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Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Upgrade the Crowbar   (2024-06-04)

Board Ships for More Rewards: Instead of Skull and Bones Silver sinking enemy vessels, board them to claim extra rewards such as repair kits and silver. Master the art of boarding to maximize your plunder without destroying valuable loot.

Upgrade the Crowbar to Farm Shipwrecks: Unlock access to hidden treasures by upgrading your crowbar, essential for plundering shipwrecks scattered throughout the game world. Invest in upgrading tools for faster farming and greater wealth.

Auto Harvest: Streamline your resource gathering process by enabling auto-harvest in the options menu. Focus on the adventure without worrying about manual harvesting mechanics.

Sell Commodities in Demand: Maximize your profits by selling high-demand commodities at settlements and traders offering premium prices. Keep an eye out for fluctuating market prices to cheap Skull and Bones Silver capitalize on lucrative trading opportunities.

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