18624 | Garcia - Block | 0-1 | 18th of March 2008 16:12:48 | (chess) | rated |
18629 | Rosado - Garcia | 0-1 | 25th of May 2008 22:43:28 | (chess) | rated |
18634 | Garcia - Ruano | 1/2-1/2 | 14th of July 2008 21:09:25 | (chess) | rated |
18635 | Woodcock - Garcia | 0-1 | 14th of July 2008 03:41:08 | (chess) | rated |
18636 | Garcia - Griffin | 1-0 | 29th of April 2008 15:28:01 | (chess) | rated |
18637 | Richardson - Garcia | 1-0 | 23rd of March 2008 17:40:10 | (chess) | rated |
22978 | Nounet - Garcia | 0-1 | 30th of August 2008 07:41:34 | (chess) | rated |
22983 | Garcia - Engo | 1-0 | 28th of August 2008 18:01:02 | (chess) | rated |
22987 | Konuhov - Garcia | 1-0 | 8th of September 2008 23:34:47 | (chess) | rated |
22990 | Garcia - Inving | 1-0 | 4th of September 2008 08:42:09 | (chess) | rated |
22992 | Moulin - Garcia | 1-0 | 23rd of December 2008 15:32:31 | (chess) | rated |
22994 | Garcia - McAree | 0-1 | 1st of December 2008 22:37:10 | (chess) | rated |
36326 | Domanov - Garcia | 1-0 | 9th of January 2010 11:30:59 | (chess) | rated |
36331 | Garcia - Rakovic | 0-1 | 2nd of January 2010 08:20:39 | (chess) | rated |
36335 | Parmet - Garcia | 1-0 | 24th of January 2010 08:23:55 | (chess) | rated |
36338 | Garcia - Stankowski | 0-1 | 23rd of December 2009 07:55:22 | (chess) | rated |
36340 | Baha - Garcia | 0-1 | 30th of December 2009 08:17:08 | (chess) | rated |
36342 | Garcia - Budnar | 1-0 | 29th of November 2009 12:13:54 | (chess) | rated |