Windows 7 problems ?

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*kiki    (2009-04-07)
Windows 7 problems ?


I'd like to know if Windows 7 may be installed on a computer that runs Windows Vista and that encounters many problems with it. Actually this computer is quite recent, less than 3 years, but it quickly became really slow and now it's like I can only write documents, the windows are so long to open or to close. I can't run any game in example.

So my questions are :

Is Windows 7 really faster than Windows Vista ?
Is it possible to upgrade Windows Vista to Windows 7 ?
Is it possible to download Windows 7 for free online ?
Are there security problems in Windows 7 ?
Why wouldn't you recommend to install Windows 7 ?
Would it be an idea to return to Windows XP ?

Thanks for your answers.

(more options below)

*4af5d3    (2009-10-15 13:11:21)

*gacama    (2010-05-16 18:34:18)
14 years ago

Why won't windows 7 work hercules rmx console?

jimmysen    (2012-08-30 13:25:27)
12 years ago

Contact to microsoft for the solution of those problems.



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