16713 | Lesslie - Challant | 1-0 | 25th of January 2008 11:40:21 | (chess) | rated |
16718 | Neil - Lesslie | 1-0 | 29th of February 2008 02:48:08 | (chess) | rated |
16722 | Lesslie - Pipac | 0-1 | 23rd of February 2008 14:21:15 | (chess) | rated |
16725 | Parmet - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 17:16:54 | (chess) | rated |
16728 | Lesslie - Richardson | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:13 | (chess) | rated |
16729 | Orden - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:17 | (chess) | rated |
16733 | Coll - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 17:17:44 | (chess) | rated |
16738 | Lesslie - Menzies | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:35 | (chess) | rated |
16742 | John - Lesslie | 1-0 | 11th of April 2008 07:18:41 | (chess) | rated |
16746 | Lesslie - Laghetti | 1-0 | 1st of February 2008 00:20:47 | (chess) | rated |
16747 | Martinez Camacho - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:38 | (chess) | rated |
16748 | Lesslie - Lopez | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:07 | (chess) | rated |
16857 | Menzies - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:40 | (chess) | rated |
16863 | Lesslie - Leurette | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:12 | (chess) | rated |
16864 | Florea - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:59 | (chess) | rated |
16865 | Lesslie - Dutta | 1-0 | 29th of January 2008 12:11:01 | (chess) | rated |
16866 | Kalinin - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:24 | (chess) | rated |
16867 | Lesslie - Malpalma | 0-1 | 12th of January 2008 14:36:40 | (chess) | rated |
16991 | Lesslie - Florea | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:03 | (chess) | rated |
16992 | Mazo - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:49 | (chess) | rated |
16993 | Lesslie - Nyman | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:34 | (chess) | rated |
16994 | Adams - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:56 | (chess) | rated |
16995 | Lesslie - Malbasic | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:49 | (chess) | rated |
16996 | Konig - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:42 | (chess) | rated |
17018 | Lesslie - Prestwood | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:54 | (chess) | rated |
17019 | Costacurta - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 17:17:11 | (chess) | rated |
17020 | Lesslie - Pipac | 0-1 | 24th of February 2008 14:25:23 | (chess) | rated |
17021 | Richardson - Lesslie | 1-0 | 26th of February 2008 02:38:28 | (chess) | rated |
17022 | Lesslie - Smith | 0-1 | 4th of March 2008 03:01:47 | (chess) | rated |
17023 | Pech - Lesslie | 1-0 | 7th of March 2008 15:26:11 | (chess) | rated |
17170 | Lesslie - Buhrmeister | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:05:45 | (chess) | rated |
17171 | Dats - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:29 | (chess) | rated |
17172 | Lesslie - Collet | 0-1 | 22nd of February 2008 14:01:48 | (chess) | rated |
17173 | Cridland - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:07:01 | (chess) | rated |
17174 | Lesslie - de Castet | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 17:17:03 | (chess) | rated |
17175 | Zaichenko - Lesslie | 1-0 | 23rd of February 2008 14:21:15 | (chess) | rated |
17478 | Taylor - Lesslie | 1-0 | 20th of February 2008 01:51:40 | (chess) | rated |
17485 | Lesslie - Thomas | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 01:06:46 | (chess) | rated |
17491 | Khachaturov - Lesslie | 1-0 | 22nd of February 2008 14:01:48 | (chess) | rated |
17496 | Lesslie - Graos | 0-1 | 21st of January 2008 17:17:36 | (chess) | rated |
17500 | Teias - Lesslie | 0-1 | 13th of February 2008 01:21:05 | (chess) | rated |
17503 | Lesslie - Krol | 1-0 | 8th of February 2008 12:51:40 | (chess) | rated |
17505 | Archip - Lesslie | 1-0 | 21st of January 2008 01:07:06 | (chess) | rated |
17507 | Lesslie - Stevens | 0-1 | 27th of February 2008 02:43:30 | (chess) | rated |