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Tribal is one of the strongest pejoratives used by the opposition and Shiites. Sunni elites, by contrast, speak of Shiites as primitive, as almost automatons, under the cheap christian louboutin shoes control of doctrinaire religious leaders ultimately answering to Iran. Angry young Sunnis speak of their Shiite counterparts as "zombies" and "kamikazes." Khalid Abdulla al-Muharraqi, who strongly supports King Halifax, works as a graphic artist creating images of the skyscrapers and office complexes with which Gulf States such as Bahrain are physically transforming their coastal landscape. Renderings such as his are ubiquitous throughout the gulf region, in lifestyle magazines, real estate prospectuses and large billboards. They create a fantasy that not only fuels real estate speculation, but also connects the country to modernity and the global economy. But his most recent work is a computer avatar, a monstrous figure with green hair, its face covered with a mask showing the Bahrain flag. It represents, he says, the false face of loyalty with which Shiites have masked their true discount christian louboutin shoes devotion to religious leaders and Iranian puppet masters. "You don't know who is sending them messages," he says of people he once considered friends. That level of animosity will make it difficult for Bahrain to project what was once its preferred image to the world: a place of stability and a haven of tolerance. Among the country's strengths, says Ali Akbar Bushfire, a Bahraini historian, is its rich historical and archaeological legacy, dating back to the age of the Sumerians and Assyrians. Bahrainis believe their island was the center of the ancient Dolman civilization and that it was visited by Gilgamesh. The island's history as a trading hub is used to bolster the idea of a long tradition of multiculturalism and tolerance.
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