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Mmoexp: Path of Exile has to offer   (2024-05-31)

9 Worried: Difficulty
These nightmares have modifiers that make them more dangerous than your average monsters. For leveling, this is going to be an amazing change of pace for Path of exile currency those who've mastered the 10 Act campaign Path of Exile has to offer. For endgame players, this will also be fantastic to give Maps that extra risk and reward factor to them.

Since these monsters have powerful modifiers that make them tougher than most enemies, this can result in some odd difficulty spikes if Grinding Gear Games doesn't balance it properly.

8 Excited: Economy Refresh
Of course, players can skip interacting with the mirror altogether if they wish to not participate with the mechanic, but then they are missing out on the whole point of the league. Since these nightmares also give existing enemies powerful talents, it could make leveling a complete nightmare or, worse yet, result in only a small subset of builds capable of beating endgame bosses like the Conquerers or Siris.

Tied to every league release is a fresh slate for every player, veteran or newcomer. Players will have to level characters from scratch with no items carrying over from POE currency Standard or past leagues.

RELATED: Path Of Exile: Top 10 Tips To Survive Metamorph League

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