Nezumi, Mashi     (JPN)        [member # 10223]

Correspondence chess ELO : 0773      

Next page : History      (players connected to FICGS games server only)

See the personal page of Mashi Nezumi for more informations.

Statistics for rated correspondence chess games :

Running : 0         Won : 18         Lost : 144         Draw : 0

Elo average opponents : 1423

Results : 11 %           With white : 11 %           With black : 11 %

Statistics for other rated games : advanced chess, big chess, Go, poker

Advanced chess   1792     running : 0   won : 0   lost : 1   drawn : 0
Big chess   1282     running : 0   won : 5   lost : 23   drawn : 0
Go   0627     running : 0   won : 1   lost : 23
Poker holdem   1460     running : 0   won : 0   lost : 6

Birthdate :     1993   July   29

Last connection :   2024 May 4

I am just another chess amateur.

Mashi Nezumi

Last status : how is your chessing goin?

Favorite game : Chess

Likes Chess because : my mind needs it and coffee to function

Addicted : to chess yes

Uses engines : only as a study tool

Favorite engines : hemmy

Other favorite games : chess960

Favorite chess opening : Reti's opening

Favorite chess player : none

Favorite Go player : none

Favorite poker player : none

Favorite FICGS player : none

Languages spoken : English

City : Hiram, Georgia

Interests : creative writing, science, and literature

Favorite website :

Website :

Mashi Nezumi - Informations (Chess statistics)