Yamaha YTS-875EX Custom Tenor Saxophone

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sinotrade    (2009-07-05)
Yamaha YTS-875EX Custom Tenor Saxophone

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Yamaha YAS-82ZB Professional Alto Saxophone Black..$600
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Yamaha YTS-62II Professional Bb Tenor Saxophone....$550
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Yamaha YSS-675 Professional Soprano Sax............$700
Yamaha YAS-875EX Custom Alto Saxophone.............$650
Yamaha YTS-475 Intermediate Bb Tenor Saxophone.....$500
Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone....$400
Yamaha YTS-875S Tenor Sax......................$750
Yamaha YTS-23 Tenor Sax........................$450
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Yamaha YSS-875EX Custom EX Soprano Saxophone...$700
Yamaha YTS-82ZU Professional Tenor Saxophone...$700
Yamaha YAS-82ZU Professional Alto Saxophone Unlacquered...$550
Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver........$600
Yamaha YAS-62IIS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver.......$500
Yamaha YTS-82ZB Professional Tenor Saxophone..............$700
Yamaha YTS-82ZS Professional Tenor Saxophone..............$700
Yamaha YTS-62IIS Professional Tenor Sax...................$600
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*rodrigo    (2009-12-15 18:07:22)
Yamaha YTS-875EX Custom Tenor Saxophone

vocês entregam no Brazil, São Paulo

*bijaje    (2010-08-24 20:53:50)
14 years ago

I am Interested in buying the yamaha YTS-82ZB tenor sax. How do I do So.

*najezo    (2010-08-25 16:30:06)
14 years ago

I wouldn't buy this on the internet, be careful of scams!

*jucuxu    (2011-12-07 06:05:04)
13 years ago

How can I buy yamaha saxophone?

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