chess max limit to join


chess max limit to join?

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Ranganathan Raman    (2009-04-03)
chess max limit to join?

how many games can i join?max each type

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-03 00:36:29)
number of games

Hello Raman, the max number of chess, big chess & Go games that you can join currently is 50. The same for poker games.

Ranganathan Raman    (2009-04-07 00:26:44)
min how many game to join any game?

min how many game to join any game? You have too many running games (11/50)

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-07 13:37:25)
Number of games limit

Hello Ranganathan, indeed there may have a small bug for a few days that displays the number of running poker games only, but you actually have more than 50 chess & Go running games now. I'll correct it soon, thanks !

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-07 15:42:29)

The bug has been fixed, also now you can enter a new chess or Go tournament if you exceed the number of poker games limit (50), and vice versa.

Ranganathan Raman    (2009-04-08 23:53:11)
today it show i can not join any game?

You have too many running games (54/50) any bug in the site

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-04-09 01:07:41)

That's normal, you currently have 54 running chess, chess 960, big chess or Go games.