importance of SEO

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andrewdick    (2011-07-11)
importance of SEO

Search engine optimization is a really important part of any successful website promotion. SEO is one of the best ways to promote a site because it?s one of the cheapest and one of the most effective ways of advertising.
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oliverfisher    (2011-07-12 11:49:08)
importance of SEO

In general, users do not make much use of the lists of favorites or bookmarks browsers provide systems and rarely directly typed the URL of the page you wish to go, because he might not know it.

Given this dynamic, web positioning strategies are critical . Since on the other hand, after a search of less than 40% of Internet users reached the second page of results that provides a search engine, and only 10% check to the third. This is where it is clear the need to achieve visibility and to achieve this we need to think like search engines to better communicate with them.

Google, Yahoo, MSN and company order their results through mathematical algorithms that undergo analysis hundreds of factors. Each company uses a different formula and the idea is not decipher.

The answer lies in the SEO . SEO is the acronym for "search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization) or" search engine optimizer "(Search Engine Optimizer), which gives us a series of clues and techniques to interpret the mode of operation search engines.


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steven83    (2011-08-16 23:04:17)
13 years ago

Search engine optimization helps a business to grow online. It is the best way to make your website valuable.


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kylefoster    (2011-08-24 22:51:47)
13 years ago

SEO is the very important thing for all web masters but especially for newbies.


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sunilsamuel    (2011-08-25 17:02:25)
13 years ago

SEO is one of the best way of promoting a website and increase its ranking in different search engines and now has has become need of every website that is newly developed. an good way to increase online sales and business.


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ze786    (2011-09-26 11:54:40)


13 years ago

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mrwetson12    (2011-10-05 19:02:40)
importance of SEO

SEO optemize the website make its visiblity more attractive and it is very useful in generating the traffic.


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mrpasture13    (2011-10-10 20:43:39)
13 years ago

SEO is very effective for promoting business online. it not only optemize website, its different techniques makes the online business more responsive.


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stevencrane    (2011-10-18 18:18:18)
13 years ago

SEO is best technique to optimize website online that is why it is best way to promote online business.


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johny21    (2011-10-18 20:20:23)
13 years ago

No doubt seo is best way for marketing a website but it is not a cheapest way as people paying more than 300 dollars for simple sites seo.tutors

jgarland    (2011-10-19 17:55:52)
13 years ago

If you're a business owner and you're looking to gain new customers, search and SEO are major ways to accomplish that. Many businesses count on word of mouth and repeat business. But how do they attract customers that don't know the name of their business? How do they attract customers that don't know they have a certain product?
SEO is the way to do that and you don't have to pay a fortune to do it. There are organizations out there that can help with you the fundamentals of SEO for a reasonable price. In fact, you may be surprised by who can help with your SEO. Your local newspaper is a familiar advertising source and many, now, can help you with SEO.


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karenpollard    (2011-11-11 20:08:42)
importance of SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the most effective way to promote your business or your web page.


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tommyhill    (2011-11-14 20:43:44)
13 years ago

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best option to promote your business or website online.


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frozen    (2011-11-16 08:48:45)
13 years ago

thank you for sharing this precious information with us... SEO is used for keyword searching tool.You get the opportunity to have your content changes indexed faster.It is of high importance for new sites to have a Sitemap: it speeds the process of indexing pages.

kade    (2011-12-08 18:29:10)


13 years ago

yes dear its one of the most important and successful website promotion and its reliable work i like and i have passion about it
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shopperpk    (2011-12-15 16:58:56)
13 years ago

No doubt SEO is a best, fastest and cheap way of promoting your business online wherever you want. There are number of companies providing very cheap services of seo.


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ilmkidunya    (2012-02-06 07:44:21)
importance of SEO

What is SEO? It is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. What exactly does SEO do? It is the method of analyzing and constructing individual web pages, as well as entire sites, so that they can be discovered, analyzed, and then indexed by various search engines.
SEO can make the content of your web pages more relevant, more attractive, and more easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software.
Why would this be of great importance to you? Would it be important to you if customers were unable to find your telephone number or find the address of your business? I do not think that many businesses could survive for very long in this situation.
This situation could apply to a web site. Can potential customers locate your current web site easily? Traffic to your web site could be extremely low. Potential customers might not even know that your site exists.
"Wait a minute!" you say. "We have a beautiful web site, and we include the web site address in all advertising campaigns. Why would people be unable to find our site?"
Of course, your current customers and persons already acquainted with your business would be likely to find your web site without difficulty. Wouldn’t they?
Are you absolutely sure that your advertising has reached enough potential customers? Did you consider that some people simply do not read the newspapers? How about people who didn’t get the issue of the magazine where you placed an expensive ad?
Did these people hear the WABC radio broadcast when your commercial aired? Were they watching channel 44 during the news hour? Were they on the direct mail list for which you paid thousands of dollars?
So how about those search engines that everyone uses? Potential customers will type a word or two into the box, hit ’Enter’, and immediately find a listing for your company’s web site. One more click and you have another visitor. Search engines sure are great, aren’t they?
Yes, they certainly are great, and the ’type-and-click’ scenario above does happen. More often than not, however, it doesn’t happen without a little work. Search Engine Optimization is that work.

Read more: Why SEO is important for your web site - SEO Workers ht*p://
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*nukuli    (2012-02-06 19:26:41)
13 years ago

There are many advantage in seo.A seo is a Global Reach.The people are easy online perches.If you can investing to help market situation.The administrative cost are decries. The People spend a lot of money with larger companies.

seosolutions84    (2012-06-07 08:30:47)
12 years ago

SEO is important for websites as it provides traffic, improves websites visibility, traffic, and page rank as well.



seosolutions84    (2012-06-08 09:01:15)
12 years ago

SEO is very important for websites as websites get visibility, traffic and page rank because of SEO only.



natevim    (2012-10-05 14:33:45)
12 years ago

Search Engine Optimizers are playing vital role in making the most successful and effective website marketing. They use many but most effective ideas to promote the website to make sure that brings traffic on it.

natevim    (2012-10-10 09:39:10)
importance of SEO

Search Engine Optimizers considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.

jasumin    (2012-10-10 13:18:48)
12 years ago

Search Engine Optimization is the best way to place the website on top five 5 position in the first page of the search engine. They promote the website and bring to the top level. This is very effective and also very cheapest way to bring the website on top.

jasumin    (2012-10-11 13:44:08)
12 years ago

Search Engine optimizer made the content of the website more relevant as well as more effective. Search engines and their crawling and indexing software are brilliantly work on it.
Why would this be of great importance to you? Would it be important to you if customers were unable to find your telephone number or find the address of your business? I do not think that many businesses could survive for very long in this situation.

shanewarne    (2012-11-20 09:50:16)
12 years ago

I would like to add some more to this topic. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a method used to increase the visibility of a website in search results. It can make your website appear at the top of the results, so that it can attract more visitors.


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seosailor    (2013-01-22 12:07:27)
12 years ago

The main aim of the seo is to get more traffic from diverse sources and to get repetitive visitors.


jaydejonh    (2013-02-04 13:31:51)
importance of SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very important for increasing page rank of your website in Google. It helps to increase visitors of your site. They can easily find your site by searching in Google.

robnicol    (2013-04-05 20:01:18)
11 years ago

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is actually used to make your website appear at the top of search results. It is important in that if you are able to bring your website at the top of search results, your website has more chances of being visited by users.

And it is always desirable by any website owner to have more visitors on his/her site.


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louvincent    (2013-04-27 03:23:57)
11 years ago

SEO is important because it helps you increasing the visibility of your website in search results. And we know if our website appears at the top of search results, it will have more chances of being visited by users.


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jamiehow    (2013-05-10 04:40:12)
11 years ago

Well, SEO helps increasing the visibility of a website in search results. It helps bringing traffic to your site. That is its main importance in my opinion.


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petersmith5544    (2013-06-24 12:40:24)
11 years ago

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is of great importance to your website. Without SEO the chances are that your website will not be ranked, viewed or make a profit.


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