UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1

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tdv    (2006-12-21)
UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1

Did anyone notice any difference in search engines results with different page formats : UTF-8, ISO 8859-1 ... ?

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tdv    (2006-12-21 16:57:53)

.. I've read in other forums there's no difference at all.

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 [thelist] UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1
lists.evolt > archive/Week of Mon 20020930/123855

 UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1 - bytes
bytes > groups/html/96125

 UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, PHP and XHTML
webmasterworld > forum88/2256.htm

What happens when someone pastes UTF-8 text into a form and I want to...
If inserted straight into a MySQL DB and pulled back out and put on a...

 UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ
cl.cam.ac > ~mgk25/unicode

 UTF-8 Unicode and ISO-8859-1
stanford > ~laurik/fsmbook/faq/utf8

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Warning: Some UTF-8 editors insert an optional BOM (Byte Order Mark)...

 Joomla! • Information
forum.joomla > viewtopic.php?f=309&t=278978

 Problem with special characters iso-8859-1/utf-8 (with solution) | activeCollab
activecollab > forums/topic/666

 Support Forum • View topic - Utf-8 and iso-8859-1 troubles
stadtaus > forum/t 6661

Sind Sie selbständig oder freiberuflich tätig oder...
Mundpropaganda ist ein kaum steuerbares, aber dennoch...

 Dokeos Forum :: View topic - Codification: UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
dokeos > forum/viewtopic.php?t=13032

 Re: UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1 and really screwed up webpages.
mail archives.apache > mod mbox/tomcat users/200212.mbox/%3Catucg6$2ip$1@main.gm

 Legacy ISO-8859-1 MSSQL db and UTF8 rails app - Ruby Forum
ruby forum > topic/122881

Dear Tomasz I'll never be able to thank you enough for this recode...
so this is for a one time conversion of the whole db? i don't have...

 String conversions UTF8 <-> ISO-8859-1
openldap > lists/openldap devel/200304/msg00123

 An Unexpected Error has occurred.
supportforums.blackberry > rim/board/message?board.id=BlackBerryEnterpriseSoluti

 UTF-8 or iso-8859-1 input to CGI.pm
perlmonks > ?node id=747416

 Repairing broken documents that mix UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 // plasmasturm.org
plasmasturm > log/416

 ISO-8859-1 vs UTF-8: WB not running on ISO-8859-1 server
forum.websitebaker2 > index.php?topic=13466.0

 utf-8 vs. iso-8859-1 // Troubleshooting // Forum // Mint: A Fresh Look at your Site
haveamint > forum/troubleshooting/154/utf 8 vs iso 8859 1

 [H-GEN] UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1
lists.humbug.org > archives/general/2006 June/025963

 utf-8 OR iso-8859-1 for website encoder (charset) ? [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums
ubuntuforums > archive/index.php/t 541590

utf-8 OR iso-8859-1 for website encoder (charset)...
Why should one be used over the other? Are there advantages or...

 WordPress MU › UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1(5) « WordPress MU Forums
mu.wordpress > forums/topic.php?id=34

 [vorbis-dev] UTF-8 to ISO 8859-1 converter
lists.xiph > pipermail/vorbis dev/2000 October/001715

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' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the...

 [jdom-interest] Character encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1
jdom > pipermail/jdom interest/2002 February/008660

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[jdom-interest] Character encoding from UTF-8 to...
_______________________________________________ To control your...

 Linux - howto convert iso-8859-1 charset html files into utf-8 charset files
kriyayoga > love blog/post.php/224

 HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> >
melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba > ~garabik/debian utf8/howto

 From ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
simplemachines > community/index.php?topic=30624.0

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You could use iconv, assuming you have it compiled into PHP, or MySQL...

 Convert from Unicode to utf-8 to iso-8859-1 and back to utf-8
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 De UTF8 a ISO-8859-1
archives.postgresql > pgsql es ayuda/2008 04/msg00439.php

 Nabble - Perl - Mailbox - charset convert from utf-8 to ISO-8859-1
nabble > charset convert from

 ISO-8859-1 vs UTF-8 | The Dojo Toolkit
dojotoolkit > forum/dojo core dojo 0 9/dojo core support/iso 8859 1 vs

 UTF-8 x iso-8859-1 - osCommerce Community Support Forums
forums.oscommerce > index.php?showtopic=308527

 Character set problems (charset, iso-8859-1, utf-8, ...) - Mambo - Forums Closed for posting
forum.mamboserver > showthread.php?t=7766

 UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 xchat converter « Labix Blog
blog.labix > 2003/10/24/utf8 to iso 8859 1 xchat converter

 MySQL :: Charsets, Encoding, iso-8859-1 / utf-8
forums.mysql > read.php?103,182492,182492


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