8458 | Desormes - Taylor | 0-1 | 20th of April 2007 05:53:19 | (big_chess) | unrated |
8463 | Miranda - Desormes | 1-0 | 11th of April 2007 16:44:03 | (big_chess) | unrated |
8468 | Desormes - Lupinacci | 0-1 | 13th of April 2007 10:53:59 | (big_chess) | unrated |
8469 | Gaffagan - Desormes | 1-0 | 21st of April 2007 05:59:30 | (big_chess) | unrated |
8470 | Desormes - Baron | 1-0 | 2nd of April 2007 07:25:13 | (big_chess) | unrated |
8471 | Melquiades - Desormes | 0-1 | 26th of April 2007 06:49:58 | (big_chess) | unrated |
8544 | Desormes - Behrmann | 0-1 | 26th of April 2007 18:50:50 | (chess) | rated |
8549 | Sarihan - Desormes | 1-0 | 28th of April 2007 13:01:33 | (chess) | rated |
8553 | Desormes - Ruppert | 0-1 | 19th of April 2007 05:37:25 | (chess) | rated |
8556 | Rotaru - Desormes | 1-0 | 14th of April 2007 10:57:17 | (chess) | rated |
8559 | Desormes - Kuuse | 0-1 | 21st of April 2007 12:00:23 | (chess) | rated |
8560 | Surimi - Desormes | 0-1 | 25th of April 2007 18:41:04 | (chess) | rated |
8565 | Desormes - Behrmann | 0-1 | 27th of April 2007 00:51:50 | (chess) | rated |
8570 | Menzies - Desormes | 1-0 | 15th of April 2007 23:10:44 | (chess) | rated |
8574 | Desormes - Nent | 0-1 | 20th of April 2007 23:54:24 | (chess) | rated |
8577 | Burrows - Desormes | 1-0 | 27th of May 2007 17:16:17 | (chess) | rated |
8580 | Desormes - Gruwe | 0-1 | 3rd of May 2007 07:32:50 | (chess) | rated |
8581 | Toutaoui - Desormes | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2007 13:30:32 | (chess) | rated |
8608 | Gaffagan - Desormes | 1-0 | 21st of June 2007 14:16:38 | (chess) | unrated |
8613 | Desormes - Kis-Kos | 0-1 | 26th of May 2007 17:10:23 | (chess) | unrated |
8617 | Guzman - Desormes | 1-0 | 25th of May 2007 05:03:09 | (chess) | unrated |
8620 | Desormes - Werbickas | 1-0 | 16th of April 2007 23:16:29 | (chess) | unrated |
8622 | Porkolab - Desormes | 1-0 | 21st of June 2007 20:20:19 | (chess) | unrated |
8624 | Desormes - Pech | 0-1 | 3rd of May 2007 13:37:34 | (chess) | unrated |
8773 | Desormes - Gaffagan | 0-1 | 16th of May 2007 15:25:45 | (chess_960) | unrated |
8778 | Baron - Desormes | 0-1 | 2nd of April 2007 07:24:58 | (chess_960) | unrated |
8783 | Desormes - Porkolab | 0-1 | 21st of May 2007 10:22:58 | (chess_960) | unrated |
8784 | Koch - Desormes | 1-0 | 20th of April 2007 17:54:17 | (chess_960) | unrated |
8785 | Desormes - Pasiak | 0-1 | 22nd of April 2007 00:05:15 | (chess_960) | unrated |
8786 | Lopez - Desormes | 1-0 | 2nd of May 2007 01:26:51 | (chess_960) | unrated |
9279 | Desormes - Behrmann | 0-1 | 29th of April 2007 13:06:30 | (chess) | rated |
9284 | Miranda - Desormes | 1-0 | 27th of April 2007 06:53:57 | (chess) | rated |
9288 | Desormes - McKenna | 0-1 | 28th of April 2007 00:57:47 | (chess) | rated |
9291 | Rundgren - Desormes | 1-0 | 28th of April 2007 00:57:47 | (chess) | rated |
9294 | Desormes - Sharland | 0-1 | 27th of April 2007 06:53:57 | (chess) | rated |
9295 | Wyngaarden - Desormes | 1-0 | 27th of April 2007 06:53:57 | (chess) | rated |
9360 | Miranda - Desormes | 1-0 | 6th of May 2007 01:57:52 | (chess) | rated |
9366 | Desormes - Wyngaarden | 0-1 | 7th of May 2007 08:03:38 | (chess) | rated |
9367 | Lorena - Desormes | 1-0 | 9th of May 2007 20:29:24 | (chess) | rated |
9368 | Desormes - Podogov | 0-1 | 9th of May 2007 08:18:47 | (chess) | rated |
9369 | Rundgren - Desormes | 1-0 | 7th of May 2007 08:03:38 | (chess) | rated |
9370 | Desormes - Pech | 0-1 | 10th of May 2007 14:33:09 | (chess) | rated |
9549 | Behrmann - Desormes | 1-0 | 15th of May 2007 03:11:03 | (chess) | rated |
9555 | Desormes - Wyngaarden | 0-1 | 12th of May 2007 14:51:59 | (chess) | rated |
9556 | Turakainen - Desormes | 1-0 | 13th of May 2007 15:06:44 | (chess) | rated |
9557 | Desormes - Mason | 0-1 | 11th of May 2007 08:39:23 | (chess) | rated |
9558 | Flores - Desormes | 1-0 | 11th of May 2007 20:41:03 | (chess) | rated |
9559 | Desormes - Smith | 0-1 | 11th of May 2007 08:39:23 | (chess) | rated |
21307 | Desormes - Marcel | 1-0 | 23rd of June 2008 16:43:20 | (chess) | rated |
21312 | Diaz Felez - Desormes | 0-1 | 9th of July 2008 02:45:26 | (chess) | rated |
21316 | Desormes - Konuhov | 0-1 | 14th of July 2008 03:02:32 | (chess) | rated |
21319 | Hart - Desormes | 0-1 | 9th of August 2008 20:12:45 | (chess) | rated |
21321 | Desormes - Barradas | 0-1 | 18th of July 2008 15:22:26 | (chess) | rated |
21322 | Guralivu - Desormes | 1-0 | 5th of December 2008 22:50:55 | (chess) | rated |
21434 | Konuhov - Desormes | 1-0 | 17th of July 2008 15:14:18 | (chess) | rated |
21439 | Desormes - Morice | 1-0 | 7th of October 2008 10:55:08 | (chess) | rated |
21443 | Murittu - Desormes | 1-0 | 16th of July 2008 15:11:44 | (chess) | rated |
21447 | Desormes - Moody | 0-1 | 16th of July 2008 03:10:42 | (chess) | rated |
21448 | Higuita - Desormes | 1-0 | 18th of December 2008 02:54:54 | (chess) | rated |
21449 | Desormes - O Brien | 0-1 | 17th of July 2008 15:14:18 | (chess) | rated |
22506 | Desormes - Burden | 0-1 | 6th of September 2008 15:12:50 | (chess) | rated |
22513 | Khachaturov - Desormes | 1-0 | 14th of August 2008 22:14:22 | (chess) | rated |
22519 | Desormes - Riha | 0-1 | 23rd of July 2008 10:52:12 | (chess) | rated |
22524 | Delcaldo - Desormes | 0-1 | 18th of August 2008 06:22:13 | (chess) | rated |
22528 | Desormes - Natarajan | 0-1 | 18th of November 2008 09:24:24 | (chess) | rated |
22531 | Biason - Desormes | 0-1 | 10th of September 2008 09:01:17 | (chess) | rated |
22533 | Desormes - Inving | 1-0 | 13th of September 2008 09:42:13 | (chess) | rated |
22534 | Sedlarevic - Desormes | 0-1 | 7th of August 2008 17:16:17 | (chess) | rated |