34203 | Fappiano - Abdelghani | 1/2-1/2 | 19th of August 2009 16:57:39 | (chess) | rated |
34208 | Panov - Fappiano | 1-0 | 3rd of September 2009 18:08:43 | (chess) | rated |
34212 | Fappiano - Joubert | 1-0 | 23rd of September 2009 21:42:45 | (chess) | rated |
34215 | Makosiej - Fappiano | 0-1 | 29th of March 2010 10:41:13 | (chess) | rated |
34217 | Fappiano - Kepinski | 0-1 | 18th of October 2009 11:42:16 | (chess) | rated |
34218 | Tellore Raghu - Fappiano | 0-1 | 11th of October 2009 21:18:53 | (chess) | rated |