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Officials said 8-year-old Bushy B.E. Shirk was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead. His mother, Eman S. Thabet, 29, was taken by helicopter to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where she was in stable condition Tuesday. The driver remained christian louboutin pumps at the scene and cooperated with police, authorities said. They said that a witness reported that the driver had a green light and that neither alcohol nor speed was thought to have been a factor in the crash. Defendant escaped from halfway house, stabbed victim, authorities say Tiffany Gates accepted more than 400 collect calls from her ex-boyfriend over three months while he was in jail. Jurors heard some of those calls Tuesday in D.C. Superior Court, where Roderick Ridley is charged with Gates's murder: "I hate you," says Gates, his voice resonating from the courtroom speakers in a recording played christian louboutin boots by Assistant U.S. Attorney Cynthia Wright. "I hope you die. I'm going to have to come out of here sometime. . . . I hate the ground you walk on. You have an enemy for life." On Nov. 21, 2008, authorities say, Ridley escaped from his minimum-security halfway house, broke into Gates's Southeast Washington apartment, and stabbed her in her face, neck and chest. One cut severed her carotid artery, authorities said; another collapsed her lung. As Gates screamed and tried to fight back, a federal marshal she had called for help waited for backup outside her apartment building. Ridley is charged with 40 counts, including first-degree premeditated murder and burglary in connection with Gates's slaying. His trial began Tuesday.
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