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Mmoexp: the tumultuous experience Skull & Bones   (2024-05-24)

Sure, Valhalla was bigger than ever. But Eivor doesn't bring as many completely new takes on what an Assassin can be as Skull and Bones Silver Edward did. Black Flag deserved to have its world explored, and much more importantly, the Ubisoft devs never deserved the tumultuous experience Skull & Bones has wrought. If we could turn back time, it's obvious which choice Ubisoft should have made.Skull & Bones Doesn’t Have A Place In Today’s Gaming Landscape Skull And Bones Still In Development Hell Because Of Singapore Government Ubisoft Is Still Making Skull & Bones Because A Deal With The Singapore Government Won't Let It Die By Issy van der Velde Published Jul 20, 2021 “Nobody knew what the fuck they were doing,” said an ex-developer. According to a report by Kotaku, a deal with the Singaporean government is helping to keep Ubisoft's ambitious pirate game, Skull & Bones, afloat. The game was initially planned as an expansion to Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, back in 2013, but since then has been in design hell due to "a classic case of buy Skull and Bones Silver mismanagement for eight years,”

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