Quintero, Raul (COL)  [FICGS member # 8139]
Informations , History , Norms , Tournaments , Games (only for connected players)
Raul Quintero
Raul Quintero has currently 0 running correspondence chess game(s), won 107, lost 79 and drawn 18 other games against an average elo of 1838, does not play advanced chess (fast time controls), played big chess, now 0 running, 11 won, 1 lost, 0 drawn, does not play Go (wei-ch'i, baduk), and does not play poker, finally Raul finished a total of 216 games and is not playing any game right now.
Correspondence chess statistics :
vs. Steve Vollmer (1843) : 75% (8 games, 5 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Ewald Gossmann (1942) : 7% (7 games, 0 wins, 6 losses)
vs. Mateia Benone (1550) : 16% (6 games, 1 wins, 5 losses)
vs. Jaroslav Pech (2240) : 50% (5 games, 2 wins, 2 losses)
vs. Marc-Antoine Leurette (1723) : 70% (5 games, 3 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Janusz Swiatek (2255) : 37% (4 games, 0 wins, 1 losses)
vs. Oleksandr Kuliy (1917) : 25% (4 games, 1 wins, 3 losses)
vs. Manuel Pintor (1751) : 100% (4 games, 4 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Emile Trigance (1858) : 100% (4 games, 4 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Giovanni Autobello (1676) : 100% (4 games, 4 wins, 0 losses)
Big chess statistics :
vs. John Rivenburg (1137) : 100% (2 games, 2 wins, 0 losses)
vs. Mateia Benone (1488) : 100% (2 games, 2 wins, 0 losses)

Raul's favorite game is : Chess
Why Raul likes Chess : I like my chess for ever.
Style of play : I'm positional
Is Raul addicted : No
Uses engines : No
Favorite engines : Stockfish
Other games played : GO and Spanish Scrabble
Favorite chess opening : English opening
Favorite chess player : Bobby zfischer
Favorite Go player : Lee Sedol
Languages spoken : Spamish
City : Bogota
Club : Alpha Zero
Mission : I good friend.
Interests : Chemistry lecture
Occupation : Chemestry teacher.
Favorite website : Chessbase.vom
Personal website : No
Facebook profile : Yes
Favorite movie : Starts wars
Favorite music style : Rolling Stone.
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