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red bottom shoes   (2012-03-13)

Court conservatives raised a number of practical concerns. Was this really the least intrusive method to achieve the goal? Should more recent red bottom shoes progress in Cali¬fornia have made its way into the court's calculation? Why should people who ha¬ven't directly suffered injustice benefit from the court's remedy?
The weightiest argument, however, came from Justice Antonin Scalia. He objects to judges adopting the role of politicians. He apparently does not object to judges adopting the hyperbole and snark of political columnists. Scalia's dis¬sent — employing the words "radical," "absurd," "outrageous" and "travesty" in the first three paragraphs — cries out for a less excitable editor. But he raises a seri¬ous matter red sole shoes of political philosophy. "Struc¬tural injunctions," such as the one issued by the federal panel, turn "judges into long-term administrators of complex so¬cial institutions such as schools, prisons and police departments." Courts are
Why the GOP can beatObamain 2012
It is fashionable among conservative pundits and GOP operatives to bemoan the state of the Republican presidential prima¬ry race. But even without a Paul Ryan (Wis.) or a New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in the race, there is still a good shot at beating President Obama — the best shot at upset¬ting an incumbent president, I would ar- gue, since1992.

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