16078 | Smith - Cervantes | 0-1 | 16th of December 2007 06:28:47 | (chess) | rated |
16083 | Cervantes - Perrotta | 1-0 | 12th of May 2008 09:41:01 | (chess) | rated |
16087 | Dsouza - Cervantes | 1-0 | 2nd of January 2008 19:40:59 | (chess) | rated |
16090 | Cervantes - Orden | 0-1 | 12th of May 2008 21:45:09 | (chess) | rated |
16092 | Richardson - Cervantes | 1-0 | 29th of December 2007 02:58:27 | (chess) | rated |
16094 | Cervantes - Tiberiu | 0-1 | 14th of December 2007 06:47:05 | (chess) | rated |