Webmaster forum, 120 $ revenue per month

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talks_44    (2008-05-01)
Webmaster forum, 120 $ revenue per month

The site is 1 year Old site.

Details :
URL : www.new-talks.com
Established : 01 April 2007
Uniques/Month : 7 000
Page views/month : 100,000
Monthly Revenue : $120 USD
Alexa Rank : 220,000 and getting lower
PR : 2

This site is about one year old, and among this period I have over 400 members registered, good quality search engine, and manually directory submission - more than 2000 unique directories; forums advertise each month. Blog posting and press release for advertise.
  The content of New-talks is based on tutorials and Photoshop plugins and resources, free 3D Logos, Free Brushes, Icons. Also CSS, Flash and other webmaster techniques resources.

Script/Design : Free SMF [version 1.1.5]
BW use : 7 – 9 GB per month

I can accept payments only with paypal

Starting price : 1800 $
BIN : 2500 $

Best Regards

(more options below)

*internaut    (2008-05-07 00:27:33)
Webmaster forum

Hello, just a question : Why to sell this forum ?

*e38f41    (2010-03-14 17:51:31)
14 years ago

check out our webmaster forum for interesting discussions

alice71bill72    (2011-08-02 02:10:05)
13 years ago

I use DVDVideoMedia Free Video Converter, It is free, and work fine

adiwilson    (2011-08-10 08:30:48)
13 years ago

Dr. Ben Amini, one of the most prominent San Francisco cosmetic dentists, is the founder of CitiDent and has improved San Franciscans' smiles for over fifteen years. He is one of the first few certified Invisalign dentists in California to receive his certificate in 1998.


San Francisco Dentist

rafealadam    (2011-08-16 09:49:53)
13 years ago

LG Collision offers comprehensive collision repair services! We provide service like no other repair shop in town. How many collision centers have you heard of who offer free mobile estimates and towing? Not only that, we save your deductible up to $1,000!


Auto Body Phoenix

danielaustin    (2011-08-19 09:03:01)
Webmaster forum, 120 $ revenue per month

We are horse people who are experienced in the travel industry. Loving adventure, a good horse and great company, we expect our tours to offer all of these to you. We are horsewoman seeking adventure with safety and comfort if we choose to travel solo and men who are seeking a challenge. Our riding ability ranges from novice to advanced. We seek out both relaxing and exhilarating experiences.


France Equestrian Tours

richardalbert    (2011-08-23 09:44:19)
13 years ago

Our wide product range allows us to evaluate customer requirements in our labs and offer the best solution to satisfy your needs. From the precise heated of delicate components to larger, robust process heating, RDO Induction will strive to offer you an ideal solution for your requirements.


Induction Heating Equipment

walsh    (2011-08-25 08:58:55)
13 years ago

Dr.Maria louella M.Nabong, completed her pediatric  residency at Hahnemann University Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Crozer-chester Medical Center in Upland, Pennsylvania.
She attended Medical school at the University of the east Roman Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center in the Philppines.


Baby Doctor

*jidelo    (2019-04-13 08:56:06)
5 years ago

Трикотаж – использованный материал, структура коего предполагает объединенные среди собою петли. Неповторимость трикотажа в этом, то что его основание пристают, а никак не ткут. Его нитка трикотажа способен являться суконный, полинозной, хэбэшной, искусственной. Одежда текстиль использует огромным спросом, таким образом равно как возлюбленная выполняется с естественных либо хэбэшных нитей и по этой причине возлюбленная весьма комфортна. Материал долгое время хранит трикотажные ткани неизменный тип, никак не мнется. В одеже с трикотажа весьма комфортно в парилке, возлюбленная дает возможность шкуре подышать и впитывает воду, делаясь высохшей из-за ряд мин., а в мороз текстиль никак не обеспечит для вас застыть, делаясь в пути термообмена с находящейся вокруг сферой. Одежда текстиль начала до такой степени употребляемой в обыденности, то что никак не отыщется здания, в коем б никак не существовало одежи с трикотажа. Одеяние текстиль подойдет, равно как народам посредственного года, таким образом и детям и престарелым народам.

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