stoyanov - Hernandez | 1-0 | 9th of June 2008 02:44:12 | (chess) | rated |
20866 | Schoenfeld - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of May 2008 21:12:52 | (chess) | rated |
20868 | Stoyanov - Huxtable | 0-1 | 19th of June 2008 19:06:42 | (chess) | rated |
21110 | Stoyanov - Budnar | 1-0 | 30th of August 2008 14:47:09 | (chess) | rated |
21115 | King - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of September 2008 07:58:43 | (chess) | rated |
21119 | Stoyanov - Hess | 1-0 | 6th of June 2008 19:07:41 | (chess) | rated |
21122 | Agustin - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of June 2008 06:30:58 | (chess) | rated |
21124 | Stoyanov - Bester | 1-0 | 24th of October 2008 00:36:30 | (chess) | rated |
21125 | Smith - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of August 2008 06:13:37 | (chess) | rated |
21479 | Stoyanov - Balander | 1-0 | 7th of July 2008 02:33:08 | (chess) | rated |
21484 | Morice - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of August 2008 06:06:34 | (chess) | rated |
21488 | Stoyanov - Konuhov | 0-1 | 29th of June 2008 22:08:17 | (chess) | rated |
21491 | Serd - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of June 2008 09:44:25 | (chess) | rated |
21493 | Stoyanov - Janse | 1-0 | 10th of July 2008 14:47:39 | (chess) | rated |
21494 | Cridland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of June 2008 21:05:37 | (chess) | rated |
21543 | Stoyanov - Boiko | 1-0 | 8th of February 2010 08:24:56 | (go) | rated |
21767 | Gurgui - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of September 2008 08:56:05 | (chess) | rated |
21772 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 5th of August 2008 19:54:33 | (chess) | rated |
21776 | Zaleb - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of September 2008 15:55:16 | (chess) | rated |
21779 | Stoyanov - Hess | 0-1 | 3rd of July 2008 19:23:06 | (chess) | rated |
21781 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of July 2008 10:05:01 | (chess) | rated |
21783 | Stoyanov - Agustin | 0-1 | 5th of July 2008 15:07:29 | (chess) | rated |
22932 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of September 2008 21:43:19 | (chess) | rated |
22938 | Stoyanov - Marcel | 1-0 | 9th of August 2008 21:51:24 | (chess) | rated |
22939 | Hernandez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of September 2008 20:43:51 | (chess) | rated |
22940 | Stoyanov - Konuhov | 0-1 | 8th of September 2008 15:12:32 | (chess) | rated |
22941 | Jankovic - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of August 2008 19:19:55 | (chess) | rated |
22942 | Stoyanov - Huxtable | 0-1 | 6th of August 2008 20:04:46 | (chess) | rated |
23110 | Stoyanov - Konuhov | 0-1 | 12th of September 2008 11:36:05 | (chess) | rated |
23115 | Huxtable - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of August 2008 21:47:25 | (chess) | rated |
23120 | Stoyanov - Csoma | 0-1 | 17th of November 2008 09:46:28 | (chess) | rated |
23121 | Selalmazidis - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of October 2008 22:38:12 | (chess) | rated |
23122 | Stoyanov - Zaichenko | 1-0 | 19th of October 2008 12:17:45 | (chess) | rated |
23123 | Plantu - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 8th of August 2008 20:53:13 | (chess) | rated |
23151 | Inving - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of September 2008 20:48:12 | (chess) | rated |
23157 | Stoyanov - Csoma | 1-0 | 25th of August 2008 17:00:22 | (chess) | rated |
23158 | Lupinacci - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of July 2008 21:39:31 | (chess) | rated |
23159 | Stoyanov - Zaichenko | 1-0 | 16th of November 2008 21:14:59 | (chess) | rated |
23160 | Plantu - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of August 2008 08:40:00 | (chess) | rated |
23161 | Stoyanov - Konig | 0-1 | 5th of October 2008 11:08:49 | (chess) | rated |
23834 | Alexandru - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of October 2008 10:38:37 | (chess) | rated |
23839 | Stoyanov - Geguchadze | 1-0 | 11th of October 2008 11:17:35 | (chess) | rated |
23843 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 3rd of September 2008 11:54:54 | (chess) | rated |
23847 | Stoyanov - Gow | 1/2-1/2 | 26th of August 2008 22:40:15 | (chess) | rated |
23848 | Fernandez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of December 2008 14:35:39 | (chess) | rated |
23849 | Stoyanov - Mach | 1-0 | 25th of November 2008 09:57:13 | (chess) | rated |
24021 | Stoyanov - Zbinyakov | 0-1 | 12th of April 2010 22:00:46 | (go) | rated |
24173 | Stoyanov - Marcel | 1-0 | 11th of September 2008 23:13:39 | (chess) | rated |
24178 | Geguchadze - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of October 2008 12:32:40 | (chess) | rated |
24183 | Stoyanov - Dimitrov | 0-1 | 26th of September 2008 19:59:29 | (chess) | rated |
24184 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 24th of September 2008 22:09:51 | (chess) | rated |
24185 | Stoyanov - Lavoie | 1-0 | 5th of December 2008 22:50:55 | (chess) | rated |
24186 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of September 2008 20:20:53 | (chess) | rated |
24409 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 26th of October 2008 09:45:49 | (chess) | rated |
24414 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of September 2008 11:02:46 | (chess) | rated |
24419 | Stoyanov - Dimitrov | 0-1 | 26th of September 2008 20:16:59 | (chess) | rated |
24420 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of September 2008 16:35:09 | (chess) | rated |
24421 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 23rd of September 2008 16:32:00 | (chess) | rated |
24422 | Engo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of October 2008 11:07:31 | (chess) | rated |
24484 | Stoyanov - Moody | 0-1 | 25th of September 2008 09:16:28 | (chess) | rated |
24489 | Satonnet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of October 2008 11:37:03 | (chess) | rated |
24494 | Stoyanov - Renault | 1-0 | 25th of September 2008 19:21:37 | (chess) | rated |
24495 | Konuhov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of October 2008 11:00:27 | (chess) | rated |
24496 | Stoyanov - Spangler | 0-1 | 4th of October 2008 20:42:15 | (chess) | rated |
24497 | Trigiani - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of September 2008 09:35:01 | (chess) | rated |
24871 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 12th of October 2008 20:32:04 | (chess) | rated |
24876 | Renault - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of October 2008 19:02:18 | (chess) | rated |
24880 | Stoyanov - Klassen | 0-1 | 26th of November 2008 13:50:33 | (chess) | rated |
24883 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of October 2008 14:36:10 | (chess) | rated |
24885 | Stoyanov - Sensabaugh | 0-1 | 12th of December 2008 19:53:01 | (chess) | rated |
24886 | Parker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 2nd of October 2008 22:12:04 | (chess) | rated |
25103 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of October 2008 14:29:16 | (chess) | rated |
25109 | Stoyanov - Dimitrov | 1-0 | 25th of November 2008 09:57:13 | (chess) | rated |
25110 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of October 2008 19:17:13 | (chess) | rated |
25111 | Stoyanov - Renault | 1-0 | 15th of October 2008 19:22:35 | (chess) | rated |
25112 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of November 2008 16:00:48 | (chess) | rated |
25113 | Stoyanov - Marcel | 1-0 | 13th of October 2008 11:38:23 | (chess) | rated |
25214 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 3rd of November 2008 17:10:50 | (chess) | rated |
25219 | Oliveira - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 13th of December 2008 07:01:41 | (chess) | rated |
25224 | Stoyanov - Magroyne | 1-0 | 18th of November 2008 21:25:30 | (chess) | rated |
25225 | Nebout - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of December 2008 18:46:29 | (chess) | rated |
25226 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 7th of November 2008 19:34:58 | (chess) | rated |
25227 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of November 2008 07:15:39 | (chess) | rated |
25625 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 5th of November 2008 17:50:44 | (chess) | rated |
25630 | Oliveira - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of November 2008 20:16:34 | (chess) | rated |
25634 | Stoyanov - Claeys | 0-1 | 4th of November 2008 18:49:52 | (chess) | rated |
25637 | Yague - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of November 2008 19:33:04 | (chess) | rated |
25639 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 2nd of December 2008 06:44:49 | (chess) | rated |
25640 | Trigiani - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of November 2008 23:30:04 | (chess) | rated |
25987 | Stoyanov - Gramajo | 1-0 | 24th of November 2008 21:23:15 | (chess) | rated |
25992 | Bester - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of January 2009 19:43:41 | (chess) | rated |
25996 | Stoyanov - Stewart | 1/2-1/2 | 22nd of December 2008 07:24:16 | (chess) | rated |
25999 | Denchev - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 31st of December 2008 14:38:46 | (chess) | rated |
26001 | Stoyanov - Porkolab | 0-1 | 25th of January 2009 19:32:14 | (chess) | rated |
26002 | Willoughby - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 1st of December 2008 07:25:06 | (chess) | rated |
26370 | Stoyanov - Willoughby | 1-0 | 1st of December 2008 21:10:54 | (chess) | rated |
26375 | Gurgui - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of December 2008 08:28:17 | (chess) | rated |
26379 | Stoyanov - Marcel | 1/2-1/2 | 25th of November 2008 11:23:14 | (chess) | rated |
26382 | Porkolab - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of January 2009 07:35:07 | (chess) | rated |
26384 | Stoyanov - Toro | 1-0 | 4th of December 2008 12:17:18 | (chess) | rated |
26385 | Vesely - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of November 2008 19:35:25 | (chess) | rated |
26772 | Trigiani - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of February 2009 21:55:01 | (chess) | rated |
26777 | Stoyanov - Inving | 0-1 | 4th of March 2009 07:14:13 | (chess) | rated |
26781 | Leclerc - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of January 2009 21:22:24 | (chess) | rated |
26785 | Stoyanov - King | 1-0 | 2nd of March 2009 04:46:46 | (chess) | rated |
26786 | Kepinski - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of February 2009 18:42:58 | (chess) | rated |
26787 | Stoyanov - Wingo | 1-0 | 1st of March 2009 21:55:38 | (chess) | rated |
27308 | Vesely - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of January 2009 19:01:19 | (chess) | rated |
27313 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 10th of January 2009 20:40:08 | (chess) | rated |
27317 | Velinis - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 2nd of February 2009 20:26:16 | (chess) | rated |
27321 | Stoyanov - Abbasov | 1-0 | 6th of February 2009 08:39:23 | (chess) | rated |
27322 | Marques - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of February 2009 19:15:54 | (chess) | rated |
27323 | Stoyanov - Pech | 0-1 | 29th of March 2009 08:46:11 | (chess) | rated |
27329 | Chen - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of February 2009 21:05:22 | (chess) | rated |
27334 | Stoyanov - Vesely | 1-0 | 6th of January 2009 20:06:57 | (chess) | rated |
27338 | Fonseca - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of February 2009 09:06:54 | (chess) | rated |
27342 | Stoyanov - Baars | 0-1 | 13th of February 2009 18:07:48 | (chess) | rated |
27343 | Small - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of January 2009 20:22:41 | (chess) | rated |
27344 | Stoyanov - Pech | 0-1 | 5th of June 2009 16:44:58 | (chess) | rated |
27622 | Stoyanov - Jankovic | 0-1 | 12th of March 2009 18:12:37 | (chess) | rated |
27623 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of January 2009 07:24:30 | (chess) | rated |
27624 | Stoyanov - Neil | 0-1 | 1st of February 2009 20:11:40 | (chess) | rated |
27625 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of January 2009 21:33:40 | (chess) | rated |
27626 | Stoyanov - King | 1-0 | 3rd of April 2009 21:15:18 | (chess) | rated |
27627 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 13th of February 2009 17:04:41 | (chess) | rated |
28034 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of January 2009 19:56:42 | (chess) | rated |
28039 | Stoyanov - Engo | 1-0 | 13th of June 2009 13:56:43 | (chess) | rated |
28043 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 9th of February 2009 12:29:58 | (chess) | rated |
28047 | Stoyanov - Tiberiu | 0-1 | 18th of February 2009 11:06:54 | (chess) | rated |
28048 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of February 2009 00:39:58 | (chess) | rated |
28049 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 6th of February 2009 12:03:37 | (chess) | rated |
29062 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of February 2009 18:06:53 | (chess) | rated |
29067 | Stoyanov - Farr | 0-1 | 18th of February 2009 21:02:25 | (chess) | rated |
29071 | Sengupta - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of February 2009 08:30:10 | (chess) | rated |
29074 | Stoyanov - Buscia | 1-0 | 22nd of March 2009 23:40:00 | (chess) | rated |
29076 | Lubeck - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of March 2009 00:18:06 | (chess) | rated |
29078 | Stoyanov - Vesely | 1-0 | 4th of May 2009 16:49:36 | (chess) | rated |
29448 | Stoyanov - Vesely | 1-0 | 2nd of April 2009 01:45:28 | (chess) | rated |
29453 | Tiberiu - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of April 2009 08:31:12 | (chess) | rated |
29457 | Stoyanov - Lubeck | 1-0 | 12th of March 2009 21:09:03 | (chess) | rated |
29460 | Mahony - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of March 2009 23:29:46 | (chess) | rated |
29462 | Stoyanov - Huntley | 0-1 | 26th of February 2009 14:49:14 | (chess) | rated |
29463 | Price - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of February 2009 19:08:11 | (chess) | rated |
29489 | Marin - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of April 2009 04:45:53 | (chess) | rated |
29494 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 27th of February 2009 15:30:34 | (chess) | rated |
29498 | Lemay - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of May 2009 06:04:23 | (chess) | rated |
29501 | Stoyanov - Ochupinkin | 1-0 | 2nd of April 2009 13:48:07 | (chess) | rated |
29503 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of April 2009 20:40:08 | (chess) | rated |
29505 | Stoyanov - Connor | 0-1 | 14th of March 2009 15:41:22 | (chess) | rated |
30140 | Stoyanov - Marin | 1-0 | 12th of June 2009 19:59:25 | (chess) | rated |
30145 | Geffroy - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of March 2009 15:51:07 | (chess) | rated |
30149 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1/2-1/2 | 18th of March 2009 11:42:30 | (chess) | rated |
30152 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of March 2009 08:16:14 | (chess) | rated |
30155 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 12th of April 2009 10:50:35 | (chess) | rated |
30156 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of March 2009 18:56:26 | (chess) | rated |
30571 | Stoyanov - Jankovic | 1-0 | 3rd of October 2009 20:51:26 | (chess) | rated |
30576 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of April 2009 21:31:40 | (chess) | rated |
30580 | Stoyanov - Vanhorn | 1-0 | 13th of April 2009 16:15:43 | (chess) | rated |
30583 | Fedyaeva - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of June 2009 18:05:28 | (chess) | rated |
30586 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 5th of April 2009 19:48:50 | (chess) | rated |
30587 | Trigiani - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of June 2009 16:38:24 | (chess) | rated |
30870 | Orden - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of April 2009 16:27:08 | (chess) | rated |
30875 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 0-1 | 15th of April 2009 20:55:29 | (chess) | rated |
30879 | McNabb - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of April 2009 11:23:05 | (chess) | rated |
30883 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 10th of April 2009 20:09:12 | (chess) | rated |
30884 | Trigiani - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of May 2009 18:34:22 | (chess) | rated |
30885 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 1-0 | 3rd of May 2009 16:48:18 | (chess) | rated |
31069 | Stoyanov - Moreno | 0-1 | 28th of April 2009 19:18:58 | (chess) | rated |
31074 | Vanhorn - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of June 2009 08:32:07 | (chess) | rated |
31078 | Stoyanov - Vranesh-Fallin | 1-0 | 25th of May 2009 18:35:41 | (chess) | rated |
31081 | Leclerc - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of May 2009 19:21:45 | (chess) | rated |
31084 | Stoyanov - Volpi | 1-0 | 15th of April 2009 21:17:00 | (chess) | rated |
31085 | Baars - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of April 2009 18:26:29 | (chess) | rated |
31368 | Stoyanov - Lubeck | 1-0 | 5th of June 2009 07:35:49 | (chess) | rated |
31373 | Vanhorn - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of May 2009 06:52:50 | (chess) | rated |
31377 | Stoyanov - Moreno | 0-1 | 2nd of May 2009 08:52:44 | (chess) | rated |
31380 | Inving - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of May 2009 21:40:48 | (chess) | rated |
31382 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 27th of April 2009 21:20:30 | (chess) | rated |
31383 | Volpi - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of April 2009 18:39:48 | (chess) | rated |
31644 | Stoyanov - Gouldar | 0-1 | 10th of March 2010 20:56:43 | (chess) | rated |
31730 | Orden - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of May 2009 19:27:07 | (chess) | rated |
31736 | Stoyanov - Inving | 0-1 | 26th of June 2009 20:54:50 | (chess) | rated |
31737 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 12th of June 2009 11:45:26 | (chess) | rated |
31738 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 13th of May 2009 12:34:21 | (chess) | rated |
31739 | Brulland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of May 2009 16:06:23 | (chess) | rated |
31740 | Stoyanov - Huntley | 0-1 | 7th of May 2009 11:35:35 | (chess) | rated |
32329 | Stoyanov - Moody | 0-1 | 7th of June 2009 19:32:50 | (chess) | rated |
32334 | Clegg - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of July 2009 21:47:31 | (chess) | rated |
32339 | Stoyanov - Escalettes | 1-0 | 7th of June 2009 18:00:47 | (chess) | rated |
32340 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of June 2009 17:21:43 | (chess) | rated |
32341 | Stoyanov - Pech | 0-1 | 15th of August 2009 20:12:36 | (chess) | rated |
32342 | Langlois - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of June 2009 21:37:03 | (chess) | rated |
32353 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 19th of June 2009 01:27:46 | (chess) | rated |
32358 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of June 2009 15:52:25 | (chess) | rated |
32362 | Stoyanov - Frame | 0-1 | 5th of July 2009 20:30:47 | (chess) | rated |
32365 | Buscia - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of June 2009 09:00:31 | (chess) | rated |
32368 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 1-0 | 3rd of July 2009 16:30:44 | (chess) | rated |
32369 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of June 2009 19:32:11 | (chess) | rated |
32670 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of July 2009 14:20:30 | (chess) | rated |
32675 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 5th of July 2009 16:38:05 | (chess) | rated |
32679 | Engo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of July 2009 11:21:11 | (chess) | rated |
32683 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 1-0 | 29th of September 2009 10:11:58 | (chess) | rated |
32684 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of July 2009 15:41:58 | (chess) | rated |
32685 | Stoyanov - Benreguia | 1-0 | 4th of July 2009 17:01:16 | (chess) | rated |
32712 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1/2-1/2 | 25th of July 2009 10:53:54 | (chess) | rated |
32717 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of June 2009 13:39:35 | (chess) | rated |
32722 | Stoyanov - Trigiani | 1-0 | 29th of June 2009 12:30:43 | (chess) | rated |
32723 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of July 2009 20:50:39 | (chess) | rated |
32724 | Stoyanov - McNabb | 1-0 | 5th of July 2009 16:01:13 | (chess) | rated |
32725 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of June 2009 21:27:07 | (chess) | rated |
32816 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of July 2009 21:15:43 | (chess) | rated |
32822 | Stoyanov - Marques | 1-0 | 29th of July 2009 19:10:36 | (chess) | rated |
32823 | Higuita - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of July 2009 16:35:59 | (chess) | rated |
32824 | Stoyanov - Raman | 0-1 | 5th of August 2009 22:25:22 | (chess) | rated |
32825 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 28th of July 2009 21:42:18 | (chess) | rated |
32826 | Stoyanov - Volpi | 1-0 | 21st of October 2009 21:45:39 | (chess) | rated |
33265 | Stoyanov - Jankovic | 1-0 | 14th of October 2009 15:53:59 | (chess) | rated |
33270 | Tellore Raghu - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of August 2009 21:40:08 | (chess) | rated |
33275 | Stoyanov - Martinez | 1-0 | 28th of August 2009 03:02:24 | (chess) | rated |
33276 | Jerez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of September 2009 15:38:36 | (chess) | rated |
33277 | Stoyanov - Johnson | 1-0 | 20th of September 2009 10:37:47 | (chess) | rated |
33278 | Csoma - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of December 2009 21:43:54 | (chess) | rated |
33715 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 18th of August 2009 18:37:24 | (chess) | rated |
33720 | Martinez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of October 2009 04:47:50 | (chess) | rated |
33725 | Stoyanov - Huntley | 0-1 | 3rd of August 2009 13:25:20 | (chess) | rated |
33726 | Moody - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of August 2009 16:36:26 | (chess) | rated |
33727 | Stoyanov - Cridland | 1-0 | 30th of August 2009 18:09:19 | (chess) | rated |
33728 | Caeiro - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of July 2009 07:27:57 | (chess) | rated |
33840 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of September 2009 18:19:00 | (chess) | rated |
33846 | Stoyanov - Huntley | 0-1 | 6th of August 2009 12:35:23 | (chess) | rated |
33847 | Cridland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of August 2009 18:38:42 | (chess) | rated |
33848 | Stoyanov - Caeiro | 0-1 | 3rd of August 2009 21:18:52 | (chess) | rated |
33849 | Hrubaru - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of August 2009 19:04:12 | (chess) | rated |
33850 | Stoyanov - Huxtable | 0-1 | 9th of November 2009 15:23:36 | (chess) | rated |
33903 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 9th of August 2009 09:48:50 | (chess) | rated |
33904 | Johnson - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of September 2009 21:43:49 | (chess) | rated |
33905 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 4th of August 2009 08:51:18 | (chess) | rated |
33906 | Huntley - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of August 2009 14:00:09 | (chess) | rated |
33907 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 15th of August 2009 00:21:54 | (chess) | rated |
33908 | Wing - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of October 2009 08:22:47 | (chess) | rated |
35031 | Cridland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 8th of October 2009 08:49:09 | (chess) | rated |
35036 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 18th of November 2009 19:06:50 | (chess) | rated |
35040 | Marques - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of September 2009 19:04:29 | (chess) | rated |
35043 | Stoyanov - Savu | 0-1 | 2nd of October 2009 10:00:47 | (chess) | rated |
35045 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of September 2009 16:26:33 | (chess) | rated |
35047 | Stoyanov - Benoit | 0-1 | 5th of October 2009 22:05:29 | (chess) | rated |
35335 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 19th of October 2009 07:50:50 | (chess) | rated |
35340 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 9th of October 2009 17:46:42 | (chess) | rated |
35344 | Savu - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of November 2009 20:22:06 | (chess) | rated |
35348 | Stoyanov - Benoit | 0-1 | 13th of October 2009 11:09:52 | (chess) | rated |
35349 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of October 2009 00:15:46 | (chess) | rated |
35350 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 12th of October 2009 21:57:30 | (chess) | rated |
35656 | Stoyanov - Barrett | 1-0 | 24th of November 2009 08:44:10 | (chess) | rated |
35661 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 2nd of December 2009 18:28:05 | (chess) | rated |
35666 | Stoyanov - Jankovic | 1-0 | 25th of December 2009 14:06:01 | (chess) | rated |
35667 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of October 2009 22:26:19 | (chess) | rated |
35668 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 11th of November 2009 22:34:57 | (chess) | rated |
35669 | Benoit - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of October 2009 17:20:38 | (chess) | rated |
35676 | Stoyanov - Orden | 0-1 | 17th of November 2009 14:33:44 | (chess) | rated |
35677 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of November 2009 00:00:14 | (chess) | rated |
35678 | Stoyanov - Eife | 1-0 | 28th of November 2009 08:55:18 | (chess) | rated |
35679 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of October 2009 11:18:16 | (chess) | rated |
35680 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1/2-1/2 | 15th of November 2009 21:45:42 | (chess) | rated |
35681 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of November 2009 08:10:28 | (chess) | rated |
36184 | Stoyanov - Ghisi | 0-1 | 31st of October 2009 23:09:53 | (chess) | rated |
36186 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 10th of November 2009 09:35:36 | (chess) | rated |
36191 | Savu - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 11th of December 2009 08:25:18 | (chess) | rated |
36196 | Stoyanov - Orden | 0-1 | 25th of November 2009 16:02:44 | (chess) | rated |
36197 | Eife - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of December 2009 08:26:02 | (chess) | rated |
36198 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 13th of November 2009 14:54:51 | (chess) | rated |
36199 | Nijs - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of January 2010 08:20:24 | (chess) | rated |
37146 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 16th of November 2009 18:32:07 | (chess) | rated |
37151 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of December 2009 23:30:37 | (chess) | rated |
37156 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1/2-1/2 | 15th of November 2009 16:26:23 | (chess) | rated |
37157 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of November 2009 08:56:51 | (chess) | rated |
37158 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 25th of November 2009 16:03:30 | (chess) | rated |
37159 | Martinez - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 2nd of January 2010 21:34:54 | (chess) | rated |
37190 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of December 2009 20:24:13 | (chess) | rated |
37195 | Stoyanov - Benoit | 0-1 | 22nd of November 2009 18:37:40 | (chess) | rated |
37199 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of November 2009 22:09:50 | (chess) | rated |
37203 | Stoyanov - Payzansky | 0-1 | 12th of November 2009 08:54:41 | (chess) | rated |
37204 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of January 2010 21:21:15 | (chess) | rated |
37205 | Stoyanov - Huxtable | 0-1 | 6th of January 2010 21:52:08 | (chess) | rated |
37232 | Stoyanov - Gramajo | 0-1 | 3rd of December 2009 20:44:34 | (chess) | rated |
37233 | Harper - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of December 2009 07:34:04 | (chess) | rated |
37234 | Stoyanov - Willis | 1-0 | 22nd of December 2009 15:23:51 | (chess) | rated |
37235 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of November 2009 17:54:27 | (chess) | rated |
37236 | Stoyanov - Payzansky | 0-1 | 10th of November 2009 15:16:51 | (chess) | rated |
37237 | Lazarov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of December 2009 19:53:03 | (chess) | rated |
37747 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of December 2009 20:41:25 | (chess) | rated |
37752 | Stoyanov - Payzansky | 0-1 | 29th of November 2009 14:51:10 | (chess) | rated |
37756 | Frolov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of January 2010 14:12:05 | (chess) | rated |
37760 | Stoyanov - Cridland | 1-0 | 8th of December 2009 18:15:24 | (chess) | rated |
37761 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of December 2009 10:12:55 | (chess) | rated |
37762 | Stoyanov - Roque | 0-1 | 1st of December 2009 20:26:01 | (chess) | rated |
38260 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 22nd of December 2009 18:40:11 | (chess) | rated |
38265 | Payzansky - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of December 2009 09:26:26 | (chess) | rated |
38270 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 29th of December 2009 12:47:55 | (chess) | rated |
38271 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of December 2009 21:30:27 | (chess) | rated |
38272 | Stoyanov - Willis | 1-0 | 19th of February 2010 22:13:06 | (chess) | rated |
38273 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of December 2009 17:13:42 | (chess) | rated |
38388 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 14th of February 2010 17:07:59 | (chess) | rated |
38393 | Payzansky - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of December 2009 12:42:36 | (chess) | rated |
38397 | Stoyanov - Marques | 1-0 | 18th of January 2010 13:01:50 | (chess) | rated |
38400 | Brulland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of December 2009 12:25:22 | (chess) | rated |
38403 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 22nd of December 2009 11:11:48 | (chess) | rated |
38404 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of December 2009 14:05:54 | (chess) | rated |
38542 | Payzansky - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of December 2009 12:10:28 | (chess) | rated |
38547 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 17th of February 2010 16:47:35 | (chess) | rated |
38551 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of December 2009 20:11:47 | (chess) | rated |
38554 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 0-1 | 15th of January 2010 11:11:13 | (chess) | rated |
38556 | Aguado Lopez - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 16th of August 2010 03:47:27 | (chess) | rated |
38558 | Stoyanov - Bester | 1-0 | 8th of February 2010 10:45:09 | (chess) | rated |
38963 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 13th of January 2010 11:36:06 | (chess) | rated |
38968 | Stoyanov - Payzansky | 0-1 | 5th of January 2010 14:19:40 | (chess) | rated |
38972 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of January 2010 21:06:44 | (chess) | rated |
38976 | Stoyanov - Inthavong | 1-0 | 2nd of February 2010 08:45:52 | (chess) | rated |
38977 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of January 2010 21:33:38 | (chess) | rated |
38978 | Stoyanov - Brulland | 0-1 | 18th of January 2010 20:15:36 | (chess) | rated |
39306 | Houtzager - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of February 2010 09:26:23 | (chess) | rated |
39311 | Stoyanov - Brulland | 0-1 | 18th of January 2010 18:51:45 | (chess) | rated |
39315 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of February 2010 15:32:30 | (chess) | rated |
39318 | Stoyanov - Budnar | 1-0 | 2nd of February 2010 20:05:04 | (chess) | rated |
39320 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of January 2010 21:42:14 | (chess) | rated |
39322 | Stoyanov - Frolov | 0-1 | 18th of February 2010 17:46:48 | (chess) | rated |
39410 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of February 2010 19:06:02 | (chess) | rated |
39415 | Stoyanov - Payzansky | 0-1 | 24th of January 2010 17:05:20 | (chess) | rated |
39419 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of January 2010 14:03:39 | (chess) | rated |
39423 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 29th of January 2010 17:54:07 | (chess) | rated |
39424 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 2nd of February 2010 19:27:30 | (chess) | rated |
39425 | Stoyanov - Moreno | 0-1 | 24th of January 2010 16:10:57 | (chess) | rated |
39818 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 8th of February 2010 22:13:45 | (chess) | rated |
39819 | Moreno - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of March 2010 16:29:46 | (chess) | rated |
39820 | Stoyanov - Neto | 1-0 | 3rd of March 2010 21:34:31 | (chess) | rated |
39821 | Cridland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of February 2010 12:00:57 | (chess) | rated |
39822 | Stoyanov - Huxtable | 0-1 | 19th of February 2010 21:55:26 | (chess) | rated |
39823 | Boucher - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of February 2010 20:00:14 | (chess) | rated |
40204 | Marques - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of March 2010 17:41:48 | (chess) | rated |
40210 | Stoyanov - Flores | 0-1 | 4th of March 2010 12:11:37 | (chess) | rated |
40211 | Brulland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of March 2010 16:58:55 | (chess) | rated |
40212 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 2nd of March 2010 17:40:15 | (chess) | rated |
40213 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of March 2010 19:18:33 | (chess) | rated |
40214 | Stoyanov - Budnar | 0-1 | 22nd of April 2010 07:31:45 | (chess) | rated |
40296 | Stoyanov - Moreno | 0-1 | 4th of April 2010 10:26:03 | (chess) | rated |
40301 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of March 2010 09:37:47 | (chess) | rated |
40306 | Stoyanov - Beni | 1-0 | 17th of March 2010 01:00:46 | (chess) | rated |
40307 | Guralivu - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of February 2010 19:56:04 | (chess) | rated |
40308 | Stoyanov - Gramajo | 0-1 | 11th of March 2010 21:20:36 | (chess) | rated |
40309 | Jaspan - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of February 2010 19:55:10 | (chess) | rated |
40595 | Stoyanov - Brulland | 0-1 | 10th of March 2010 20:22:15 | (chess) | rated |
40596 | Cridland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of March 2010 21:50:20 | (chess) | rated |
40597 | Stoyanov - Flores | 0-1 | 9th of March 2010 11:39:47 | (chess) | rated |
40598 | Eife - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of May 2010 08:27:09 | (chess) | rated |
40599 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 6th of March 2010 20:33:48 | (chess) | rated |
40600 | Simonnet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of March 2010 16:28:25 | (chess) | rated |
40927 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1/2-1/2 | 31st of March 2010 19:30:57 | (chess) | rated |
40928 | Eife - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of June 2010 20:47:10 | (chess) | rated |
40929 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 30th of May 2010 20:28:57 | (chess) | rated |
40930 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of March 2010 21:59:51 | (chess) | rated |
40931 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 0-1 | 5th of April 2010 16:29:35 | (chess) | rated |
40932 | Willis - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of June 2010 21:41:42 | (chess) | rated |
41404 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of April 2010 20:06:46 | (chess) | rated |
41410 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1/2-1/2 | 30th of March 2010 20:52:21 | (chess) | rated |
41411 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of May 2010 20:00:13 | (chess) | rated |
41412 | Stoyanov - Frame | 0-1 | 22nd of April 2010 21:27:33 | (chess) | rated |
41413 | Lupinacci - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of April 2010 22:40:17 | (chess) | rated |
41414 | Stoyanov - Gramajo | 1-0 | 16th of April 2010 20:50:06 | (chess) | rated |
41705 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 8th of April 2010 09:45:42 | (chess) | rated |
41710 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 18th of April 2010 17:47:31 | (chess) | rated |
41715 | Stoyanov - Sandhu | 0-1 | 16th of April 2010 21:19:48 | (chess) | rated |
41716 | Hakkinen - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of April 2010 09:45:49 | (chess) | rated |
41717 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 1/2-1/2 | 22nd of April 2010 22:13:09 | (chess) | rated |
41718 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of April 2010 22:42:42 | (chess) | rated |
41926 | Lupinacci - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of June 2010 12:15:14 | (chess) | rated |
41931 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 15th of April 2010 21:13:08 | (chess) | rated |
41935 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of May 2010 13:13:38 | (chess) | rated |
41938 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 1-0 | 13th of April 2010 20:21:21 | (chess) | rated |
41940 | Melquiades - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of April 2010 18:38:04 | (chess) | rated |
41942 | Stoyanov - Trigiani | 1-0 | 24th of May 2010 08:34:53 | (chess) | rated |
42319 | Stoyanov - Trigiani | 1-0 | 30th of May 2010 20:48:29 | (chess) | rated |
42324 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of May 2010 11:51:14 | (chess) | rated |
42328 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2010 20:08:07 | (chess) | rated |
42331 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of April 2010 22:17:50 | (chess) | rated |
42334 | Stoyanov - Segovia | 1-0 | 20th of June 2010 18:52:23 | (chess) | rated |
42335 | Eife - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of June 2010 21:01:11 | (chess) | rated |
42556 | Hakkinen - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of May 2010 14:22:58 | (chess) | rated |
42562 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 6th of May 2010 20:58:29 | (chess) | rated |
42563 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of May 2010 21:52:51 | (chess) | rated |
42564 | Stoyanov - Wallbank | 1-0 | 12th of August 2010 22:36:06 | (chess) | rated |
42565 | Jacobs - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 8th of May 2010 15:07:53 | (chess) | rated |
42566 | Stoyanov - Chhawchharia | 0-1 | 8th of May 2010 19:55:08 | (chess) | rated |
43469 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 17th of June 2010 12:01:43 | (chess) | rated |
43470 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of May 2010 14:24:05 | (chess) | rated |
43471 | Stoyanov - Allard Dos Santos | 0-1 | 24th of June 2010 10:55:37 | (chess) | rated |
43472 | McNabb - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of August 2010 22:02:27 | (chess) | rated |
43473 | Stoyanov - Chhawchharia | 0-1 | 7th of September 2010 08:09:22 | (chess) | rated |
43474 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of June 2010 21:40:48 | (chess) | rated |
43619 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 0-1 | 8th of June 2010 18:28:13 | (chess) | rated |
43624 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of June 2010 20:07:02 | (chess) | rated |
43629 | Stoyanov - Cazeri Junior | 0-1 | 30th of May 2010 17:31:34 | (chess) | rated |
43630 | Chhawchharia - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of September 2010 21:00:29 | (chess) | rated |
43631 | Stoyanov - Guralivu | 0-1 | 10th of June 2010 17:00:39 | (chess) | rated |
43632 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of June 2010 12:15:41 | (chess) | rated |
44216 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 18th of June 2010 15:27:08 | (chess) | rated |
44221 | Melquiades - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of June 2010 19:23:47 | (chess) | rated |
44225 | Stoyanov - Guralivu | 0-1 | 18th of June 2010 11:31:20 | (chess) | rated |
44228 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 11th of July 2010 21:16:27 | (chess) | rated |
44230 | Stoyanov - Marques | 1-0 | 22nd of July 2010 13:31:18 | (chess) | rated |
44231 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 11th of August 2010 21:53:28 | (chess) | rated |
44237 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 10th of July 2010 22:19:32 | (chess) | rated |
44242 | De Breche - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of July 2010 21:48:10 | (chess) | rated |
44246 | Stoyanov - Guralivu | 0-1 | 18th of June 2010 11:38:14 | (chess) | rated |
44249 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of June 2010 19:07:40 | (chess) | rated |
44251 | Stoyanov - Smith | 1-0 | 23rd of June 2010 21:55:38 | (chess) | rated |
44252 | Nez - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of October 2010 10:35:16 | (chess) | rated |
44663 | Stoyanov - Nez | 0-1 | 26th of August 2010 16:28:04 | (chess) | rated |
44668 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of July 2010 10:54:54 | (chess) | rated |
44673 | Stoyanov - Todd | 0-1 | 4th of August 2010 06:55:12 | (chess) | rated |
44674 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of July 2010 18:52:02 | (chess) | rated |
44675 | Stoyanov - Toro | 1-0 | 7th of September 2010 23:22:23 | (chess) | rated |
44676 | Willoughby - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of July 2010 20:28:14 | (chess) | rated |
44689 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 1-0 | 3rd of September 2010 12:10:11 | (chess) | rated |
44694 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of August 2010 23:59:39 | (chess) | rated |
44698 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 0-1 | 11th of July 2010 19:25:54 | (chess) | rated |
44701 | Trigiani - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of September 2010 18:56:06 | (chess) | rated |
44704 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 8th of July 2010 20:16:48 | (chess) | rated |
44705 | Vuong Linh - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of August 2010 22:43:20 | (chess) | rated |
46432 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 0-1 | 15th of September 2010 21:50:55 | (chess) | rated |
46437 | Todd - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 25th of September 2010 04:10:31 | (chess) | rated |
46441 | Stoyanov - Willoughby | 0-1 | 9th of August 2010 19:22:58 | (chess) | rated |
46444 | Petitjean - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of August 2010 22:46:51 | (chess) | rated |
46446 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 2nd of August 2010 18:18:12 | (chess) | rated |
46447 | Amlie - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of August 2010 01:44:07 | (chess) | rated |
46600 | Stoyanov - Bumgardner | 1-0 | 18th of September 2010 09:01:49 | (chess) | rated |
46605 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of August 2010 12:22:44 | (chess) | rated |
46609 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 18th of November 2010 05:58:53 | (chess) | rated |
46612 | Nez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of November 2010 18:04:27 | (chess) | rated |
46614 | Stoyanov - Zaunercik | 0-1 | 15th of November 2010 13:42:17 | (chess) | rated |
46615 | Cabrera - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of September 2010 19:58:45 | (chess) | rated |
47801 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1-0 | 12th of September 2010 17:34:37 | (chess) | rated |
47806 | Willoughby - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of October 2010 16:44:46 | (chess) | rated |
47810 | Stoyanov - Bizet | 0-1 | 14th of October 2010 18:08:21 | (chess) | rated |
47813 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 8th of October 2010 20:43:27 | (chess) | rated |
47815 | Stoyanov - Henrion | 1-0 | 9th of November 2010 08:30:00 | (chess) | rated |
47816 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of October 2010 10:00:23 | (chess) | rated |
47929 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 21st of September 2010 18:35:31 | (chess) | rated |
47934 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of October 2010 09:13:57 | (chess) | rated |
47939 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 3rd of October 2010 18:36:22 | (chess) | rated |
47940 | Marques - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of December 2010 12:48:55 | (chess) | rated |
47941 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 1-0 | 24th of September 2010 14:12:19 | (chess) | rated |
47942 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 3rd of October 2010 17:29:40 | (chess) | rated |
48018 | Stoyanov - Marques | 0-1 | 19th of November 2010 16:30:03 | (chess) | rated |
48023 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 28th of September 2010 22:09:20 | (chess) | rated |
48027 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 1/2-1/2 | 20th of November 2010 20:16:24 | (chess) | rated |
48030 | Davis - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of April 2011 14:04:42 | (chess) | rated |
48033 | Stoyanov - Zeckarias | 1-0 | 17th of September 2010 15:45:16 | (chess) | rated |
48034 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of September 2010 18:39:17 | (chess) | rated |
50024 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1-0 | 17th of November 2010 16:12:07 | (chess) | rated |
50029 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of November 2010 07:16:40 | (chess) | rated |
50033 | Stoyanov - Bizet | 1-0 | 28th of January 2011 21:47:56 | (chess) | rated |
50036 | Pechova - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of December 2010 10:57:32 | (chess) | rated |
50038 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 30th of November 2011 02:30:56 | (chess) | rated |
50039 | Mahony - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of January 2011 11:06:34 | (chess) | rated |
50151 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 11th of December 2010 20:28:58 | (chess) | rated |
50156 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 12th of December 2010 21:38:02 | (chess) | rated |
50160 | Korossy - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of January 2011 10:54:32 | (chess) | rated |
50163 | Stoyanov - Pech | 1-0 | 28th of December 2010 22:56:10 | (chess) | rated |
50165 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of December 2010 19:50:42 | (chess) | rated |
50167 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 26th of December 2010 00:34:12 | (chess) | rated |
50741 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of February 2011 13:46:03 | (chess) | rated |
50746 | Stoyanov - Guralivu | 0-1 | 16th of December 2010 21:41:36 | (chess) | rated |
50750 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of December 2010 16:03:10 | (chess) | rated |
50753 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 0-1 | 2nd of January 2011 19:59:41 | (chess) | rated |
50755 | Bearg - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of January 2011 23:09:32 | (chess) | rated |
50757 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 1-0 | 30th of December 2010 06:14:01 | (chess) | rated |
50803 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of December 2010 20:33:08 | (chess) | rated |
50808 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 8th of January 2011 17:59:33 | (chess) | rated |
50812 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of January 2011 16:36:18 | (chess) | rated |
50816 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 11th of February 2011 20:33:58 | (chess) | rated |
50817 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of December 2010 12:55:15 | (chess) | rated |
50818 | Stoyanov - Boucher | 1-0 | 19th of January 2011 11:16:55 | (chess) | rated |
51546 | McNabb - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of February 2011 10:26:04 | (chess) | rated |
51551 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 0-1 | 16th of January 2011 11:15:29 | (chess) | rated |
51555 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 4th of February 2011 11:22:04 | (chess) | rated |
51559 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 24th of February 2011 17:31:43 | (chess) | rated |
51560 | Melquiades - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of February 2011 17:20:46 | (chess) | rated |
51561 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 9th of February 2011 20:33:19 | (chess) | rated |
52003 | Whittaker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of February 2011 18:40:40 | (chess) | rated |
52008 | Stoyanov - Khramkov | 1/2-1/2 | 5th of April 2011 13:10:59 | (chess) | rated |
52012 | Quanter - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of January 2011 18:22:08 | (chess) | rated |
52016 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 0-1 | 8th of April 2011 21:17:45 | (chess) | rated |
52017 | Lommler - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 31st of January 2011 20:18:38 | (chess) | rated |
52018 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 28th of January 2011 18:47:31 | (chess) | rated |
52116 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of February 2011 21:22:45 | (chess) | rated |
52121 | Stoyanov - Orden | 0-1 | 16th of February 2011 20:06:41 | (chess) | rated |
52125 | Henrion - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of February 2011 16:16:39 | (chess) | rated |
52129 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 24th of January 2011 14:54:28 | (chess) | rated |
52130 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 11th of February 2011 21:32:20 | (chess) | rated |
52131 | Stoyanov - Pech | 1-0 | 9th of March 2011 11:35:27 | (chess) | rated |
52706 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 0-1 | 16th of February 2011 20:56:02 | (chess) | rated |
52711 | Vilnius - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of May 2011 17:33:11 | (chess) | rated |
52715 | Stoyanov - Bizet | 0-1 | 27th of March 2011 17:41:26 | (chess) | rated |
52718 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of February 2011 18:15:00 | (chess) | rated |
52720 | Stoyanov - Budnar | 0-1 | 24th of February 2011 20:14:33 | (chess) | rated |
52721 | Zaunercik - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of March 2011 11:41:50 | (chess) | rated |
52791 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 0-1 | 20th of February 2011 20:01:15 | (chess) | rated |
52796 | Zaunercik - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of April 2011 07:48:38 | (chess) | rated |
52801 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 16th of March 2011 12:09:42 | (chess) | rated |
52802 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of February 2011 20:57:16 | (chess) | rated |
52803 | Stoyanov - Martinez | 1-0 | 11th of April 2011 15:28:36 | (chess) | rated |
52804 | Jerez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of April 2011 15:27:24 | (chess) | rated |
53783 | Stoyanov - Quanter | 0-1 | 22nd of March 2011 15:51:06 | (chess) | rated |
53788 | Geitlinger - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of April 2011 04:21:19 | (chess) | rated |
53792 | Stoyanov - Bilz | 0-1 | 15th of March 2011 22:42:07 | (chess) | rated |
53795 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of March 2011 21:11:30 | (chess) | rated |
53798 | Stoyanov - Davis | 1-0 | 29th of May 2011 22:06:15 | (chess) | rated |
53799 | Jaquet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of April 2011 04:21:19 | (chess) | rated |
54970 | Stoyanov - Ylonen | 0-1 | 12th of July 2011 22:33:41 | (chess) | rated |
54975 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of May 2011 21:23:22 | (chess) | rated |
54980 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 19th of April 2011 18:26:28 | (chess) | rated |
54981 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of July 2011 20:23:53 | (chess) | rated |
54982 | Stoyanov - Zaunercik | 1/2-1/2 | 15th of May 2011 09:37:33 | (chess) | rated |
54983 | Dups - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of May 2011 06:59:05 | (chess) | rated |
55074 | Stoyanov - Ylonen | 0-1 | 23rd of May 2011 06:31:57 | (chess) | rated |
55079 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of May 2011 20:36:52 | (chess) | rated |
55084 | Stoyanov - Cook | 1-0 | 23rd of May 2011 06:44:05 | (chess) | rated |
55085 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of August 2011 21:58:57 | (chess) | rated |
55086 | Stoyanov - Dups | 1-0 | 4th of July 2011 08:12:37 | (chess) | rated |
55087 | Khramkov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of June 2011 09:41:15 | (chess) | rated |
56436 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of August 2011 17:25:43 | (chess) | rated |
56442 | Stoyanov - Martinez | 1-0 | 11th of August 2011 06:02:17 | (chess) | rated |
56443 | Jerez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of June 2011 23:46:36 | (chess) | rated |
56444 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 0-1 | 7th of June 2011 20:45:38 | (chess) | rated |
56445 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of June 2011 09:19:29 | (chess) | rated |
56446 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 4th of July 2011 13:21:49 | (chess) | rated |
56621 | Stoyanov - Piantadosi | 0-1 | 15th of August 2011 09:42:00 | (chess) | rated |
56626 | Ylonen - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of December 2011 16:55:21 | (chess) | rated |
56630 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 4th of December 2011 03:22:13 | (chess) | rated |
56633 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of June 2011 21:48:46 | (chess) | rated |
56636 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 0-1 | 27th of July 2011 19:05:59 | (chess) | rated |
56637 | Zalinski - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of June 2011 07:44:36 | (chess) | rated |
59108 | Stoyanov - Orden | 0-1 | 19th of November 2011 18:06:59 | (chess) | rated |
59109 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of October 2011 21:05:05 | (chess) | rated |
59110 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 0-1 | 15th of September 2011 08:55:01 | (chess) | rated |
59111 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of October 2011 21:37:08 | (chess) | rated |
59112 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 20th of September 2011 09:13:04 | (chess) | rated |
59113 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of October 2011 16:30:04 | (chess) | rated |
59240 | Davis - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 23rd of May 2012 20:06:26 | (chess) | rated |
59246 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 18th of April 2012 11:45:48 | (chess) | rated |
59247 | Hakkinen - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of September 2011 11:15:53 | (chess) | rated |
59248 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 28th of September 2011 09:35:00 | (chess) | rated |
59249 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of September 2011 14:47:15 | (chess) | rated |
59250 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1/2-1/2 | 21st of September 2011 07:52:53 | (chess) | rated |
60084 | Stoyanov - Hakkinen | 1-0 | 21st of October 2011 16:06:29 | (chess) | rated |
60089 | Malween - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of November 2011 21:08:18 | (chess) | rated |
60094 | Stoyanov - Khramkov | 0-1 | 29th of November 2011 07:28:12 | (chess) | rated |
60095 | Pechova - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of November 2011 14:13:28 | (chess) | rated |
60096 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 1-0 | 4th of December 2011 00:03:39 | (chess) | rated |
60097 | Jacobs - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of October 2011 11:09:06 | (chess) | rated |
60132 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 2nd of November 2011 15:32:12 | (chess) | rated |
60138 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 26th of October 2011 19:12:02 | (chess) | rated |
60139 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of October 2011 21:09:47 | (chess) | rated |
60140 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 21st of October 2011 21:17:49 | (chess) | rated |
60141 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of November 2011 13:38:57 | (chess) | rated |
60142 | Stoyanov - Jaquet | 0-1 | 12th of November 2011 19:03:23 | (chess) | rated |
60791 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 23rd of November 2011 19:47:40 | (chess) | rated |
60796 | Di Giandomenico - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of November 2011 18:03:03 | (chess) | rated |
60800 | Stoyanov - Jefferis | 1-0 | 18th of December 2011 11:28:27 | (chess) | rated |
60803 | Lazarov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of December 2011 05:34:34 | (chess) | rated |
60806 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 3rd of December 2011 19:27:54 | (chess) | rated |
60807 | Nath - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of December 2011 05:32:19 | (chess) | rated |
61183 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of December 2011 16:31:01 | (chess) | rated |
61188 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 18th of December 2011 17:03:38 | (chess) | rated |
61192 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of December 2011 09:55:08 | (chess) | rated |
61195 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 0-1 | 13th of January 2012 14:37:56 | (chess) | rated |
61197 | Di Giandomenico - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of December 2011 19:58:46 | (chess) | rated |
61199 | Stoyanov - Martinez | 1-0 | 29th of February 2012 02:20:16 | (chess) | rated |
61612 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 6th of February 2012 11:45:25 | (chess) | rated |
61618 | Stoyanov - Krakovsky | 0-1 | 7th of January 2012 16:24:09 | (chess) | rated |
61619 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 2nd of March 2012 00:05:44 | (chess) | rated |
61620 | Stoyanov - Pechova | 1-0 | 31st of January 2012 15:35:49 | (chess) | rated |
61621 | Jacobs - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of January 2012 15:27:40 | (chess) | rated |
61622 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 26th of October 2012 22:35:00 | (chess) | rated |
61772 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 8th of January 2012 17:56:56 | (chess) | rated |
61777 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of January 2012 22:07:10 | (chess) | rated |
61782 | Stoyanov - Nath | 1-0 | 27th of January 2012 06:33:18 | (chess) | rated |
61783 | Jaquet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of February 2012 19:54:51 | (chess) | rated |
61784 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 24th of January 2012 08:14:08 | (chess) | rated |
61785 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of January 2012 20:55:18 | (chess) | rated |
63250 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 29th of January 2012 19:00:11 | (chess) | rated |
63255 | Boucher - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of March 2012 18:14:24 | (chess) | rated |
63259 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 26th of January 2012 18:31:36 | (chess) | rated |
63262 | Guralivu - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of January 2012 12:41:05 | (chess) | rated |
63264 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 0-1 | 26th of January 2012 18:23:50 | (chess) | rated |
63265 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of April 2012 11:01:07 | (chess) | rated |
63317 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 6th of September 2012 05:19:07 | (chess) | rated |
63322 | Putt - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of March 2012 20:10:32 | (chess) | rated |
63326 | Stoyanov - Chang | 1-0 | 11th of April 2012 23:34:59 | (chess) | rated |
63329 | Jacobs - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 31st of January 2012 18:16:16 | (chess) | rated |
63332 | Stoyanov - Frame | 0-1 | 1st of February 2012 16:36:37 | (chess) | rated |
63333 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of February 2012 18:58:11 | (chess) | rated |
63448 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 3rd of February 2012 22:23:24 | (chess) | rated |
63453 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 22nd of March 2012 10:17:10 | (chess) | rated |
63457 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 4th of February 2012 20:21:00 | (chess) | rated |
63460 | Jacobs - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of February 2012 09:23:56 | (chess) | rated |
63463 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 5th of February 2012 18:20:16 | (chess) | rated |
63464 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of April 2012 11:44:49 | (chess) | rated |
63634 | Chang - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of March 2012 08:53:15 | (chess) | rated |
63640 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 1/2-1/2 | 17th of February 2012 11:18:28 | (chess) | rated |
63641 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of February 2012 19:34:12 | (chess) | rated |
63642 | Stoyanov - Frame | 0-1 | 21st of February 2012 17:46:04 | (chess) | rated |
63643 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of March 2012 18:15:36 | (chess) | rated |
63644 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 20th of February 2012 22:34:44 | (chess) | rated |
63981 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 26th of February 2012 22:15:09 | (chess) | rated |
63986 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of February 2012 21:27:50 | (chess) | rated |
63990 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 0-1 | 24th of March 2012 16:45:42 | (chess) | rated |
63993 | Dups - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of February 2012 21:05:08 | (chess) | rated |
63995 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 0-1 | 4th of March 2012 20:08:20 | (chess) | rated |
63996 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 1st of March 2012 19:32:48 | (chess) | rated |
64196 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 13th of March 2012 19:13:21 | (chess) | rated |
64202 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 0-1 | 2nd of April 2012 22:55:02 | (chess) | rated |
64203 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of March 2012 11:23:10 | (chess) | rated |
64204 | Stoyanov - Neil | 0-1 | 4th of April 2012 20:23:51 | (chess) | rated |
64205 | Piantadosi - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of April 2012 11:34:26 | (chess) | rated |
64206 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 15th of March 2012 20:49:18 | (chess) | rated |
65071 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 11th of April 2012 14:03:37 | (chess) | rated |
65076 | Toro - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of April 2012 20:33:22 | (chess) | rated |
65080 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 20th of May 2012 13:52:01 | (chess) | rated |
65083 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of April 2012 21:45:05 | (chess) | rated |
65085 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 10th of April 2012 22:13:31 | (chess) | rated |
65086 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of May 2012 16:53:57 | (chess) | rated |
65301 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 30th of April 2012 16:07:38 | (chess) | rated |
65302 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of April 2012 21:35:00 | (chess) | rated |
65303 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 26th of April 2012 21:51:43 | (chess) | rated |
65304 | Ferreira - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of April 2012 18:24:28 | (chess) | rated |
65305 | Stoyanov - Pech | 0-1 | 1st of November 2012 10:05:05 | (chess) | rated |
65306 | Toro - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of May 2012 22:15:32 | (chess) | rated |
65412 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 4th of June 2012 12:55:16 | (chess) | rated |
65418 | Stoyanov - Gramajo | 1-0 | 10th of May 2012 08:52:03 | (chess) | rated |
65419 | Fienchetto - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 8th of May 2012 08:34:41 | (chess) | rated |
65420 | Stoyanov - Ruano | 1-0 | 9th of June 2012 03:49:27 | (chess) | rated |
65421 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 1st of May 2012 21:13:51 | (chess) | rated |
65422 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1/2-1/2 | 13th of May 2012 21:23:06 | (chess) | rated |
65475 | Toro - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of May 2012 21:34:59 | (chess) | rated |
65481 | Stoyanov - Orden | 0-1 | 21st of May 2012 18:37:46 | (chess) | rated |
65482 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of June 2012 14:55:24 | (chess) | rated |
65483 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 1st of May 2012 21:16:23 | (chess) | rated |
65484 | Vuong Linh - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of May 2012 01:57:02 | (chess) | rated |
65485 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 8th of May 2012 22:01:37 | (chess) | rated |
65723 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 13th of May 2012 17:55:43 | (chess) | rated |
65728 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of August 2012 01:39:36 | (chess) | rated |
65732 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 16th of May 2012 20:14:14 | (chess) | rated |
65735 | Benreguia - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of June 2012 23:08:12 | (chess) | rated |
65737 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1/2-1/2 | 13th of May 2012 18:56:45 | (chess) | rated |
65738 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 2nd of November 2012 22:05:43 | (chess) | rated |
66022 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of May 2012 20:45:34 | (chess) | rated |
66027 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 23rd of May 2012 07:12:01 | (chess) | rated |
66031 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of June 2012 20:29:17 | (chess) | rated |
66035 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 20th of May 2012 22:14:08 | (chess) | rated |
66036 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of November 2012 12:59:45 | (chess) | rated |
66037 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1/2-1/2 | 5th of December 2012 01:32:24 | (chess) | rated |
66235 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of June 2012 21:08:52 | (chess) | rated |
66241 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 21st of April 2013 20:14:54 | (chess) | rated |
66242 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of December 2012 16:23:10 | (chess) | rated |
66243 | Stoyanov - Whittaker | 1-0 | 25th of September 2012 17:36:25 | (chess) | rated |
66244 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of December 2012 23:35:58 | (chess) | rated |
66245 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 6th of November 2012 21:46:40 | (chess) | rated |
67576 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of October 2012 08:54:06 | (chess) | rated |
67581 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 27th of October 2012 20:20:57 | (chess) | rated |
67585 | Whittaker - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of October 2012 23:57:13 | (chess) | rated |
67589 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 1st of November 2012 21:40:19 | (chess) | rated |
67590 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of October 2012 09:57:51 | (chess) | rated |
67591 | Stoyanov - Dotti Contra | 1-0 | 31st of December 2012 18:58:32 | (chess) | rated |
67837 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of December 2012 14:24:27 | (chess) | rated |
67843 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 7th of November 2012 18:38:13 | (chess) | rated |
67844 | Gramajo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of November 2012 23:22:34 | (chess) | rated |
67845 | Stoyanov - Burghis | 1-0 | 4th of November 2012 22:14:13 | (chess) | rated |
67846 | Malween - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of December 2012 21:59:54 | (chess) | rated |
67847 | Stoyanov - Parker | 1-0 | 15th of November 2012 10:51:54 | (chess) | rated |
68603 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 11th of November 2012 16:30:00 | (chess) | rated |
68608 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 5th of November 2012 20:29:41 | (chess) | rated |
68612 | Drus - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of November 2012 23:14:37 | (chess) | rated |
68615 | Stoyanov - Goti | 0-1 | 29th of November 2012 16:49:59 | (chess) | rated |
68617 | Melquiades - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of November 2012 08:03:43 | (chess) | rated |
68619 | Stoyanov - Neil | 0-1 | 30th of November 2012 09:21:47 | (chess) | rated |
69649 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of December 2012 16:45:04 | (chess) | rated |
69654 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 11th of January 2013 21:12:53 | (chess) | rated |
69658 | Goti - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of December 2012 14:51:00 | (chess) | rated |
69662 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 0-1 | 26th of January 2013 17:30:10 | (chess) | rated |
69663 | Piantadosi - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of February 2013 12:01:11 | (chess) | rated |
69664 | Stoyanov - Satonnet | 0-1 | 17th of December 2012 16:13:24 | (chess) | rated |
69671 | Stoyanov - Krug | 1-0 | 6th of January 2013 11:38:15 | (chess) | rated |
69676 | Piantadosi - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of January 2013 04:44:52 | (chess) | rated |
69680 | Stoyanov - Piecuch | 1-0 | 14th of January 2013 12:19:42 | (chess) | rated |
69683 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 2nd of January 2013 18:17:47 | (chess) | rated |
69686 | Stoyanov - Jacobs | 0-1 | 4th of January 2013 11:06:29 | (chess) | rated |
69687 | Satonnet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 11th of December 2012 14:23:46 | (chess) | rated |
70290 | Satonnet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of January 2013 21:16:47 | (chess) | rated |
70296 | Stoyanov - Joubert | 1/2-1/2 | 1st of February 2013 16:28:39 | (chess) | rated |
70297 | Brulland - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of January 2013 19:52:04 | (chess) | rated |
70298 | Stoyanov - Cabrera | 1/2-1/2 | 21st of January 2013 10:24:56 | (chess) | rated |
70299 | Lopez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of March 2013 06:06:10 | (chess) | rated |
70300 | Stoyanov - Pech | 1-0 | 1st of April 2013 08:08:46 | (chess) | rated |
70442 | Satonnet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of February 2013 17:14:36 | (chess) | rated |
70447 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 22nd of January 2013 19:55:19 | (chess) | rated |
70451 | Goti - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of February 2013 21:31:45 | (chess) | rated |
70455 | Stoyanov - Sengupta | 0-1 | 31st of January 2013 19:59:15 | (chess) | rated |
70456 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 5th of March 2013 04:53:05 | (chess) | rated |
70457 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1-0 | 15th of January 2013 11:51:30 | (chess) | rated |
71085 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of February 2013 19:51:29 | (chess) | rated |
71090 | Stoyanov - Jerez | 0-1 | 30th of March 2013 12:15:16 | (chess) | rated |
71094 | Martinez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of April 2013 09:25:54 | (chess) | rated |
71097 | Stoyanov - Davis | 1-0 | 13th of March 2013 05:36:30 | (chess) | rated |
71099 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of January 2013 20:55:02 | (chess) | rated |
71101 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 29th of January 2013 22:08:27 | (chess) | rated |
71126 | Stoyanov - Beni | 1-0 | 27th of February 2013 00:28:08 | (chess) | rated |
71131 | Goti - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of April 2013 21:50:35 | (chess) | rated |
71135 | Stoyanov - Budnar | 1-0 | 21st of February 2013 18:50:09 | (chess) | rated |
71138 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of February 2013 20:58:01 | (chess) | rated |
71141 | Stoyanov - Vermeulen | 1-0 | 19th of February 2013 21:36:28 | (chess) | rated |
71142 | Makosiej - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 8th of February 2013 17:13:50 | (chess) | rated |
71252 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of February 2013 22:05:10 | (chess) | rated |
71257 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 10th of February 2013 21:29:57 | (chess) | rated |
71261 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of February 2013 20:49:45 | (chess) | rated |
71265 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 15th of February 2013 16:00:03 | (chess) | rated |
71266 | Vesely - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of February 2013 16:41:46 | (chess) | rated |
71267 | Stoyanov - Pech | 1-0 | 15th of April 2013 20:51:52 | (chess) | rated |
71599 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 23rd of March 2013 22:35:47 | (chess) | rated |
71604 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 1st of March 2013 20:38:21 | (chess) | rated |
71608 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1/2-1/2 | 2nd of March 2013 20:44:08 | (chess) | rated |
71611 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of March 2013 20:15:43 | (chess) | rated |
71614 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 5th of March 2013 19:32:05 | (chess) | rated |
71615 | Melquiades - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of March 2013 22:17:25 | (chess) | rated |
71744 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of April 2013 21:34:33 | (chess) | rated |
71750 | Stoyanov - Goti | 0-1 | 23rd of April 2013 20:44:46 | (chess) | rated |
71751 | Makosiej - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of April 2013 15:58:12 | (chess) | rated |
71752 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 0-1 | 7th of March 2013 18:22:18 | (chess) | rated |
71753 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of March 2013 22:39:33 | (chess) | rated |
71754 | Stoyanov - Pech | 1-0 | 26th of May 2013 12:21:26 | (chess) | rated |
72157 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of March 2013 20:18:18 | (chess) | rated |
72162 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 25th of March 2013 17:42:59 | (chess) | rated |
72166 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of June 2013 12:18:21 | (chess) | rated |
72170 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1/2-1/2 | 16th of April 2013 16:59:20 | (chess) | rated |
72171 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of April 2013 20:22:32 | (chess) | rated |
72172 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 0-1 | 19th of April 2013 13:07:48 | (chess) | rated |
72449 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 15th of April 2013 20:55:42 | (chess) | rated |
72454 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of April 2013 21:03:49 | (chess) | rated |
72458 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1/2-1/2 | 15th of May 2013 22:35:20 | (chess) | rated |
72461 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 2nd of May 2013 12:54:01 | (chess) | rated |
72463 | Stoyanov - Mach | 1-0 | 14th of May 2013 20:27:16 | (chess) | rated |
72464 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of April 2013 19:01:31 | (chess) | rated |
72470 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of April 2013 13:08:14 | (chess) | rated |
72475 | Stoyanov - Goti | 1-0 | 3rd of May 2013 01:14:17 | (chess) | rated |
72479 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 20th of June 2013 16:10:48 | (chess) | rated |
72483 | Stoyanov - Praz | 1/2-1/2 | 16th of April 2013 19:52:11 | (chess) | rated |
72484 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of April 2013 19:01:42 | (chess) | rated |
72485 | Stoyanov - Shishkin | 1-0 | 19th of May 2013 11:01:19 | (chess) | rated |
72599 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 19th of April 2013 18:14:44 | (chess) | rated |
72600 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of May 2013 20:22:52 | (chess) | rated |
72601 | Stoyanov - Gresham | 1-0 | 14th of April 2013 19:19:38 | (chess) | rated |
72602 | McNabb - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of May 2013 11:17:22 | (chess) | rated |
72603 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2013 07:57:20 | (chess) | rated |
72604 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of April 2013 21:15:45 | (chess) | rated |
72755 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of May 2013 13:02:52 | (chess) | rated |
72760 | Stoyanov - Goti | 0-1 | 1st of May 2013 00:48:45 | (chess) | rated |
72764 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of April 2013 18:39:31 | (chess) | rated |
72767 | Stoyanov - Vermeulen | 0-1 | 12th of May 2013 21:01:26 | (chess) | rated |
72769 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of May 2013 11:57:30 | (chess) | rated |
72771 | Stoyanov - Shishkin | 1-0 | 29th of May 2013 23:54:16 | (chess) | rated |
72929 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 7th of May 2013 22:00:23 | (chess) | rated |
72934 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of May 2013 21:25:22 | (chess) | rated |
72939 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 16th of August 2013 14:00:12 | (chess) | rated |
72940 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of May 2013 19:17:11 | (chess) | rated |
72941 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 0-1 | 3rd of June 2013 17:29:04 | (chess) | rated |
72942 | Orden - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of May 2013 13:31:40 | (chess) | rated |
73036 | Stoyanov - Budnar | 1-0 | 19th of June 2013 16:24:29 | (chess) | rated |
73041 | Goti - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 25th of June 2013 17:27:09 | (chess) | rated |
73045 | Stoyanov - Rezack | 0-1 | 22nd of July 2013 21:48:14 | (chess) | rated |
73048 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of May 2013 20:36:57 | (chess) | rated |
73051 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 1/2-1/2 | 12th of June 2013 20:44:34 | (chess) | rated |
73052 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of June 2013 12:10:25 | (chess) | rated |
73465 | Stoyanov - Rezack | 0-1 | 24th of July 2013 13:21:40 | (chess) | rated |
73470 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 11th of June 2013 11:50:55 | (chess) | rated |
73474 | Stoyanov - Vermeulen | 0-1 | 19th of June 2013 12:36:25 | (chess) | rated |
73477 | Ethier - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of August 2013 20:06:25 | (chess) | rated |
73479 | Stoyanov - Pech | 1-0 | 29th of August 2013 12:58:48 | (chess) | rated |
73480 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of June 2013 22:21:12 | (chess) | rated |
73637 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of June 2013 19:42:16 | (chess) | rated |
73642 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 18th of June 2013 20:58:07 | (chess) | rated |
73646 | Di Giandomenico - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of June 2013 13:08:26 | (chess) | rated |
73650 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 30th of June 2013 20:58:43 | (chess) | rated |
73651 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of July 2013 14:13:43 | (chess) | rated |
73652 | Stoyanov - Neil | 0-1 | 17th of August 2013 12:35:00 | (chess) | rated |
73935 | Stoyanov - Rezack | 1-0 | 14th of September 2013 20:23:43 | (chess) | rated |
73940 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of June 2013 13:21:21 | (chess) | rated |
73944 | Stoyanov - Goti | 0-1 | 25th of July 2013 13:42:54 | (chess) | rated |
73947 | Conde - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 11th of August 2013 06:06:33 | (chess) | rated |
73949 | Stoyanov - Piantadosi | 0-1 | 4th of September 2013 12:01:44 | (chess) | rated |
73950 | Mathakiya - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of August 2013 11:29:28 | (chess) | rated |
73977 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 11th of July 2013 21:54:10 | (chess) | rated |
73982 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of July 2013 21:26:15 | (chess) | rated |
73986 | Stoyanov - Conde | 1-0 | 4th of August 2013 17:08:11 | (chess) | rated |
73989 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of September 2013 22:15:40 | (chess) | rated |
73992 | Stoyanov - Melquiades | 1-0 | 23rd of July 2013 22:53:46 | (chess) | rated |
73993 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of July 2013 13:25:12 | (chess) | rated |
74935 | Stoyanov - Goti | 1-0 | 23rd of September 2013 20:44:34 | (chess) | rated |
74940 | Piantadosi - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of September 2013 12:39:14 | (chess) | rated |
74944 | Stoyanov - Mathakiya | 1-0 | 14th of August 2013 17:33:44 | (chess) | rated |
74947 | Strohmeier - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of October 2013 03:50:47 | (chess) | rated |
74949 | Stoyanov - Zmolil | 1-0 | 5th of September 2013 01:49:23 | (chess) | rated |
74950 | Brulland - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 2nd of September 2013 18:29:49 | (chess) | rated |
76039 | Budnar - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of September 2013 20:05:10 | (chess) | rated |
76045 | Stoyanov - Voveris | 1-0 | 22nd of October 2013 16:52:40 | (chess) | rated |
76046 | Kitzig - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of October 2013 15:38:24 | (chess) | rated |
76047 | Stoyanov - Zmolil | 1-0 | 9th of November 2013 18:21:26 | (chess) | rated |
76048 | Emara - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of October 2013 04:53:32 | (chess) | rated |
76049 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 0-1 | 2nd of December 2013 18:48:11 | (chess) | rated |
76081 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1-0 | 26th of September 2013 06:37:59 | (chess) | rated |
76082 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of September 2013 16:34:49 | (chess) | rated |
76083 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 27th of September 2013 18:15:33 | (chess) | rated |
76084 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 14th of November 2013 19:45:40 | (chess) | rated |
76085 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 6th of October 2013 17:32:27 | (chess) | rated |
76086 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of November 2013 18:38:56 | (chess) | rated |
76151 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of October 2013 21:11:05 | (chess) | rated |
76157 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 0-1 | 5th of October 2013 21:17:34 | (chess) | rated |
76158 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of December 2013 18:56:37 | (chess) | rated |
76159 | Stoyanov - Martinez | 0-1 | 8th of January 2014 11:44:52 | (chess) | rated |
76160 | Jerez - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of February 2014 00:49:23 | (chess) | rated |
76161 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 4th of October 2013 15:57:32 | (chess) | rated |
76237 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 2nd of November 2013 13:46:11 | (chess) | rated |
76238 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of October 2013 18:46:04 | (chess) | rated |
76239 | Stoyanov - Rezack | 0-1 | 11th of December 2013 14:00:53 | (chess) | rated |
76240 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of October 2013 14:18:05 | (chess) | rated |
76241 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 0-1 | 16th of November 2013 05:06:34 | (chess) | rated |
76242 | Piantadosi - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of December 2013 09:26:58 | (chess) | rated |
76628 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 6th of November 2013 22:12:25 | (chess) | rated |
76633 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 24th of October 2013 21:44:51 | (chess) | rated |
76637 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 23rd of October 2013 21:09:13 | (chess) | rated |
76640 | Marcel - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 24th of October 2013 12:02:55 | (chess) | rated |
76642 | Stoyanov - Frame | 1-0 | 21st of October 2013 21:27:35 | (chess) | rated |
76643 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of October 2013 19:54:27 | (chess) | rated |
76649 | Stoyanov - Marcel | 1-0 | 29th of November 2013 20:11:03 | (chess) | rated |
76654 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of October 2013 12:07:14 | (chess) | rated |
76658 | Stoyanov - Ethier | 0-1 | 11th of February 2014 08:48:13 | (chess) | rated |
76661 | Gomez - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of November 2013 22:15:15 | (chess) | rated |
76663 | Stoyanov - Rendon | 1-0 | 29th of November 2013 20:11:03 | (chess) | rated |
76664 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of October 2013 21:15:19 | (chess) | rated |
76769 | Melquiades - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 4th of November 2013 08:09:39 | (chess) | rated |
76774 | Stoyanov - Di Giandomenico | 1-0 | 19th of November 2013 16:42:56 | (chess) | rated |
76778 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 6th of November 2013 15:36:47 | (chess) | rated |
76781 | Stoyanov - Marcel | 1-0 | 27th of October 2013 20:38:25 | (chess) | rated |
76783 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of October 2013 21:17:14 | (chess) | rated |
76785 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 31st of October 2013 19:52:05 | (chess) | rated |
77038 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1-0 | 2nd of December 2013 15:04:55 | (chess) | rated |
77039 | Sengupta - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of December 2013 10:12:02 | (chess) | rated |
77040 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1/2-1/2 | 4th of December 2013 20:21:23 | (chess) | rated |
77041 | Frame - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 30th of November 2013 20:39:40 | (chess) | rated |
77042 | Stoyanov - Strohmeier | 1-0 | 12th of February 2014 00:36:17 | (chess) | rated |
77043 | Lupinacci - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of December 2013 13:25:11 | (chess) | rated |
77155 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 3rd of December 2013 20:58:48 | (chess) | rated |
77156 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 3rd of December 2013 16:57:09 | (chess) | rated |
77157 | Stoyanov - Sengupta | 1-0 | 29th of December 2013 10:10:42 | (chess) | rated |
77158 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of December 2013 20:12:28 | (chess) | rated |
77159 | Stoyanov - Lupinacci | 0-1 | 25th of December 2013 18:55:56 | (chess) | rated |
77160 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of December 2013 21:19:46 | (chess) | rated |
77541 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 10th of December 2013 14:56:19 | (chess) | rated |
77546 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of December 2013 20:58:01 | (chess) | rated |
77550 | Stoyanov - Selalmazidis | 0-1 | 30th of January 2014 19:29:35 | (chess) | rated |
77553 | Zmolil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of April 2014 11:59:44 | (chess) | rated |
77556 | Stoyanov - Strohmeier | 0-1 | 28th of May 2014 06:11:22 | (chess) | rated |
77557 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of December 2013 21:32:50 | (chess) | rated |
77814 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 17th of January 2014 22:27:55 | (chess) | rated |
77815 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of January 2014 14:45:57 | (chess) | rated |
77816 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 8th of January 2014 21:43:54 | (chess) | rated |
77817 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of February 2014 15:39:50 | (chess) | rated |
77818 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1/2-1/2 | 16th of January 2014 11:23:16 | (chess) | rated |
77819 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of January 2014 20:44:01 | (chess) | rated |
78078 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 9th of February 2014 19:32:36 | (chess) | rated |
78083 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 2nd of March 2014 21:03:47 | (chess) | rated |
78087 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 26th of February 2014 02:11:56 | (chess) | rated |
78090 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of January 2014 17:02:08 | (chess) | rated |
78093 | Stoyanov - Jankovic | 1-0 | 2nd of March 2014 23:05:29 | (chess) | rated |
78094 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of February 2014 18:27:00 | (chess) | rated |
78184 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 11th of February 2014 16:46:24 | (chess) | rated |
78189 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of January 2014 20:09:52 | (chess) | rated |
78194 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 1/2-1/2 | 27th of January 2014 20:29:06 | (chess) | rated |
78195 | Beni - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of February 2014 09:02:41 | (chess) | rated |
78196 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 1-0 | 5th of March 2014 20:18:27 | (chess) | rated |
78197 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of January 2014 21:37:00 | (chess) | rated |
78374 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1/2-1/2 | 11th of February 2014 21:30:22 | (chess) | rated |
78375 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of February 2014 18:51:43 | (chess) | rated |
78376 | Stoyanov - Frame | 0-1 | 8th of February 2014 13:31:10 | (chess) | rated |
78377 | Rezack - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of August 2014 16:14:36 | (chess) | rated |
78378 | Stoyanov - Martinez Camacho | 1-0 | 20th of February 2014 19:41:10 | (chess) | rated |
78379 | Goti - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 10th of March 2014 10:43:48 | (chess) | rated |
78522 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 11th of February 2014 21:45:42 | (chess) | rated |
78528 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 4th of March 2014 20:47:48 | (chess) | rated |
78529 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of February 2014 18:14:54 | (chess) | rated |
78530 | Stoyanov - Dsouza | 1-0 | 9th of May 2014 13:23:41 | (chess) | rated |
78531 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 25th of April 2014 20:29:51 | (chess) | rated |
78532 | Stoyanov - Pech | 0-1 | 11th of May 2014 19:26:05 | (chess) | rated |
79609 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 19th of March 2014 20:20:07 | (chess) | rated |
79614 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 14th of March 2014 21:21:57 | (chess) | rated |
79618 | Benone - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of May 2014 10:09:29 | (chess) | rated |
79621 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 24th of March 2014 20:47:35 | (chess) | rated |
79623 | Frame - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 26th of March 2014 21:53:22 | (chess) | rated |
79625 | Stoyanov - Stulgis | 0-1 | 18th of March 2014 17:10:57 | (chess) | rated |
79714 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 0-1 | 16th of April 2014 20:25:42 | (chess) | rated |
79715 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 24th of March 2014 20:54:16 | (chess) | rated |
79716 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 0-1 | 15th of May 2014 00:47:09 | (chess) | rated |
79717 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of May 2014 10:06:06 | (chess) | rated |
79718 | Stoyanov - Stulgis | 0-1 | 26th of March 2014 14:50:09 | (chess) | rated |
79719 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of April 2014 01:39:02 | (chess) | rated |
79906 | Gresham - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of May 2014 20:47:56 | (chess) | rated |
79912 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 23rd of April 2014 18:19:21 | (chess) | rated |
79913 | Dsouza - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of May 2014 13:26:53 | (chess) | rated |
79914 | Stoyanov - Rajput | 1/2-1/2 | 14th of May 2014 19:24:13 | (chess) | rated |
79915 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of April 2014 16:21:53 | (chess) | rated |
79916 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 16th of April 2014 19:56:29 | (chess) | rated |
80366 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of May 2014 21:14:28 | (chess) | rated |
80371 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 15th of May 2014 20:14:34 | (chess) | rated |
80375 | Ruano - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 5th of August 2014 03:23:42 | (chess) | rated |
80379 | Stoyanov - Ezhov | 1-0 | 9th of July 2014 00:29:25 | (chess) | rated |
80380 | Rajput - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of May 2014 21:55:35 | (chess) | rated |
80381 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 8th of June 2014 22:51:28 | (chess) | rated |
80408 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of May 2014 21:53:07 | (chess) | rated |
80413 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 1-0 | 25th of June 2014 05:51:11 | (chess) | rated |
80417 | Rajput - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of May 2014 19:10:49 | (chess) | rated |
80421 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 13th of May 2014 11:36:00 | (chess) | rated |
80422 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of July 2014 12:54:15 | (chess) | rated |
80423 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 9th of May 2014 17:42:47 | (chess) | rated |
80720 | Stoyanov - Rajput | 0-1 | 8th of June 2014 06:48:53 | (chess) | rated |
80725 | Gresham - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of July 2014 01:15:26 | (chess) | rated |
80729 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 12th of June 2014 22:28:27 | (chess) | rated |
80732 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of July 2014 20:11:50 | (chess) | rated |
80735 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 1-0 | 29th of July 2014 19:49:22 | (chess) | rated |
80736 | Mathakiya - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of June 2014 06:02:25 | (chess) | rated |
80741 | Gresham - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of August 2014 05:35:53 | (chess) | rated |
80747 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 13th of July 2014 11:45:01 | (chess) | rated |
80748 | Kitzig - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of July 2014 00:32:07 | (chess) | rated |
80749 | Stoyanov - Dotti Contra | 0-1 | 14th of July 2014 22:37:43 | (chess) | rated |
80750 | Mathakiya - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of July 2014 20:11:26 | (chess) | rated |
80751 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 3rd of June 2014 22:22:06 | (chess) | rated |
80938 | Stoyanov - Rajput | 1-0 | 16th of August 2014 17:17:05 | (chess) | rated |
80943 | Mathakiya - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of August 2014 05:23:42 | (chess) | rated |
80947 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 14th of July 2014 20:41:48 | (chess) | rated |
80950 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of August 2014 01:41:06 | (chess) | rated |
80952 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 1-0 | 30th of July 2014 02:17:25 | (chess) | rated |
80953 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of July 2014 00:17:13 | (chess) | rated |
81155 | Stoyanov - Rajput | 1-0 | 9th of August 2014 04:09:27 | (chess) | rated |
81160 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of July 2014 18:42:23 | (chess) | rated |
81164 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 20th of July 2014 21:35:33 | (chess) | rated |
81167 | Puzanov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 11th of September 2014 10:47:38 | (chess) | rated |
81170 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 0-1 | 25th of July 2014 20:31:40 | (chess) | rated |
81171 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 11th of August 2014 11:54:08 | (chess) | rated |
81243 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 14th of July 2014 20:53:58 | (chess) | rated |
81248 | Segur - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 8th of September 2014 11:44:20 | (chess) | rated |
81253 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 10th of September 2014 22:10:50 | (chess) | rated |
81254 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of August 2014 11:43:33 | (chess) | rated |
81255 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 0-1 | 26th of July 2014 20:10:28 | (chess) | rated |
81256 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of July 2014 12:18:00 | (chess) | rated |
82246 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 16th of November 2014 22:23:24 | (chess) | rated |
82251 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 7th of October 2014 20:49:58 | (chess) | rated |
82255 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 27th of October 2014 15:05:04 | (chess) | rated |
82259 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 13th of October 2014 19:44:58 | (chess) | rated |
82260 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of October 2014 18:17:14 | (chess) | rated |
82261 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 1st of November 2014 23:17:00 | (chess) | rated |
82378 | Martinez Camacho - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of December 2014 16:57:08 | (chess) | rated |
82383 | Stoyanov - Piantadosi | 1-0 | 16th of November 2014 04:08:08 | (chess) | rated |
82387 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of November 2014 22:01:31 | (chess) | rated |
82391 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 0-1 | 13th of December 2014 19:22:37 | (chess) | rated |
82392 | Todd - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 16th of January 2015 17:11:36 | (chess) | rated |
82393 | Stoyanov - LeMoine | 1-0 | 16th of December 2014 03:35:10 | (chess) | rated |
82399 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of November 2014 18:41:38 | (chess) | rated |
82404 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 14th of November 2014 22:00:46 | (chess) | rated |
82408 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of November 2014 20:37:16 | (chess) | rated |
82412 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1/2-1/2 | 28th of October 2014 20:44:54 | (chess) | rated |
82413 | Segur - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of January 2015 19:34:41 | (chess) | rated |
82414 | Stoyanov - Kitzig | 1-0 | 20th of November 2014 23:09:24 | (chess) | rated |
82657 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of December 2014 15:15:02 | (chess) | rated |
82662 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 0-1 | 9th of November 2014 18:15:36 | (chess) | rated |
82666 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of November 2014 17:33:47 | (chess) | rated |
82669 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 16th of November 2014 21:58:58 | (chess) | rated |
82671 | Segur - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of January 2015 21:09:08 | (chess) | rated |
82673 | Stoyanov - Neil | 0-1 | 14th of December 2014 15:34:42 | (chess) | rated |
83794 | Mathakiya - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of January 2015 04:17:51 | (chess) | rated |
83800 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1/2-1/2 | 15th of January 2015 20:20:54 | (chess) | rated |
83801 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of December 2014 21:34:40 | (chess) | rated |
83802 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 15th of January 2015 19:02:20 | (chess) | rated |
83803 | Puzanov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of February 2015 21:49:20 | (chess) | rated |
83804 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1/2-1/2 | 13th of January 2015 21:55:56 | (chess) | rated |
84091 | Stoyanov - Benone | 1-0 | 17th of January 2015 20:54:40 | (chess) | rated |
84096 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 17th of January 2015 20:02:32 | (chess) | rated |
84100 | Stoyanov - Mathakiya | 1-0 | 27th of January 2015 06:30:23 | (chess) | rated |
84103 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 23rd of January 2015 15:36:14 | (chess) | rated |
84106 | Stoyanov - Neil | 0-1 | 24th of January 2015 19:36:15 | (chess) | rated |
84107 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of January 2015 17:33:54 | (chess) | rated |
84176 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of January 2015 11:23:09 | (chess) | rated |
84181 | Stoyanov - Mathakiya | 1-0 | 10th of February 2015 19:50:48 | (chess) | rated |
84185 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of January 2015 14:32:46 | (chess) | rated |
84189 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 22nd of January 2015 18:17:07 | (chess) | rated |
84190 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of February 2015 20:20:50 | (chess) | rated |
84191 | Stoyanov - Pech | 0-1 | 9th of May 2015 11:11:51 | (chess) | rated |
84196 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 1-0 | 5th of August 2015 20:09:15 | (chess) | rated |
84201 | Joubert - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of January 2015 14:08:03 | (chess) | rated |
84206 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 11th of January 2015 08:50:38 | (chess) | rated |
84207 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 13th of April 2015 21:16:27 | (chess) | rated |
84208 | Stoyanov - Strohmeier | 0-1 | 22nd of April 2015 07:57:50 | (chess) | rated |
84209 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of May 2015 16:24:27 | (chess) | rated |
84312 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of January 2015 18:57:25 | (chess) | rated |
84318 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 18th of January 2015 18:40:37 | (chess) | rated |
84319 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 23rd of January 2015 14:19:56 | (chess) | rated |
84320 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 0-1 | 1st of March 2015 22:27:28 | (chess) | rated |
84321 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 23rd of January 2015 21:11:33 | (chess) | rated |
84322 | Stoyanov - Rajput | 0-1 | 4th of February 2015 19:26:02 | (chess) | rated |
84591 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of January 2015 20:18:52 | (chess) | rated |
84596 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 1st of February 2015 17:48:29 | (chess) | rated |
84600 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 25th of January 2015 13:50:37 | (chess) | rated |
84603 | Stoyanov - Rajput | 1-0 | 26th of May 2015 23:19:44 | (chess) | rated |
84605 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 28th of January 2015 10:20:46 | (chess) | rated |
84607 | Stoyanov - Boucher | 0-1 | 29th of March 2015 16:10:04 | (chess) | rated |
84652 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 5th of February 2015 19:58:07 | (chess) | rated |
84657 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 5th of February 2015 21:26:49 | (chess) | rated |
84661 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 10th of February 2015 20:03:03 | (chess) | rated |
84665 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 29th of January 2015 20:28:47 | (chess) | rated |
84666 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 21st of February 2015 14:08:42 | (chess) | rated |
84667 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 1-0 | 1st of February 2015 12:09:52 | (chess) | rated |
84698 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 0-1 | 6th of February 2015 21:18:47 | (chess) | rated |
84703 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of February 2015 08:38:15 | (chess) | rated |
84707 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 3rd of April 2015 21:55:02 | (chess) | rated |
84710 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of March 2015 21:27:45 | (chess) | rated |
84713 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1/2-1/2 | 19th of March 2015 18:19:37 | (chess) | rated |
84714 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of June 2015 00:38:56 | (chess) | rated |
84762 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of March 2015 17:25:36 | (chess) | rated |
84768 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 0-1 | 12th of April 2015 21:58:49 | (chess) | rated |
84769 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of February 2015 21:49:55 | (chess) | rated |
84770 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 22nd of March 2015 20:19:28 | (chess) | rated |
84771 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 14th of February 2015 12:52:11 | (chess) | rated |
84772 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 0-1 | 30th of March 2015 10:53:28 | (chess) | rated |
84980 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 16th of March 2015 16:22:09 | (chess) | rated |
84985 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 15th of April 2015 09:32:39 | (chess) | rated |
84989 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 31st of March 2015 21:12:19 | (chess) | rated |
84993 | Stoyanov - Goldmund | 1-0 | 6th of May 2015 18:47:32 | (chess) | rated |
84994 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 30th of March 2015 11:10:19 | (chess) | rated |
84995 | Stoyanov - Di Giandomenico | 1-0 | 20th of March 2015 19:35:34 | (chess) | rated |
85002 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of March 2015 17:56:51 | (chess) | rated |
85007 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 13th of March 2015 20:54:36 | (chess) | rated |
85011 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of March 2015 17:25:43 | (chess) | rated |
85015 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1/2-1/2 | 18th of April 2015 18:34:51 | (chess) | rated |
85016 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 14th of April 2015 11:26:14 | (chess) | rated |
85017 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 0-1 | 7th of April 2015 19:22:15 | (chess) | rated |
85451 | Cavaille - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of April 2015 20:49:21 | (chess) | rated |
85456 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 18th of April 2015 09:03:49 | (chess) | rated |
85460 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 15th of April 2015 21:11:07 | (chess) | rated |
85464 | Stoyanov - Boucher | 1-0 | 25th of May 2015 23:14:44 | (chess) | rated |
85465 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 1st of June 2015 12:03:41 | (chess) | rated |
85466 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 0-1 | 17th of April 2015 21:51:44 | (chess) | rated |
85608 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 0-1 | 9th of July 2015 15:42:14 | (chess) | rated |
85613 | Leurette - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of May 2015 20:48:18 | (chess) | rated |
85618 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 19th of June 2015 19:12:56 | (chess) | rated |
85619 | Dotti Contra - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 19th of May 2015 11:04:24 | (chess) | rated |
85620 | Stoyanov - Ohagen | 1-0 | 11th of April 2015 09:58:07 | (chess) | rated |
85621 | Pech - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of May 2015 10:31:20 | (chess) | rated |
85845 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 0-1 | 15th of June 2015 14:54:23 | (chess) | rated |
85850 | Gonet - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of May 2015 20:39:23 | (chess) | rated |
85854 | Stoyanov - Boucher | 1-0 | 10th of June 2015 12:38:10 | (chess) | rated |
85857 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 12th of June 2015 07:34:19 | (chess) | rated |
85859 | Stoyanov - Orden | 1-0 | 14th of June 2015 23:16:01 | (chess) | rated |
85860 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of June 2015 18:35:55 | (chess) | rated |
85907 | Neil - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 27th of May 2015 21:22:43 | (chess) | rated |
85912 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 16th of June 2015 13:11:55 | (chess) | rated |
85916 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of June 2015 21:37:54 | (chess) | rated |
85919 | Stoyanov - Boucher | 1-0 | 4th of June 2015 23:57:58 | (chess) | rated |
85921 | Orden - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of June 2015 22:54:35 | (chess) | rated |
85923 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 1-0 | 10th of June 2015 22:11:08 | (chess) | rated |
86693 | Cuaycong - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 28th of June 2015 06:48:09 | (chess) | rated |
86698 | Stoyanov - Smith | 1-0 | 25th of July 2015 18:38:41 | (chess) | rated |
86702 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 3rd of July 2015 10:17:58 | (chess) | rated |
86705 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 26th of August 2015 17:14:07 | (chess) | rated |
86707 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 19th of July 2015 15:19:29 | (chess) | rated |
86709 | Stoyanov - Strohmeier | 0-1 | 23rd of October 2015 18:51:30 | (chess) | rated |
86714 | Smith - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 31st of July 2015 07:16:34 | (chess) | rated |
86719 | Stoyanov - Cuaycong | 0-1 | 23rd of July 2015 17:24:41 | (chess) | rated |
86723 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of September 2015 06:02:03 | (chess) | rated |
86726 | Stoyanov - Gonet | 1/2-1/2 | 5th of July 2015 16:03:46 | (chess) | rated |
86728 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 13th of July 2015 19:28:46 | (chess) | rated |
86730 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 19th of July 2015 23:31:28 | (chess) | rated |
87569 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of December 2015 13:12:23 | (chess) | rated |
87574 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 10th of August 2015 09:00:53 | (chess) | rated |
87578 | Rivenburg - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 25th of August 2015 09:32:36 | (chess) | rated |
87582 | Stoyanov - Cavaille | 1-0 | 10th of September 2015 16:17:22 | (chess) | rated |
87583 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 30th of August 2015 14:01:59 | (chess) | rated |
87584 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 20th of July 2015 14:31:35 | (chess) | rated |
87694 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1/2-1/2 | 27th of October 2015 17:02:32 | (chess) | rated |
87695 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of July 2015 06:07:05 | (chess) | rated |
87696 | Stoyanov - Goldmund | 1-0 | 6th of September 2015 22:38:34 | (chess) | rated |
87697 | Belaz - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 29th of August 2015 20:50:02 | (chess) | rated |
87698 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 0-1 | 8th of September 2015 11:29:29 | (chess) | rated |
87699 | Neil - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of August 2015 22:46:37 | (chess) | rated |
88267 | Gurgui - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 9th of October 2015 16:25:45 | (chess) | rated |
88272 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 20th of September 2015 17:21:19 | (chess) | rated |
88276 | Vera - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 21st of September 2015 17:48:43 | (chess) | rated |
88279 | Stoyanov - Raman | 1-0 | 12th of October 2015 01:07:15 | (chess) | rated |
88281 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of September 2015 19:07:55 | (chess) | rated |
88283 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 17th of October 2015 09:56:03 | (chess) | rated |
88285 | Stoyanov - Raman | 1-0 | 13th of October 2015 13:27:35 | (chess) | rated |
88290 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 20th of September 2015 17:30:40 | (chess) | rated |
88295 | Stoyanov - Goldmund | 1-0 | 7th of October 2015 21:40:18 | (chess) | rated |
88296 | Rezack - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 13th of January 2016 14:19:23 | (chess) | rated |
88297 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 23rd of September 2015 22:54:32 | (chess) | rated |
88298 | Puzanov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of October 2015 23:03:18 | (chess) | rated |
88865 | Di Giandomenico - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 18th of December 2015 10:41:36 | (chess) | rated |
88870 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 1-0 | 2nd of January 2016 13:59:04 | (chess) | rated |
88874 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 29th of September 2015 20:05:57 | (chess) | rated |
88877 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 26th of November 2015 22:06:21 | (chess) | rated |
88879 | Ezhov - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of October 2015 02:56:39 | (chess) | rated |
88881 | Stoyanov - Neil | 1-0 | 31st of October 2015 14:28:50 | (chess) | rated |
89218 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 29th of November 2015 16:38:48 | (chess) | rated |
89219 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 27th of November 2015 13:24:57 | (chess) | rated |
89220 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 8th of November 2015 19:26:59 | (chess) | rated |
89221 | Pech - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of April 2016 19:45:02 | (chess) | rated |
89222 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 0-1 | 17th of August 2016 08:06:50 | (chess) | rated |
89223 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 16th of March 2016 19:41:30 | (chess) | rated |
90324 | Stoyanov - Benone | 0-1 | 5th of January 2016 14:53:59 | (chess) | rated |
90329 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 26th of January 2016 20:07:58 | (chess) | rated |
90334 | Stoyanov - Leurette | 0-1 | 6th of January 2016 19:41:29 | (chess) | rated |
90335 | Klawitter - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 25th of January 2016 12:24:36 | (chess) | rated |
90336 | Stoyanov - Hops | 0-1 | 25th of January 2016 12:25:31 | (chess) | rated |
90337 | Hilbert - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 23rd of January 2016 20:39:15 | (chess) | rated |
90348 | Mathakiya - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 22nd of January 2016 12:05:15 | (chess) | rated |
90353 | Stoyanov - Goldmund | 1-0 | 16th of January 2016 19:57:11 | (chess) | rated |
90357 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 10th of March 2016 06:53:09 | (chess) | rated |
90360 | Stoyanov - Kitzig | 1-0 | 27th of January 2016 00:40:33 | (chess) | rated |
90362 | Benone - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of January 2016 21:23:15 | (chess) | rated |
90364 | Stoyanov - Hilbert | 0-1 | 9th of February 2016 00:26:57 | (chess) | rated |
91090 | Stoyanov - Joubert | 1/2-1/2 | 19th of April 2016 19:01:26 | (chess) | rated |
91095 | Barradas - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 30th of March 2016 17:51:56 | (chess) | rated |
91099 | Stoyanov - Goldmund | 0-1 | 8th of March 2016 20:16:46 | (chess) | rated |
91102 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 4th of April 2016 20:02:45 | (chess) | rated |
91104 | Stoyanov - Di Giandomenico | 1-0 | 15th of June 2016 10:53:02 | (chess) | rated |
91105 | Strohmeier - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 18th of April 2016 12:38:27 | (chess) | rated |
91111 | Stoyanov - Barradas | 0-1 | 31st of March 2016 21:22:24 | (chess) | rated |
91116 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 3rd of March 2016 20:12:50 | (chess) | rated |
91120 | Stoyanov - Benreguia | 1-0 | 14th of March 2016 21:47:07 | (chess) | rated |
91123 | Joubert - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 11th of April 2016 15:05:13 | (chess) | rated |
91125 | Stoyanov - Strohmeier | 0-1 | 17th of August 2016 08:06:50 | (chess) | rated |
91126 | Hilbert - Stoyanov | 0-1 | 7th of March 2016 21:33:49 | (chess) | rated |
92317 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 9th of April 2016 21:32:01 | (chess) | rated |
92322 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1/2-1/2 | 8th of April 2016 20:44:07 | (chess) | rated |
92326 | Strohmeier - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of July 2016 01:44:46 | (chess) | rated |
92329 | Stoyanov - Pipac | 1-0 | 16th of June 2016 21:33:49 | (chess) | rated |
92331 | Kehayov - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 6th of August 2016 06:10:50 | (chess) | rated |
92333 | Stoyanov - Di Giandomenico | 1-0 | 16th of June 2016 23:02:30 | (chess) | rated |
92336 | Jerez - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 17th of August 2016 20:09:35 | (chess) | rated |
92341 | Stoyanov - Kehayov | 0-1 | 17th of August 2016 08:06:50 | (chess) | rated |
92345 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 12th of April 2016 21:03:17 | (chess) | rated |
92349 | Stoyanov - Benreguia | 0-1 | 17th of August 2016 08:06:50 | (chess) | rated |
92350 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1/2-1/2 | 8th of April 2016 20:36:45 | (chess) | rated |
92351 | Stoyanov - Strohmeier | 0-1 | 17th of August 2016 08:06:50 | (chess) | rated |
92612 | Bromo - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 16th of August 2016 07:57:56 | (chess) | rated |
92617 | Stoyanov - Salinas | 0-1 | 15th of July 2016 13:48:04 | (chess) | rated |
92621 | Segur - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 7th of July 2016 00:52:03 | (chess) | rated |
92624 | Stoyanov - Goldmund | 0-1 | 23rd of July 2016 02:37:57 | (chess) | rated |
92626 | Joubert - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 22nd of July 2016 02:24:39 | (chess) | rated |
92628 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 0-1 | 11th of July 2016 01:11:20 | (chess) | rated |
92673 | Salinas - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 21st of July 2016 02:20:41 | (chess) | rated |
92678 | Stoyanov - Bromo | 1-0 | 21st of April 2016 07:48:48 | (chess) | rated |
92682 | Goldmund - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of August 2016 19:40:03 | (chess) | rated |
92686 | Stoyanov - Belaz | 0-1 | 15th of July 2016 13:48:04 | (chess) | rated |
92687 | Pipac - Stoyanov | 1-0 | 15th of July 2016 13:48:04 | (chess) | rated |
92688 | Stoyanov - Puzanov | 0-1 | 20th of August 2016 08:16:04 | (chess) | rated |