What is Marketing?
Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. ht*p://www.bizblogged.com wood (2011-09-12 21:52:20) What is Marketing? Affiliate marketing is a revenue-sharing venture between a website owner and an online merchant. The website owner places advertisements on the site to either help sell the merchant's products or to send potential customers to the merchant's website. This is done in exchange for a share of the profits. There are three ways to earn money through affiliate marketing. They are called pay per click, pay per sale and pay per lead. __________ Windows DC msalexander (2011-09-14 21:03:15) 13 years ago Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. methew586 (2011-09-20 21:59:57) 13 years ago it is a stretegy to promote the business. it has many forms like Email marketing, affiliate marketing etc. __________ Tie Downs rhode312 (2011-09-22 22:44:55) 13 years ago it is just the way to approach the people or to make one's product aware to the people. __________ Rhode Island Assisted Living msrhode312 (2011-09-26 20:37:58) 13 years ago The action or business of promoting and selling products or services is called marketing. __________ Patio Furniture westcoasth12 (2011-09-29 21:36:43) What is Marketing? A business to promote products and services, is called marketing. __________ Home Inspection Los Angeles mrwetson12 (2011-10-05 18:59:16) 13 years ago The business of promoting produts and services, called marketing. __________ Orange County Property Appraisal mrpasture13 (2011-10-10 20:40:46) 13 years ago a business of promoting services and products is called MArketing. __________ Security System shanelouis (2011-10-14 17:29:48) 13 years ago a business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ Blog.FirstCredit.net - A Blog about Personal Finance News cruise14 (2011-10-26 21:16:11) 13 years ago The business which promotes the products and services, using different techniques is called Marketing. __________ Best Retirement Community russel18 (2011-10-27 19:06:26) What is Marketing? marketing is the business which promotes the products and services. __________ minneapolis business bankruptcy lawyer randy15 (2011-10-31 20:39:47) 13 years ago the business which promote the products and services is called marketing. ralstonl14 (2011-11-03 17:07:59) 13 years ago Marketing is just the business to Promote services and products. brianwilson (2011-11-23 17:01:51) 13 years ago The business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ Movers in Wisconsin madison41 (2011-11-24 20:45:51) 13 years ago The business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ madison accountant brianwilson (2011-11-25 22:29:52) What is Marketing? Marketing is the type of business which provided services to promote the products and services. __________ Movers in Wisconsin inetglobalsolut (2011-12-01 20:27:37) 13 years ago The business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ seo services reputation (2011-12-02 16:59:21) 13 years ago Marketing is some sort of business which is used to promote the products and services. __________ Reputation Management brianwilson (2011-12-09 17:18:29) 13 years ago The business of promoting products and services for any organization or individual. is called Marketing. __________ Movers in Wisconsin drivinglessons (2011-12-09 19:13:29) 13 years ago Marketing is very important part of any business organization, it promotes the products and services. __________ Male Female Automatic corbanjoseph (2012-01-16 16:53:42) What is Marketing? The business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ fashion and style vickyrough (2012-01-16 21:12:55) 12 years ago Any kind of business which is favorable for promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ Digital Marketing Madison WI husselhuff12 (2012-01-23 22:11:05) 12 years ago The business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ <a href="ht*p://www.madcitymoving.com/">Movers in Janesville Wisconsin</a> flight12 (2012-04-11 21:27:20) 12 years ago The Business of promoting products and services is called marketing. __________ <a href="ht*p://www.experienceflight.com.au/"> Experience Flight </a> daniel12 (2012-04-18 19:51:54) 12 years ago Promotion of Products and Services is called Marketing. It is a backbone of an Organization. __________ Vitiligo billykane1 (2012-05-21 20:36:08) What is Marketing? Thanks a lot friends for sharing your useful views and opinions i really appreciate it. __________ Help Desk Consulting See also ficgs More websites You must register to see these links, as this is a collaborative page, then you may change the order of the links by clicking the icons before the titles. admin Other websites The following links might be less relevant, please change their ranks if you find them useful. Marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia > wiki/Marketing
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