What is the use of alexa ranking?

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seoleaders    (2008-05-07)
What is the use of alexa ranking?

I am bit confused about the role that alexa ranking plays in SEO and First off all I am not getting that having big figures is good or having small figures is good?please help me out.

(more options below)

moderator    (2008-05-09 05:05:50)


Alexa traffic

Having small figures is good, but Alexa value is worth about nothing for small traffics as it's quite easy to get under 100,000

seoleaders    (2008-05-09 17:05:00)

Friend Thanks for information but can you tell how to maintain this small figures?

moderator    (2008-05-09 18:22:37)


Alexa trick

Just download the Alexa toolbar and connect to your website everyday with different internet addresses...

healthtourism    (2011-06-25 12:16:30)
13 years ago

It's traffic rank by yahoo.
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