You Can Sell Anything on eBay

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*94be06    (2009-02-15)
You Can Sell Anything on eBay

You Can Sell Anything on eBay – Or Can You?
You Can Sell Anything on eBay – Or Can You?

Over 100 million people are members of eBay.
Through eBay, you can buy items in almost any
category that you can imagine – at great prices.
You can also sell almost anything you can
imagine on eBay – people often sell items that have
absolutely no real value for very high prices. There
are limits, however, to what can be bought and sold.

eBay does not allow certain items to be auctioned
through their website. Services are one type of ‘item’
that cannot be auctioned – simply because it is not
an item. Some seller’s blatantly ignore this however.
The sell of other items is illegal, even if it isn’t being
sold through eBay. eBay restricts the sale of any
type of item that is considered ‘illegal for sale’ in any
other selling format. Illegal items such as satellite
descramblers are forbidden as well.

Anything that is copyrighted - such as copies of
DVDs, CDs, or software - may not be sold through
eBay auctions. You can, however, sell a DVD, CD,
or any software that you bought legitimately…as
long as you are not just selling a copy that you
made of these types of items. eBay does not allow
the sale of ‘replicas.’ A replica is a knockoff version
of designer items, such as purses, dresses, shoes,
or sunglasses that look identical to those that have
designer labels.

Items that are regulated by the state or federal
government are forbidden on eBay. These items
include alcoholic beverages, weapons and firearms,
all tobacco products, and both prescription and
illegal drugs. There are small exceptions to this rule,
however. If you have a collectable, such as a tin that
contains tobacco, you may sell that item if the
package has never been opened, and if you state the
contents of the package are not meant for
consumption. There are other conditions that must be
met as well when selling these types of collectables.

Any type or breed of animal or reptile may not be
sold through an eBay auction. This includes animals
that were once living, and are now stuffed and
mounted. This rule may also apply to items that are
taken from endangered species, such as Ivory. When
it comes to these types of items, when in doubt,

Tickets may be sold, but it is illegal to sell tickets
for a higher price than you originally paid for them.
This is called ticket scalping, and it is illegal.
Lottery tickets are also banned from eBay
auctions, as well as raffle tickets. Again, if you are
not sure if your item is eligible for an eBay auction,
either don’t put it up for auction, or contact eBay to
get an answer one way or the other. Don’t risk
breaking the law!

Wish to Harness The FULL Potential of eBay?
Use This Revolutionary Tool Now!

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