UK Chat Room

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*zimera    (2010-06-24)
UK Chat Room


Offers one of the best chat rooms in the UK. If you want to try out a new UK Chat Room then try us here:

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*vicopu    (2010-07-06 20:52:14)
UK Chat Room


is an awesome uk chat room!!
if anyone is wondering what a chat room is well its a virtual place on the Internet where people from all walks of life from around the world can get together in one place and textually chat with one another. The only two things a person needs to connect to a chat room are a computer and an internet connection of any speed. Chat rooms allow users to converse in real time rather than posting through emails or forums which can result in a delayed response. Online Chat is a way of communicating by sending text  messages to people in the same chat-room in real-time. Some chat rooms such as Yahoo! use both text and voice simultaneously. The oldest form of true chat rooms are the text-based variety.


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