16120 | Fenyves - Schwindling | 1-0 | 5th of February 2008 00:40:42 | (chess) | rated |
16125 | Schwindling - Dsouza | 0-1 | 3rd of February 2008 12:35:36 | (chess) | rated |
16129 | Lorena - Schwindling | 1-0 | 17th of January 2008 23:27:02 | (chess) | rated |
16132 | Schwindling - Gomez | 0-1 | 8th of January 2008 22:57:46 | (chess) | rated |
16134 | Archip - Schwindling | 1-0 | 5th of February 2008 00:40:42 | (chess) | rated |
16136 | Schwindling - Crozey | 0-1 | 5th of February 2008 00:40:42 | (chess) | rated |