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Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Sacred Relic Sword   (2024-06-11)

Sacred Relic Sword (A Tier)

The final boss weapon with two handing of Elden Ring Items great swords is slightly improved. This weapon is better than it was but it's still best in PVE with its holy damage where enemies are weak to that, of course it has the crazy wide range Ash of War for farming runes we all know and it's a cool looking weapon with a Golden VoW. Its output is just fine and its AOE potential is the best in the game, on that alone we think it deserves to be an A grade. But in PvP that Ash of War is still really never going to land, people seem to be able to avoid it super well, in Ash of War that's where that will shine where people aren't able to pay attention as much. And the fact that you can cover so much ground with the Ash of War makes a difference there.

Elden Ring 1.07 Best Faith Weapon B TierUnblockable Blade (B Tier)

With the older Ash of War on Unblockable Blade, the sword remain kind of poor at that point. In 1.07 things have changed though, the FB cost is down and the movement speed is faster meaning you can throw it out in combos or even land it without major issues now a relevant and viable Ash of War. The other Unblockable Blade also had its attack power increase in this patch as well as better recovery time, so they've both been improved, the ash part of this weapon was the thing that was lacking the most and they've specifically targeted that. But there is still only holy damage as weapons, so enemies that are resistant to that it's always going to be a problem, that's why we put them at a high B grade.

Inseparable Sword (B Tier)

A lot of people took issue with this weapon, in defense it was indeed literally the worst weapon if you just use the banished sword and put on the same Ash of War, so by comparison this weapon really wasn't worth acknowledging at the time. However, we have had some improvements since then, great swords in two hand which this weapon is perfect for have been improved, its Ash of War was specifically improved as well, the motion speed of that and the range of the blade itself was buffed so the speed was massive for its viability and use but the range was really nice. Further, the weapon will deal damage too, further on the Ash of War the hit of the weapon will also deal damage, meaning if you use it like close up melee distance you'll get an extra burst as the sword hits as well as the holy sort of Ash of War. Finally the attack power of the buff itself was improved and it lasts way longer, so clearly this web weapon is improved, as well as it being an undeniable very cool looking sword with a pretty fairly unique Musa. The problem is again, the banished sword exists it's the same move set, you can put the same Ash of War on it, but this weapon is in a better place and a good place at that.

Siluria's Tree (B Tier)

Siluria's Tree is also newly made it to the tier list, a coolest spear that some of The Crucible Knights use, it has had some improvements itself. Specifically the Ash of War Siluria's Woe has had its motion speed massively improved which means you can actually land the thing in PvP against those that's trying to avoid it, so some relevance improvements there. But it deals more damage in PVE, it comes with its own hyper armor so you can trade with the Ash of War now. And the weapon has damage detection as well, so you can use it at melee range, hit with a weapon and the Ash of War, and get an even bigger burst. You can tap the Ash of War and it'll do a quick slam down in a holy explosion at close range, or if you hold it, it'll charge up and shoot out this beam of light at a very respectable range, that beam can now penetrate enemies meaning you can get multiple hits or AOE possibilities. So that's a massive improvement for this weapon in the Ash of War specifically in various ways which is really all it needed, the weapon was always solid as a great spear with buy Elden Ring Items a good moveset but now it's a really good pick.

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