16902 | Sahistu - Kis-Kos | 0-1 | 1st of May 2008 21:02:43 | (chess) | rated |
16907 | Saracino - Sahistu | 0-1 | 5th of February 2008 00:40:42 | (chess) | rated |
16911 | Sahistu - Colucci | 1/2-1/2 | 24th of February 2008 12:49:47 | (chess) | rated |
16914 | Fenyves - Sahistu | 1-0 | 28th of April 2008 20:50:43 | (chess) | rated |
16917 | Sahistu - Orlov | 0-1 | 22nd of February 2008 18:55:26 | (chess) | rated |
16918 | Kalinin - Sahistu | 1-0 | 6th of May 2008 09:13:54 | (chess) | rated |