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For starters, saxophonist San- born was in prime form. His keening, R&B-bred alto cut through the ballad "Lisa" and several up-tempo tunes like an acetylene torch. Duke sometimes strapped on a portable synthesizer that enabled him to bend and sustain notes in guitarlike fashion, the better to engage his band mates in spirited cutting contests and piercing call-and- response exchanges. During "Brazilian Love Song," Duke flirted with a pop-jazz lull, but mostly he and fellow vets Sanborn and Miller led their quintet through a colorful, rhythmically kinetic performance, with Miller's "Maputo," a Mozambique-inspired excursion, among the evening's biggest treats. Miller was joking, of course, raw denim jeans when he said that composing the go-go anthem "Dab Butt" marked the "pinnacle" of his artistic achievements. Yet, thanks to a surprise appearance by E.U.'s Sugar Bear, the song proved the perfect choice to cap the set on a boisterous, crowd- delighting note. Still, buyers should ask some basic questions of their agents. The Federal Trade Commission suggests a few: What is the commission you are interested in? Will you show me homes that offer lower commission rates? Sellers should also consider various scenarios when negotiating the commission, said Patrick Roach, an FTC attorney. For instance, what if the seller agrees to evenly split a 6 percent commission between two brokerages but the ultimate buyer has no agent? Should those savings go to the seller? "Is the listing agent's fee going to go from 3 percent to 6 percent?" Roach said. "It's something for sellers to think about." In retrospect, Yeshiva and Zolin concluded that the asking price — not the commission — was the issue they should have focused on from the start. They originally asked for $785,000 because a similar houses a few doors down had sold for that much. When they hired Long & Foster agents Meredith Margolis and Molly Peter in July 2010, the agents told them that neighboring house had a more impressive kitchen. The agents also told them that the sellers kicked in money toward closing costs, womens skinny jeans which means they netted less than $785,000. Upon their agents' advice, Yeshiva and Zolin slashed their asking price to $749,000. Their agents then went on to stage the home, creating two seating areas and a television space to make the house more attractive to families with children. They revamped the marketing materials and held open houses — something Yeshiva and Zolin had not done.

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