Yahoo! optimization

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markfisher    (2011-12-30)
Yahoo! optimization

Is it better to build a small business site in yahoo or google to get better optimization?
I'm going to be needing a small business website and i've heard it's better to let Yahoo or Google host it to get better and quicker optimization and seen better. Also, I will be using a photo gallery (i'm a fishing guide) and what photo gallery is good to embed that picks up easily in the search engines. Right now I use Photobucket and it doesn't optimize worth anything.
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webdesignperth    (2012-09-07 20:53:04)
Yahoo! optimization

but question is that how many people use yahoo as search engine. I think 80% people uses google as a search engine.

santiago    (2013-04-11 11:42:52)
11 years ago

Back in the dawn of the Internet, Yahoo! was the most popular search engine. When Google arrived, its indisputably precise search results made it the preferred search engine. However, Google is not the only search engine and it is estimated that about 20-25% or searches are conducted on Yahoo! Another major player on the market is MSN, which means that SEO professionals cannot afford to optimize only for Google but need to take into account the specifics of the other two engines (Yahoo! and MSN) as well.
Optimizing for three search engines at the same time is not an easy task. There were times, when the SEO community was inclined to think that the algorithm of Yahoo! was on deliberately just the opposite to the Google algorithm because pages that ranked high in Google did not do so well in Yahoo! and vice versa. The attempt to optimize a site to appeal to both search engines usually lead to being kicked out of the top of both of them.


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